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Cocaine in the Brain

Biology 202
2000 First Web Report
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Cocaine in the Brain
Melissa Hoegler
"Cocaine delivers an intensity of pleasure - and despair - beyond the bounds of normal human experience."During the 1980s, Partnership for a Drug Free America began airing commercials that seem to either frighten or educate people about the use of illegal drugs. One of these commercials avowed, "No one ever says, 'I want to be a junkie when I grow up'." The comment is obvious, but very true. Probably very few people aspire to be drug addicts. But it happens, everyday. Why? What is so good about a drug that can potentially destroy a person's body? How does it work? What are its effects on the brain? Why is it so hard to quit?
Cocaine (C17H21NO4) comes from the leaf of an Erythroxylon coca bush. It is a drug that effects the central nervous system. It causes feelings of euphoria, pleasure, increased energy and alertness. People under the influence of cocaine often do not feel the need for food or sleep. They also feel energetic and may talk a lot. However, depending on factors such as environment, dosage, and the manner in which the drug is taken, cocaine can have adverse effects such as violent, erratic behavior, dizziness, paranoia, insomnia, convulsions, and heart failure to name a few. Long- term effects of cocaine include, but are not limited to strokes, heart attacks, seizures, loss of memory, and decrease in learning capability (1).
People may not always know the exact consequences of the drug they are taking, however, chances are that they do know that the drug is unhealthy for them. Schools across the country educate about the dangers of drug use and abuse through programs like D.A.R.E., television stations show anti-drug advertisements as a public service, and even city buses blazon anti-drug propaganda. People are aware that very rarely does anything good come from drug use, and still, everyday people fall victim to drugs. Why do people succumb to the urge to try drugs? It feels good...why else?
When a person takes cocaine, it causes a rush. There is between one or two minutes of intense pleasure. This is followed by five to 8 minutes of euphoria, then as the high comes down, an overwhelming urge for more, which may last for a day. (3) When a user is between cocaine doses or halts usage, the opposite effects occur. The user is depressed and tired (2).
Cocaine is attractive to users because it triggers dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is present in many regions of the brain. In normal mice, the introduction of cocaine increases dopamine by 150 percent. Dopamine regulates movement, emotion, motivation, and the feeling of pleasure. In a normal brain, dopamine is released by a neuron into a synapse and then it moves to dopamine receptors on other neurons. It is then moved back to the neuron that transmitted the dopamine initially.
When cocaine enters the area of the brain where the dopamine is located, it blocks the reuptake pumps that remove the dopamine from the synapse of the nerve cell. Thus, more dopamine gathers at the synapse and feelings of intense pleasure result. This feeling continues until cocaine is naturally removed from the system (2). Research findings by the National Institute of Drug Addiction (NIDA) demonstrate that cocaine not only effects the level of dopamine in the brain, but also the level of seratonin. In a study using mice without dopamine transporters, the mice were given cocaine and they still experienced rewarding effects. This was obvious because the animals kept on attempting to get or self-administer more. These researchers speculate that more than one neurotransmitter is responsible for the pleasurable feeling cocaine yields (2). Although main hypothesis as to why cocaine is so pleasurable, is that it alters levels of dopamine, norepinephrine, and seratonin, some scientists report that cocaine effects approximately 90 different parts of the brain, not just the two main regions of the amygdala and the nucleus accumbens. However, it is interesting that it is these two regions of the brain that remain active after the cocaine has left the system, and the powerful, uncontrollable desire for the drug has set in. (3)
The first time people use cocaine and its effects fade, they want more. Such is the nature of the drug. The main reason cocaine use continues is the need to experience the "high" and the development of dependence. Dependence is, "the need to maintain a level of the drug in the brain to both satisfy the need and stimulate the reward center, and avoid physical withdrawal symptoms" (5). There is continual research occurring about dependence and how it can be streamlined.
It was recently discovered through newer imaging techniques that cocaine hinders blood flow. This is why is it can cause brain damage or defects. Recent research demonstrates that if a cocaine user even thinks about cocaine, the blood flow is altered . This suggests that the addictive nature of the drug is stronger than we think, because simply thinking about it produces similar results in addicts' brains' (4). This is likely to be a result of the way in which cocaine changes the structure of an abuser's brain. For example n experiments done with lab rats, scientists reported that after repeated exposure to cocaine, the rats' dendrites changed by becoming bigger and denser. This means that an increase in synaptic connectivity results from cocaine use which triggers people and animals to work harder to attain the drug (6).
Scientists are working furiously for a way to combat cocaine addiction. They specifically are examining the genetic factors that contribute to the addiction (5). However, even if scientists do identify all of the factors that cause addiction, they are still faced with the dilemma of how exactly to stop the addiction. New hope to end cocaine addiction lies in experimental drugs, such as one that is used to treat epilepsy and holistic approaches such as acupuncture.
Although it may seem like science knows a great deal about addiction and the effects of cocaine, scientific knowledge still cannot make the cocaine problem disappear. There is no sure cure for cocaine addiction. Once you try the drug, addiction strikes randomly, like a bullet in a game of Russian roulette. There is no cure for the addiction. Before trying the drug, really think, is a moment of pleasure worth a lifetime of pain?
WWW Sources
1)Facts About Cocaine, The Addiction Research Foundation out of Canada produced this site. It contains basic information about cocaine, its effects, and facts about addiction.2)Cocaine's Pleasurable Effects May Involve Multiple Chemical Sites, This site is a part of NIDA notes. It explains theories about the way cocaine effects the brain. There is a picture of how cocaine effects the neurotransmitter .
3) Intricate Effects of Cocaine on the Brain Seen In Scans , Some older (3 years), but more controversial research about cocaine use. It shows cool pictures of brain scans.
