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Maiya Zwerling's picture

I don't even know...

 As stated many times above, the mission statement is extremely general and therefore the requirements fit into it. Not so hard. The mission statement says that bmc wants to promote a rigorous education and search for knowledge. It talks about community that is involved and diverse. And it also mentions the importance of perspectives. I think that all of these are accomplished through the requirements that we have. Any form of requirements that ask the student to sample all of the different kinds of education will do the trick. As mentioned above, I think that certain requirement like the language are excessive because they have no give in what people are can take in that field besides a language. There are people who are just horrible at languages and there is no give and take for them. I personally tried to get out of my language requirements and failed miserably even though a psychologist at home recommended that this should be an accommodation for me. I think it would be interesting if they allowed people who were not good at languages to take a class dedicated to a culture instead. This way those who would be miserable in language classes could get a sample of the culture without making other people unhappy. 


Aside from that, I think it is good that they reexamine the curriculum but until the mission statement can be more clear and specific, I don't see any need to change the curriculum as of yet. 



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