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In defense of definitions and "bland characterizations"

" we've developped specific, unusual definitions of narrativity and non-narrativity, defining narrativity as positive, because everything must be in flux for change for learning to occur, and defining non-narrativity as negative, as when we describe "non narrative" stories about evolution."

We must develop such definitions though. We need to specify what we are talking about. Would it then be better to invent new words? Precision in discussion in necessary in order to help define the discussion. We have seen in class what happens we people have different definitions of terms. And in a class where we discussion concepts with which not everyone is familiar, defining terms and ideas helps everyone stay on the same page.

It is not constructive or useful for us to have discussions if everyone has definitions with multiple meanings. Language is already imprecise, there is no need to make it any more rounded or indefined.


"i think it's strange we're reading "on beauty" in this class because we attend a particularly intellectual school. we're not here to criticize intellectuals and they have a lot to offer us."

I took the book very differently. While intellectuals do have a lot to offer us, we must remember the other side of the spectrum of understanding. Becoming only intellectual is constructive, and that in a greater balance in life, it is useful, generative, and enjoyable to explore things not with only an analytical sense, but with a broader sense.

In our discussion, we use percise terms in order to help us move forward in what is a largely intellectually based class. In life, and when generating from "the crack" of loopy science, we do not have to be limited to such thought processes.

Of course intellectuals have a lot to offer people. But non intellectuals do as well, which is the point that Zadie Smith is making. We shouldn't only prize the intellectuals in society. There is an element of elitism that is unfair and nonconstructive in that.


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