4) Researches see how cocaine Affects the Brain, Highlights an experiment involving images of butterflies and cocaine. Interesting results.
5) New Targets in the Brain's Reward CenterThis article concentrates on the genetic causes of coke addiction.
6) Repeated Exposure To Cocaine Alters Brain Structure", Talks about the long term effect of coke on the brain and nerves.
where the cool pictures mentioned. just another article with pictures. dont need to see what cocaine looks like but what the brain looks like after extended use ... Kelley, 22 November 2006
Drug Addiction
I am a former methamphetamine junky. I currently have maintained 13 years of sobriety. I am also currently in college and this is my last semester before acquiring my Associates Degree in Behavioral Science in our community college here. I will then go on to the University and resume my studies to obtain my Bachelor's Degree in Behavioral Science. I am planning to be in the field of Substance Abuse Counseling, case management, mental health, in whichever the good Lord sees fit to open the door to have me to do? I used meth, cooked meth, and sold meth. I ate it, smoked it, and eventually shot it up several times a day. I have had many experiences with cooking, tanks of anhydrous blowing up, people cooking over open fires with ether and catching themselves on fire, people actually killing other people to keep them from snitching on them, and the list goes on. I have read several comments in here and some I can relate too, while others are just opinionated according to their own experiences- in which I can understand that as we are all addicts- yet we are each unique in our own ways. No two people are exactly the same- while no 2 people have exactly the same story. I feel that is a fair statement. I have been in the "addiction" side of drugs, and I am now in the "education" side of drugs, in which there is much for an addict to learn about addiction. The studies of addiction and the outcomes are very interesting. What causes people to become addicts and why some continue to use drugs and choose to not overcome addiction is interesting. Addiction does not just happen to everyone else. It happens to at least 1 person in every family, and it happens to many people in some families. My husband has been in prison for 20 calendar years because of a bad choice he made while on meth. Though he has turned his life around completely, he is still paying for 1 bad choice. I only have 2 biological sons that are both in prison serving lengthy prison sentences due to bad choices they made while on meth. I have a step son in prison for the same thing. I have had 2 cousins brutally murdered by persons under the effects of meth. I had a cousin commit suicide because he couldn't overcome meth addiction.
Why did I take all of the time to write all of this? My point is to make people aware of how much negative impact that drug addiction can have on a family. Whether its meth, heroin, cocaine, pills, or alcohol, they are all as addictive as the other. Drug addiction generally leads to jails- institutions- or death! If I can share this and gain enough attention to keep 1 or many people from going through what myself and my family have been through- THEN IT IS VERY WORTH IT! I am all alone because my whole immediate family are all in prison because of things they did while on drugs. So if someone ever offers you to try drugs- please remember- this is MY story- but don't think for a second that it can't be YOUR story too! Say no to drugs! May God bless and keep you all drug free- your future depends on it!
coke and heavy marijuana use
This comment is to anyone who has not only snorted coke but also who has smoked it. 6 months ago I found small plastic bag with white powder residue and a glass pipe in jacket pocket of my roommate. I noticed prior his behavior was erratic and paranoid. He also shakes his legs and feet alot while sitting or lyin down. I've known him 1 yr now. Told me he snorted coke and drank alcohol in past but had quit. He smokes weed daily heavily nonstop til he's so high he falls asleep. Don't understand how he functions daily on job. Gets up every morning @ 3:45 and goes to work where he is supervisor in press room for newspaper. I confronted him recently about drug use and he didn't deny it. I don't trust him anymore nor believe him regarding how he spends money. What are short and long term effects of smoking coke and weed?
Cocaine Addiction Treatment
I've seen many people addicted to cocaine but they are not aware of dangerous of it. It is necessary to educate them about side effects of cocaine. Cocaine affect on brain cause killer illness. If your loved one is addicted to cocaine then visit any rehab center and start treatments.
Current experience
I'm a 16 year old girl From Blackpool. As you'll probably know, drugs in the uk are cut with lots of unknown chemicals, knowing this I still proceeded to take it with two friends tonight. I'm currently on an intense come down from cocaine, I looked up to share my experience.Over the past months I became increasingly interested in the nature of this drug and the feeling of euphoria. I struggle with mental health issues and negative thought patterns. I was stupid enough to believe that the effects of this drug would temporarily block out negative feelings and thoughts. I took at least two lines of blow each hour- For eight hours straight. At first, I felt amazing, I'd never experienced anything like this. Over the hours my behaviour became more and more embarrassing as each one passed. I felt the need to take more and more until the point where I was literally scraping the barrel for a last line. Usually, I will not behave I like this, I take pride in what used I be my sensible behaviour. The experience of the drug in it's peak was worth it at the time but I now regret every line. My eye started to roll backwards and I have a terrible mark beneath my lower lip where I was uncontrollably chewing at it and grinding my teeth.. Weather this was impaitance, while I was waiting for more or wether this was "gurning" Regardless, the mark is embarrassing, a rash looking type. I'm also experiencing shaking and twitches. I have been awake for 24 hours and it's impossible to close my eyes without feeling nausea. I'm reaching the end of the come down at this moment in time, I feel terrible, I cried for hours purely because I could t identify the unusual feeling. It may have a different effect on other people. I highly reccomend not a soul takes this drug. I don't know how my body is tolerating it myself. As I write this my whole body is shaking and I feel really cold even though I'm in bed wrapped up. It's honestly a disgusting and purile feeling. If you're reading this, especially if your young. Please avoid at all cost.
In a way, my experience has now taught my plenty and I'll never dabble with cocaine again.
If you absolutely must have it, please take in moderation.
