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Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities
Remote Ready Biology Learning Activities has 50 remote-ready activities, which work for either your classroom or remote teaching.
Narrative is determined not by a desire to narrate but by a desire to exchange. (Roland Barthes, S/Z)
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Notes from Group Discussion
a. For group consideration: "if nothing is true, what are we teaching/should we teach our kids?"
i. Ask questions so that kids can accumulate knowledge to gain some sense of truth (or truth as they see it) knowing that it may change; apply inquisitory skills
ii. Gain a better self realization of own place in the world and emotional attachment
iii. Gain a comprehensive understanding of facts and general knowledge
iv. Train them to be critical thinkers
v. Function in society and understand social norms and know the origin of your beliefs and where they fall/are affected by society
1. Goal is to live a happy fulfilled life
vi. People want/need a version of truth for boundaries in a world where there is not truth
1. Time being linear vs. cyclical
2. Evren- no necessity for truth in a world where nothing is true; natural to have some sense of truth to satisfy a need for absolutes
3. Abbey- it’s intuitive to need truth because of the natural construct of the brain
a. Religion as an example
b. The Invention of Lying
vii. Wouldn’t change much about adolescent education
1. Cultural norms that children should be taught in order to function in the world; important of training them as critical thinkers; need for expansion of personal understanding of knowledge thru high school
a. Need to know how to write
2. In college, should be critical thinkers and are able to create their own truth and decide how to pursue truth for themselves
3. Constantly teach kids that there are different opinions about the same topic/idea; tolerance of other cultures, ideas, etc