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rachelr's picture

evaluation: an estimating of value

 So far I am really enjoying the direction of the course, and I think the variety of material that we will be covering over the course of the upcoming quarter will bring in a lot of different angles and perspectives on nonfiction. Looking back on the past quarter, however, I feel like we have had a lot of arguments and point-proving sessions that have drifted away from our main points. I live that in the class we can stray from the main point and explore new ideas surrounding it, but this is only constructive when the class is having a discussion, not always an argument. So looking at the material that we will be covering starting next week I am beginning to better see what ckosarek was mentioning in her posts and in class- we are going to be covering many controversial issues, and I feel that with the many varied and strong opinions of our class we could really stray from constructive conversation and critical discussions and lead into arguments about values and political beliefs. Hopefully we will be able to control this- I know I can see myself getting frustrated. 


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