All I got out of this drug was a half an hour good feeling and the rest of purley embarrassing for everybody Involved. Highly addictive once you start taking it. I found myself becoming very selfish and taking other peoples as well as my own as I was obsessed with my first ever powder high. Before anybody comments about how niave I'm being. I didn't comment to boast. I commented in hope that someone will read this and avoid cocoaine. This drug is over glorified, mostly by teenagers who have never taken it, in order to appear cool or adventurous. None of those things apply the morning after. It's nothing but painful and shameful
Re: Current Experience
All I can say to the young girl is while I commend you for realizing that this stuff really isn't for you (and I bet you'll never, if hardly go back again...maybe once later in your years if a situation/environment then offering leads you into a hit or 2, but I'd say that's at best).
"Drugs in the UK are cut with lots of unknown chemicals" but so is almost anywhere, including coke. Best advice I can give you or anyone else is this:
IF you feel like taking some, or most ANYTHING...whether bought, with friends, through someone, etc. I HIGHLY recommend ordering a testing kit online/somewhere. Many of them are fairly inexpensive enough (about 10 pounds for translation give or take a couple) and can at least tell you either what the purity range of the drug you want to take is and/or what it may have ended up being cut with.
(For reference, "good" coke starts in the mid-80% range for purity and can go up into the low 90's...there's no real 100% pure so to speak unless you make it yourself or know someone who does, that way you truly know nothing else is in it).
My personal bits..I've used it a bit here and there in the past. Definitely not on a "regular" tip (I can stop, go weeks/months without it, then have a little down the road per say) and definitely not large amounts at a time/over a period of time. It's also the costs to a degree too; I know I can't "afford" it all the time, nor do I want to blow half my money on it. I mean seriously...if people claim they can blow through a gram bag or rail an eight ball in a short period of time...that's just out of control, easily into addict/high tolerance stages, and just wasting product.
1 year 1/2 clean no help from
1 year 1/2 clean no help from no one it's possible but ya have to want to change its not gonna happen overnight. I set goals for day to day and keep them obtainable. No body can do it for ya
My brother's been addicted to cocaine, Adderall, Ritalin, & other opiate pills as well. BUT, the cocaine has been about a 15 year long addiction. In the past year he's had 2 strokes & one seizure, but yet he STILL DOESN'T BELIEVE he HAS a prob!?!?
It's New Years tonight & he's at a party at his dealers house. I can't even sleep bcuz of worry. HOW did YOU get clean? HOW can I help him? The ONLY clean time he's has has been FORCED clean time in jail! His 3yr old sin, MY nephew, is in Soc. Serv. right now & HE'S off getting drunk & high!!! Where's HIS rock bottom? He's living with me & my three boys & I CAN'T deal with it anymore, but he needs MY address for his probation officer! Nice hey?
Happy New Years!
My boyfriend need help
My boyfriend of 3 years is destroying my life. I have been so disappointed and depressed the last couple of days. I didn't know he was on drugs until he started to disappear for 2 to 3 days after pay day. If you saw him you wouldn't thought he used drugs, I noticed he started lying alot and never go through with our plans. He would disappear if we made plans during his pay day. Sometimes I get mad at myself for putting up with this. I dont smoke or drink. I cant see how I let love blind me into this mess. I feel like im ina deep black hole at times when I cant find him. He dont answer phone until 2 days later. This is my first time in my life being in a relationship like this. Idont know how to walk away. He never stole or ask me for money for his habit. Then he always saying he is going to get his life together with God . He dont like for no one to tell him he is wrong in anything. He always disappoint his daughter from previous relationship as well. He hasnt admit he is on drugs cause he think he is something on a stick. But he know drugs are wrong so he hides it from me n family. I put the puzzle together when he disappear every pay day. I know I need help to walk away. Im hurt cause he got paid new year eve and he disappear so we didnt bring the new year in together. I never knew someone would choose drugs over love ones. Im trying to not to be so down but its hard. I wish at timesbi never met him. Why did he come into my life he knew I wasnt about that life. Please anyone help me.. I been crying since new year day. Starting my 2015 depress! He is to old for this lifestyle. I wish he could see the people he is hurting. Pray for me as I pray for others as well myself thats going through this. I know God will take care of me!
Selfish Son
My son has been on cocaine for 2 1/2 years now and it is destroying him. I paid for him to go into rehab last October for a month and when he came out he was back to my son again. Then at Christmas he started using again, his girlfriend is six months pregnant and she doesn't know he is back on the stuff, I think she has got an idea. No doubt I will have to tell her again and then take the abuse from my son. He doesn't deserve a girlfriend, let alone a child.
As soon as he gets paid he will go and pay his dealers, then he is left with nothing and starts subbing again.
My son used to be a lovely child, now he verbally abuses me if I wont borrow him money. I took a £5000 loan out to pay his overdraft and bank loan. I paid £10,000 for the rehab and he doesn't care. I know he is subbing coke again and now owes dealers money, but I wont help him this time, sorry to say he is on his own.
Just walk away from your boyfriend, he will never put you first. The lies tear me apart, listening to him saying he is popping to McDonalds at one in the morning, knowing full well he is going to buy coke.
