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Rosemary Krygowski's picture

My name is Rosemary

My name is Rosemary Krygowski. I teach seventh and eighth grade science at the Norwood School. Norwood school is a 1 -8 building in the Interboro School district. I describe where I teach as being 3 exits away from the Philadelphia Airport traveling North on I-95.Norwood is a lovely neighborhood. Most of the families are solid working class individuals who really care about their children. I have taught forever and as I read the article I felt a sense of having seen and read similar concepts in my teaching career.I feel that the 5 elements that the author discussed in this article are all valid but cover many different topics.Learning from your surroundings is a good idea but I feel as a teacher that we guide our students so that they are life long learners. The journey to that spot is as different as the students who sit before us.I am hoping that this class will help me lead students on that journey.


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