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SaraO's picture

So what?

I am not about to try to deny what Haidt is saying. We have gut intuitions which we often act on. Yet at the same time, we have the ability to stop before we act, and consider another course of action that our gut did not necessarily determine. For my paper, I discussed our natural intuition to not want to pay higher prices for environmentally friendly products. At the same time, I talked about paying those higher prices because I want a healthier planet. So I considered my gut, and then I went with the action that was the result of rational thought. I'm also not saying to deny your gut at all times. It can be a very useful guiding light when rationality does not point you in a certain direction. I'm just proposing that when it comes to the bigger decisions in our lives, especially those of which the ramifications will greatly effect others that we stop a minute to think before we act. 


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