It is only a matter of time before I will have to ask my son to leave, it isn't fair on the rest of the family.
your not alone
Hi, going through this experience is one of the most scariest, confusing, painfulest things in the world, I have been in a 4 year relationship with a crack addict, at first I was unaware that he was using until he started to disappear every week on payday, I would cry myself to sleep literally driving myself crazy trying to figure out where he possible was I thought it was another women for a while, he would come back completely broke with every excuse in the book that he was in jail, the hospital even sometimes turned it on me saying I was the reason he couldn't take his life and had to take off and get high, like you and your boyfriend, him and i always make plans, when he gets his check to go out to the movie or dinner, all week I look forward to the day only to spend the day getting dressed and trying to make things perfect for our night, to him either coming home and leaving with some excuse on him needed to run to the store and he'll be back and either showing up at 4am or days later, sometimes he just don't come home after work at all , it is so painful that my feelings or our relationship is at no importance to him, I believe his lies over and over, I myself feel the same way of being stuck in a black hole and not knowing how to get out, I guess all I can say is that you are not alone so please do me a favor do not convince yourself that you are crazy because you are not, we are in love with these selfish people I know in my heart that one day I will findnthe strength to let go until then i'm hanging on and trying to be strong, I wish you the best hun hang on, you will find happiness one day.
well done...ive tried an failed many a time...when i relapse after say 2-3 weeks or the longest recently was 8 weeks, i give up hope of being clean...when the cravings are there and i have just been paid i am blowing like £300 - £400 sometimes even more, i have been using for over 10 years, started when i was 20 now am 34...yeah its been fun but really it isn't...i find that i have been doing it on my own a lot more recently, i get paranoid delusions, schizophrenia even...its the detach from reality and all those other stupid things that it nice...anyway I'm writing this after doing 8 bags on a sunday night and nearly losing my job over it ...great !!!
my girls an ex addict
My girl used to get high and I can tell that there's damage .she's slow to discover error and live and responds like she's still a teenager before she got high... she clueless to lots of things. And every weekend she wants to g out or eateat
please dont bring religion into drug addiction cos ur gonna piss people off.vive been a coke addict for over 20 yrs and ive tried everything coke annon meetings, rehab, both were a waste of time cos there are toovmany jesus freaks like yourself. i was forced to leave rehab cos i refused to do bible studdies. i wasvthere for my addiction, not to read about shit that can never be proven. the only proper help ive had was macs project in wimbledon s. london. its a charity run centre where all staff are ex addicts and know exactly what we are feeling. they gave me the care and support and tools i needed to help myself. i moved away and was clean for 18 months but sadly found coke in my life again. im having hard time at the min with using but where i moved to 160 miles away they do not have the help anaddict needs here, just the usual councelors that read out of text books that dont have anyvidea what we are really going thru. i cant go back to london as i moved to lincoln lincs for custody of my son witch ive hadvfor 3 yrs now. i just gotta try my hardest with the tools ivevbeen given to quit. DO NOT EVER PREAcH GOD ON A SITE LIKE THIS
higher power
re addiction and relapse
Hey I just found myself here and was moved by your response to the person pushing religion. I was never into cocaine but even after 10 years sober I struggle with my feelings. I left AA after 9 years cos I hated them all and their religion. After a year of trying to do life alone I went back (slowly at first) to different meetings and now I'm trying to share more but its not easy because I still don't trust people or the whole god thing. . .however. . . I have had a few moments of what you might call peace as a result of being in meetings. But its usually because I tried to share, and definitely because I like one or two of the people that go. I shared the other day that I don't believe in god and that i don't say that word during the serenity prayer because I'm a rebel. . .and they laughed 'with me' not at me which felt good. And it felt good when one of the people I like came up after and was complementary about my honest sharing. You and me and everyone, we want to feel good. I realise how many conditions I set on what I will and wont let in though, and I guess I just make it hard on myself a lot of the time. Hope your doing ok. Did you ever get to the Buddhist temple in Wimbldon. . . its amazing!
Total Abstinance
And by the way-when i say total abstinence - i mean not by doing this on your own - again, i quote - “Problems cannot be solved with the same mind set that created them.” ― Albert Einstein -
That being said-if you have tried total abstinence on your own - i will visit you at either your funeral or a mental ward - my suggestion is a 12 stwelve step program.
And remember that it isnt a feel good program. We spent too much time on making ourselves feel good at the expense of others. This is a living well program. And making others feel good about us program. And a program of salvation from the selfish decision we made in getting ourselves involved in the first place.
What Awaits
to those of you whom think using cocaine is a controllable habit, i can inform you that what you are engaging in is the development of a pathological illness that starts the minute you began using. it is why the call this a cunning, baffling, and powerful disease. This is truly a pathological illness furbished by construction of ones own ego in a manner that really just implodes upon itself.
A quote if you will - “Problems cannot be solved with the same mind set that created them.” ― Albert Einstein. Essentially the ego mind serves of a purpouse of protecting itself and its choices. Its rationalizations are used in the defense of its own choices, or mistakes (such as beginning the cycle of cocaine addiction). As a user continues down this path, and the using becomes greater, their own mind, the same mind and thought process that made the "rational" decision of trying cocaine, goes through various stages of as follows:
arguing against an anxiety provoking stimuli by stating it doesn't exist
denying that your physician's diagnosis of cancer is correct and seeking a second opinion
placing unacceptable impulses in yourself onto someone else
when losing an argument, you state "You're just Stupid;" homophobia
supplying a logical or rational reason as opposed to the real reason
stating that you were fired because you didn't kiss up the the boss, when the real reason was your poor performance
reaction formation
taking the opposite belief because the true belief causes anxiety
having a bias against a particular race or culture and then embracing that race or culture to the extreme
pushing into the unconscious
trying to forget something that causes you anxiety
as addiction continues, the pathology of your thinking accutally becomes designed to sabatoge you to continue using. It's really why the scientific and health comunity have classified addiction as a disease and mental illness.
I myself started the same way as Mr.:
Submitted by love drug (guest) on Sun, 04/03/2011 - 10:15pm.
seriously the drug isn't anything like some of these comments have said.. maybe if you have grown up around nothing exciting, you will find that cocaine is the best thing thats ever happened to you
Woh woh woh. Take there own
Submitted by Tim (guest) on Mon, 10/17/2011 - 10:26pm.
