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the problem with screens

Evren and Angela both make good points. I also wonder about why assigned reading seems so much more difficult to do, even if the subject matter/content of the reading is interesting to the person doing the reading. And I definitely do not like doing reading on a screen (computer, ipad, kindle, etc.). There is something pleasing and more absorbing about reading a physical book. Sometimes I feel like a computer screen allows a certain kind of disconnection for the reader and I don't know if it would make a difference if the reading was interesting or not. To me, the worst way to do an assigned reading would be if I found it uninteresting and via screen. But that seems to be the way educational tools are evolving (well, not necessarily the uniteresting part)... so do I need to start sucking it up and read things on screen? Or can I just refuse to change like any grumpy old person who's too stuck in their own ways?


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