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veritatemdilexi's picture

"At the very deepest level, all our secrets are the same." (68)

   I am so happy that racheir brought up the Frey/Oprah scandal.  I think that the scandal around Frey's "A Million Little Pieces" captures what we are searching for in this class: does a story have to be one hundred percent factually accurate to have truth?  I have to agree with David Shields' argument that it if parts of Frey's story are fabricated this fact does not detract from the "truth" of Frey's story.  

  My favorite statement of David Shields in "Reality Hunger: A Manifesto" is, 68 "At the very deepest level, all our secrets are all the same." (Shields 27).  I think that Shields demonstrates in "Reality Hunger" that we are using new social forums, i.e. the internet, to create art that tells the stories of our lives and that revels are "secrets" to each other. As Shields argues, and I am inclined to agree, the fact that so many people are able to tell their stories is "a good thing, even if not everyone's story turns out to be fascinating or well told." (Shields 22).


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