Woh woh woh. Take there own life from a line. Ignorance is bliss.... Remember that. Are you one of the people telling our kids weed will kill you. Coke isnt really a problem in moderation
Essentially what these messengers comments are simply constitue the rational of their own diseased minds reassurement of denial, rationalization, etc. What im trying to say is that the minute drug abuse starts, you become your greatest enemy, The symptoms of depression which amost everyone on this page talks about is the same pathalogical mind defeating itself in an effort to either continue using or essentially commit suicide. Its the same mind at a different stage of the game. The same mind that created addiction, denied yourself about it, rationalized it, swore off from using, etc. The only difference is as this cyclke continues, your biochemistry changes. Once depleted of seratonin, neuropenephrine, etc, your mind creates self defeating thoughts of depression. As you no longer are on your favorite medicine. Thus when you use, the depression is gone, and the thoughts become re-assuring of why it is ok to use. Once the coke is gone, the depressive nature of your own mind comes back. Trust me, I know. I come from a polydrug use background including major cocaine binges, ecstasy, daily pot use, and heavy alchohol. I have done the whole, quit coke but conitnue drinking. Quit drinking and coke but conitnue smoking. Quit everywthing cold turkey then go back. Just drink and refrain from everything else. Iv had disabling depression, visits with the mental ward, anti depressant medications, etc. I went all the way to the point of literally a consciece hell. I could only think about commiting suicide all day.
What saved my ass so far? I have 21 months clean and sober. Completely clean and sober. I checked into rehab. I dived into a 12 step program and never left. Now how is my life? I have a car again, i have my career being re-established in mortgage banking. I work my program to the teeth and wire, am activer in sponsership. and regularly attend meetings. My depression is completely gone. I dont think about using cocaine at all. My thoughts about drinking alchohol are nill. And the pot, well please. We have bigger fish here to fry. So what can I say - for those of you whom are older-i havent seen one single case, at all, reflecting any positive outcome from cocaine use. For those of you whom are young, i know whom you are. Iv been there. The whole this is easy, I can control this, the craving is gone in a few days, so why is everyone so freaked out about it mindset. Why we cant stop despite all evidence suggesting we should? Again, this is a pathological illness. I dont know why. Ones own ego mind simply wont give the user that opportunity until a sufficient bottom is reached. Then, for a brief moment, whats called a "moment of clarity" is acquired, some which users act on and get help, some which users wig out on and simply refrain for months, years, until the depression gets so bad they go back to using or commit suicide, or which most users do, which is fucking just ignore and kill with a couple drinks after yet another coke bender.
The one thing i think almost everyone here can agree on is as follows:
1) Alcohol is usually the first drug cocaine addicts use, often addictively. (2) Alcohol is the drug abstinent cocaine addicts most often use before relapsing to cocaine. That is, alcohol is the most common reason for relapse to cocaine. (3) Because most cocaine addicts are alcoholics, effective treatment exists for them.
Thus the only solution for this whole mess we all got ourselves into total abstinence. Or suicide. I chose the former myself.
Opinions, Pearls of Wisdom, Resentment & Just Plain Stupid
where do I start...well, reading these posts really caught me off gaurd a little bit. I went from laughing, to rage, to W.T.F.? to rage, to , well you get the idea. There was only one post that actually sent me past marginally annoyed. The genius going on and on about how Narconon "ripped him off, it didn't work". How this incredible injustice had been thrust upon him. He even states he stayed clean and sober while he was inpatient, not until he left di Narconons horrible practices fail him by not reaching out its far reaching, all knowing hand to bitch slap the tooter, or crack pipe, or syringe out of his "im at a fuckin coke party just for the chicks cuz i dont get high" attitude. I could go on forever ripping him to shreds on each and every twisted, misleading word he wrote that are dripping with no fucking accountability, ummm denial, immaturity, oh ya, the one crowning jewel. Just plain ol' textbook ADDICT MENTALITY" The natrue of being "in your disease" is you are moderately delusional, and the very fundamental operating sytem of delusional cant see it because you are delusional. what a fucking paradox huh! My biggest problem with that post is it could be...IS very dangerous. Potentially keeping someone out of treatment. PLUS....Narconon? really? I cant even get started on that one...but lets just say , if recovering from addiction was as easy , and 90% effective as they lead you or want you to believe, then EVERYONE WOULD DO IT!. Also, I know, or at least hear that 12-Step programs aren't for everyone. Yes they are, it is something that definately has to be approached with an open mind, which, we as addicts are not real famous for. Ok...i need to make a point now.
Drug/Alcohol rehab works. 12 Steps A.A., works. The only other options are you quit on you own, through will power, reverse osthmosis, or obsessing on your work, wife, hobby. Then there is Jails and Prisons. LOL, over the entire history of mankind, encarciration DOES NOT WORK. Why do you think that now even Prisons are becoming privatized. owned by a private, non-government entity...because they make money....LOTS of it. They are the new healthcare cashcow.
If you have a problem, and you know it. If you keep using/drinking in the face of certain and severe consequences. If you experience the phenomenon of CRAVINGS. Normal, nonaddicts dont experience that! not with short term use...if you continue to pick a day to quit, but find yourself over and over again, AGAINST YOUR WILL, back at the liquor store or connections. You are ADDICT. wether its beer, whiskey, heroin, or bath salt...(i know , right?) you will do horrible things to just change the way you feel. I just fing love it when people say we are NO SHIT! YA THINK? WHAT WAS YER 1ST FUCKING CLUE? Damn right I am weak when it comes to "the power of choice" once i have put a substance in my body. I completely lose all ability to make simple decisions where the well being of myself and loved ones are concerned. But, if I get involved in a purpose, if I quit thinking all day evry day about how I feel, and instead, start to actually consider how others feel. And a step futher is, how MY ACTIONS, THOUGHTS, WORDS, INTENTIONS, MOTIVES negatively affect those around me....if I do this, soon, I start to get a little confidence, self esteem, INTEGRITY. Thats the big one....that means will I do the right thing, even when no one else will know.....heavy huh? And can I do some nice things for people, or prinicpals, or institutions without bring attention to myself. You know....doing a victory lap to basque in the warm after-glow of your most charitable and selfless
Look, 99.9% of us, addicts/alcoholics are complete monsters, complete animals when loaded, but take that away and we are tolerable for a while, but replace it with an actual desire to help. If you are not part of the solution, you are the fing proble, Quit whining about the treatment center that you f'd off you fams money cuz you are a spoiled lil bitch with entitlement isssues, quit pointing fingers at the bad bad dad that that called you stupin when you were a kid. Change the way you act and it WILL change the way you feel.
