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Laura Cyckowski's picture

I like the suggestion that

I like the suggestion that "one doesn't need the concept of illness in order to except help from other people". I think the idea of "help" is one that I get tripped up by when trying to define/think about mental health... While we are replacing the terms/ideas of "illness"/"health" with new ones, the idea too of "help" should be more broadly defined/termed, as an exchange/engagement with other individuals (whether "experts/professionals" or not)/culture. I also think that research of all kinds/in many areas will be important, as the article linked in a post above says "for thousands of years, symptoms of sadness that were 'with cause' were separated from those that were 'without cause.' Only the latter were viewed as mental disorders", without a starting understanding there's nothing to "improve" upon and the more/newer understandings the better.


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