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Raven's picture


After reading the notes and some of the comments posted, I have many questions on CPGs. CPGs make sense to me as patterns of neuronal activity that are stored and then create a physical action (i.e. typing, picking up objects). However some of the comments suggest CPGs may be involved in non-physical brain activities like thinking and learning. While this is an interesting notion, I find it difficult to understand. Thinking can't be caused by a CPG, maybe the act of thinking, like knowing when to think, but maybe not the actual thoughts. Thinking never occurs in the same manner though. I am confused on this.

Furthermore, I have questions:

What is the prerequisite for creating a CPG?

Are there disorders where motor symphony doesn't occur?

How common are CPGs in the nervous system?

I like the fact that we have AN explanation for the large percentage of interneurons in the nervous system(CPG) and circuitry.


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