Not addictive?
As the wife of an addict, I can personally attest to the addictive qualities of the drug and the psychotic delusions it fosters. I know I spent 5 years being tortured and pushed around by someone who had SEVERE persecution complex. He believed I was hiding all kinds of drugs all over the house, doing them in secret. He used to scrape gummy dirt from under the sink and call it black tar heroin, he would put it on tinfoil and light it, and say he'd found my stash. It was beyond ridiculous. He accused me of cheating on him with everyone, of making him look the fool... When he was making himself look foolish. His accusations always came with beatings. My children saw their father turn their mother into a weeping, bruised, bleeding mess. I was an enabler. I paid our bills and did everything I could to make a happy home for our kids, and I was afraid to go to the police for help. Afraid of how hard it would be to fight him, to make him stay away. Afraid of the lengths he would go to to get even with me for leaving him... None of the things I was afraid of were scarier than him, in the end.
Cocaine turned him into an absolute raging monster. He broke all the windows in our home, shattered the door framed, urinated and vomited on the floors and furniture, tore all the photos and pictures from the walls, and broke every one of our dishes just to get even when I finally left and called the police. Not ONE day later he was calling from jail, depressed, trying to make up, trying to get money. He actually thinks I'd let him back in to the house... He never had a job in five years, and every dollar he made on drugs he spent on drugs or gambled away. He even took most of MY money, the money I used for the house and kids, to use on his habit and his friends. He was a worthless excuse for a human being, and I blame cocaine. I hate it. I hate what it does to people and their families. I hate the people who say it isn't addictive, and that it's fun. Yeah, that's right, I HATE YOU. Because you're making it ok for people like him to try it, to use it, to abuse it. Cocaine turns some people into killers. I don't know if it turns everyone into raving lunatics, and I don't care, if it turns even one person into the kind of man who would torture innocent people, and I'm a witness who will testify to that, then it's pure poison.
Just do coke once every couple months. Don't do more than 1 gram in a day. You will never have any problems if used in this way. If your weekends start revolving around coke, you are going to have issues. If you can't limit consumption to once every few months, then don't do it at all.
I tried many types of drugs
I tried many types of drugs in my younger days. The experiment is over. This stuff is poison as far as I am concerned. It's like being "a little" pregnant. No such thing. My ex was a heavy user. He hid it from me for a long time. I would not recommend continued use of this stuff in middle age. It will destroy your relationships and your health. When I see someone take a huff of this stuff, I run in the opposite direction.
a few mistakes
A few corrections-beautiful
"Cocaine delivers an intensity of pleasure - and despair - beyond the bounds of normal human experience."
During the 1980s, Partnership for a Drug Free America began airing commercials that seem to either frighten or educate people about the use of illegal drugs. One of these commercials avowed, "No one ever says, 'I want to be a junkie when I grow up'." The comment is obvious, but very true. Probably very few people aspire to be drug addicts. But it happens, everyday. Why? What is so good about a drug that can potentially destroy a person's body? How does it work? What are its effects on the brain? Why is it so hard to quit?
Cocaine (C17H21NO4) comes from the leaf of an Erythroxylon coca bush. It is a drug that effects the central nervous system. It causes feelings of euphoria, pleasure, increased energy and alertness. People under the influence of cocaine often do not feel the need for food or sleep. They also feel energetic and may talk a lot. However, depending on factors such as environment, dosage, and the manner in which the drug is taken, cocaine can have adverse effects such as violent, erratic behavior, dizziness, paranoia, insomnia, convulsions, and heart failure to name a few. Long- term effects of cocaine include, but are not limited to strokes, heart attacks, seizures, loss of memory, and decrease in learning capability (1).
People may not always know the exact consequences of the drug they are taking, however, chances are that they do know that the drug is unhealthy for them. Schools across the country educate about the dangers of drug use and abuse through programs like D.A.R.E., television stations show anti-drug advertisements as a public service, and even city buses blazon anti-drug propaganda. People are aware that very rarely does anything good come from drug use, and still, everyday people fall victim to drugs. Why do people succumb to the urge to try drugs? It feels good...why else?
When a person takes cocaine, it causes a rush. There is between one or two minutes of intense pleasure. This is followed by five to 8 minutes of euphoria, then as the high comes down, an overwhelming urge for more, which may last for a day. (3) When a user is between cocaine doses or halts usage, the opposite effects occur. The user is depressed and tired (2).
Cocaine is attractive to users because it triggers dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is present in many regions of the brain. In normal mice, the introduction of cocaine increases dopamine by 150 percent. Dopamine regulates movement, emotion, motivation, and the feeling of pleasure. In a normal brain, dopamine is released by a neuron into a synapse and then it moves to dopamine receptors on other neurons. THE DOPAMINE REMAINING IN THE SYNAPTIC SPACE IS CLEARED BY DOPAMINE REUPTAKE RECEPTORS.
