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CalderonI think that blogs


I think that blogs are great because unlike books there is a response to my doubts, thoughts, beliefs, political views and so on. I think that I also like it so much because it gives me time to think more (I don’think too fast) and then write my response to what the comment on the blog isabout.  I love books and think thatthey are very different than blogs. On “Blogging as an emerging genre” there is a post by Dr. K and he makes the case that blogs can’t ever be as good as having a conversation face to face, because blogs are superficial. But the problem is that he is trying to compare two very different things. I think that a blog changes its views and has many voices, while a book has only have a few or sometimes just one.  Also, I am not always interested in having conversation, because sometimes I can’t think of all the things I can say during an educated argument, but the blog gives time to think and answer when I am ready. There are so many different blogs and what they might mean to people is different. For me I think of blogs not only as a genre, but a tripback in three seconds to my country (or to any place I feel like).  I look at this blog  daily. I am planning on writing my paper on this blog ( I am sorry it’s a Spanish blog) and I would really appreciate if some of you guys tell me what you think about it!!! I think that we can really talk about the economic point of view of blogs and how they have become another form of market to some and a social form to others.



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