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Brie Stark's picture

I found the I-function

I found the I-function particularly interesting today because, as we were discussing the "where is Christopher Reeves" phenomenon, I thought about several other applicable cases.  Could it be that, because in individuals with autism (who some experts have attributed to having problems with sensory functions), also be placed in the "where is this individual with autism located?"  Could it be that autism is an anomaly, like the Reeves anomaly, of the I-function where somehow, some cords got tangled/cut/rearranged and they exist solely on inputs that are only really half-received?  Perhaps these individuals can "think" all they want that they enjoy the sensation of being touched, but that "thought" has nowhere to go, or somehow gets lost along the way through the I-function.  Or, when they are touched, the output gets lost among the cords and, because their nervous system doesn't know how to process the information, the I-function goes a bit haywire?  There are many interesting analogies that I think could come from this.



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