When cocaine enters the area of the brain where the dopamine is located, it blocks the reuptake pumps that remove the REMAINING dopamine from the synapse of the nerve cell. Thus, dopamine LINGERS at the synapse and feelings of intense pleasure result. This feeling continues until cocaine is removed from the system BY OTHER MEANS. (2). Research findings by the National Institute of Drug Addiction (NIDA) demonstrate that cocaine not only AFFECTS the level of dopamine in the brain, but also the level of SEROTONIN. In a study using mice without dopamine RECEPTORS?, the mice were given cocaine and they still experienced rewarding effects. This was obvious because the animals kept on attempting to get or self-administer more. These researchers speculate that more than one neurotransmitter is responsible for the pleasurable feeling cocaine yields (2). WE NOW KNOW THAT COCAINE AFFECTS dopamine, AND norepinephrine, and SEROTONIN RECEPTORS. some scientists report that cocaine AFFECTS approximately 90 different parts of the brain, not just the two main regions of the amygdala and the nucleus accumbens. However, it is interesting that it is these two regions of the brain that remain active after the cocaine has left the system, and the powerful, uncontrollable desire for the drug has set in. (3)
The first time people use cocaine and its effects fade, they want more. Such is the nature of the drug. The main reason cocaine use continues is the URGE TO RE-EXPERIENCE THE PLEASURABLE "high" and THIS LEADS TO THE development of dependence. Dependence is, "the need to maintain a level of the drug in the brain to both satisfy the need TO stimulate the reward center, and TO avoid physical withdrawal symptoms" (5). There is continuED research occurring about dependence and how it can be PREVENTED?
It was recently discovered through newer imaging techniques that cocaine hinders blood flow. This is why is it can cause brain damage or defects. Recent research demonstrates that if a cocaine user even thinks about cocaine, the blood flow is altered . This suggests that the addictive nature of the drug is stronger than we think, because simply thinking about it produces similar results in addicts' brains' (4). This is likely to be a result of the way in which cocaine changes the structure of an abuser's brain. For example n experiments done with lab rats, scientists reported that after repeated exposure to cocaine, the rats' dendrites changed by becoming bigger and denser. This means that an increase in synaptic connectivity results from cocaine use which triggers people and animals to work harder to attain the drug (6).
Scientists are working furiously for a way to combat cocaine addiction. They specifically are examining the genetic factors that contribute to the addiction (5). However, even if scientists do identify all of the factors that cause addiction, they are still faced with the dilemma of how exactly to stop the addiction. New hope to end cocaine addiction lies in experimental drugs, such as one that is used to treat epilepsy and holistic approaches such as acupuncture.
Although it may seem like science knows a great deal about addiction and the effects of cocaine, scientific knowledge still cannot make the cocaine problem disappear. There is no sure cure for cocaine addiction. Once you try the drug, YOU WILL BECOME ADDICTED. IT JUST TAKES A FEW TRIES. There is no cure for the addiction. SO, Before trying the drug, really think, is a moment of pleasure worth a lifetime of pain?
Cocaine is no more addictive than love
But lucky you whoever you are!!! You could afford a cocaine habit for 10 or 15 or 18 or 20 or 26 years? Wow.. that meant you got very high for a very long time... and still you are complaining. Well, I am here to put in a vote for the side that doesn't get too many votes, The 'drugs-are-magnificent-parts-of-nature' side. I started using 'illegal' drugs when i was 14 years old and LOVED them... I spent many of my teenage years rocking out particularly on amphetamine, And then as a musician, moved to London, where, not only was amphetamine the most popular drug, but I met my boyfriend who later became my husband and he loved drugs as much as I did (and still do/does 35+ years later). We also both injected drugs for quite a long period, and then both stopped for different reasons. He went out to work on oil rigs in the North Sea and thus, smoked dope only for his two weeks offshore, as most of the men did as there was no alcohol allowed. For me, I would just periodically fly home to New York for a break in habit and have a personal health cleanse, and eat and sleep for a few months and forget completely about any urges to get high... it's that simple. Replace it with something equally enjoyable... food, sleep, a love affair. It's just, come on... let's get REAL: it feels THAT good, you never want it to stop... but then it does and you move on to something else. I stopped completely after about 5 years of injecting amphetamine (up to 7 grams a day) and to tell you the truth, I have no memory of why I stopped, except I moved to a new city (Amsterdam) and it was no longer part of my life. It was not in the least difficult, it really was just no longer a part of my life in a new place. Speed was a very 'London' thing at the time. So, end of the speed chapter. Eating and sleeping commenced. After that my recreational drug use was restricted to visits from friends from Great Britain who would show up for the odd weekend and we'd all get very high or drop some acid or take some Extacy as that was the new drug on the block. My drug use really dwindled to absolutely like 'none' over the next few years. I was a professional musician and I was pretty much what you'd call a health freak until I entered my 50's (yes, we're about to introduce the fully fledged 'adult right to choose' here) and moved to Tucson Arizona to take care of an ailing parent. Well, perhaps you can imagine the rest of the story. The introduction of an extremely handsome 22-year old Mexican Mafiosi coke dealer to my acquaintance and 'lover' list and WHAM.. for the first time in my life I was using cocaine. Why? Because it was there, and it made me feel good and I figured, 'you know what? I'm going to be dead some day anyway.. I want to rock it til it stops.' And for a year, that's exactly what I did. i could afford to. I had the money. Didn't have to steal or beg or borrow or inconvenience anybody else. I snorted great gear, 24/7 and yes, after a few months my nose got raw. I used to line my nostrils with medicated cream before I would snort my lines. I had a special table, where I would chop them out and say 'grace' and thank God for the high that was about to hit me. thank him or her or however many gods there are, that at my mature age, I could still have such fun and love it and enjoy it and not feel guilty about it. Then one day, I had to leave Tucson and I took my last line at 6am on the morning of my final departure. That was 2 years ago. I've not had a line since. I've not thought about it much as a great deal of sleeping and eating and getting chubby and healthy again ensued and I realized one very very very true and important thing that nobody here has mentioned. Cocaine is NOT physically addictive. And re: psychologically addictive? No more so than love. If you don't have it, you can do perfectly well without it, unless it is the ONLY thing that made your day worth getting up for. If it was the ONLY thing in the world that made you happy, then you will search for it everywhere. But it is not the 'bogey-man' of drugs as it is constantly professed to be. It was an incredibly pleasant way to spend a year of my life. End of story.... PS... I don't even drink wine... down the occasional beer, and I don't smoke or take pharmaceutical drugs, except Ibuprofen for a spinal injury. I do yoga every day, have a magnificent body and just had a full heart check that came out 100% great i.e. better than OK. My cholesterol is a little high because I LOVE cheese. Maybe Cheese will be the death of me. Just remember, you have to die of something. I think for most people who take drugs, it is the fact they really cannot afford them, they really have absolutely NOTHING else that gives them joy and they REALLY feel GUILTY taking them; these are the things that do the most damage over all. For those who go to jail.. .. what can I say, if all drugs were legalized that would not happen. I am an advocate for all drugs to be legalized and legally available to enjoy - without guilt or the sky-high life-wrecking prices of the mafia man. You could also monitor the quality, so it would not contain crazy chemicals that get chopped in to thin it out and do the most damage. Legalization is the only way to go. i won't even go into the roster of how many very famous people have lived on cocaine from Kate Moss to the Rolling Stones and how many Wall Street bankers made their careers on it. Legalize it so not only the 'rich' can enjoy it safely.
Round and round
Hi folks. I read most of the posts and want to thank everyone for their contributions. I started using cocaine as a teen 33 years ago I'm now 52 and have stopped using for 3 days. I've tried to stop many times only to return back to using cocaine time and again. Someone said its a weakness. I agree cocaine makes my brain sick and causes me to to make weak choices. Over the years as a result of my consumption sometimes as much as 8 grams in one night solo burning a pipe or snorting I've lost everything one line at a time except my life so far. I've felt like doing myself in many times the only reason I haven't is I tell myself it's better to use cocaine than to kill myself so I pick up and use leaving suicide for another day. These days I've lost all dignity. I'm getting old and I'm living off the generosity of my 80 year old mother. I'm on welfare and have redused my consumption to the limit of my meager income. That means I'm high for the few days at the beginning of the month and miserable depressed and useless for 3 weeks until my check comes around again. This is as bad as it gets. I spend most of my time alone In isolation to embarrassed to show my face or pick up the phone for help. I have a woman I love but I have t been able to do right. By her and she's now beginning to date other men. Ive been tring to stop using cocaine since 1990. I went many rehabs and joined 12step fellowships the longest I stayed off the drug was 3 years 7 months. There have been lesser periods of abstinence single years eighteen months six months and three months but not for a long time. I've been using regular for the last ten years. Im so tiered of living the way I do. I don't think I can go on much longer living in poverty sponging off my mother living in loneliness and shame. In the beginning of my cocaine daze there was money youth vitality ideas crazy sex and sex parties. Now 30 plus yeas later it's but a dream echoes of a life passed by. If I had my life to do over again the only thing I would change is to say no and refuse to snort that first line of pure Colombian my friend Dean smuggled into my country. In fact if I had known then how much misery it would cause me and my familiy I ...........
No Turing back now. One thing I noticed is that after three weeks clean I'm beginning to feel and be able to do a lot better. Also the scarey part is that I'm totally sober when I decide to put that first line in my body. Cocaine has been my biggest mistake in this life it changed my life for the worst.
Its funny how u. Said u can
Its funny how u. Said u can direct 2 dis one girl... Never is. Too late but do it wen u wanna live a lil while because u will feel dull.. I was in an accident. Dropped 30 feet flat on ground, dis was the only thing dat kept me from coma or dieing.. Have u seen the movie limitless.. Its on similar lines I think so, get married again have a child n leave it. To the responsibility.. I know u work in a balance but imagin ur highers u wud think u r on the same level but u shudnt be dere..what I feel I have become a very wise arogrant n dirty lil horny man
How to quit for free.
In my opinion rehab centres are simply not worth the money, and I've been through 4 programs. They extort your loved ones for money because they know that a loving family will gladly pay any price to get their child, brother, sister, etc off of drugs. Most places will claim a 90% success rate, but this is pure bullshit and is closer 30% based on my conversations with other fellow junkies in the programs who have also relapsed time and again. Remember, addiction treatment is a business first and they are mostly after profit - not your well being.
My last treatment at NARCANON cost $20,000 and only kept me away from drugs for the duration of my treatment. Once I was out I was hitting lines within a couple weeks. Plus they tried to convert me into some bullshit Scientology dogma - fuckin cult, fuck NARCANON! If you really want to pay the cash for rehab DO NOT pay these lying pricks!
Anyway, I successfully quit on my own and haven't touched cocaine for 6 months now (the longest I've gone for 10 years and going strong). All I did was call my friends who did coke and told them I was trying to quit and simply couldn't hang out with them - most of them understood except for one jackass and now former friend. Then I deleted all of my coke dealers phone numbers from my phone, changed my own phone number, and moved to a new apartment. It takes a little willpower but the philosophy behind it is simple: If you can't get a hold of it, then you won't do it.
It worked for me, and it was free. It may not work for everyone but if you seriously want to quit then try it. What have you got to lose?
I currently owe around $45,000 for all of my treatments as I promised I would pay my family back for treatment - which I am, and have been. I already paid off around $20,000. I just wish I didn't spend all that money on B.S treatment, especially NARCANON - fuck that place was a shithole (Trois Riviers, Quebec, Canada). I would have rather went to prison and got better food, and accommodation without spending $20,000.
Well done
Well done, I did the same as you and it works.
what i gained from crack, a mothers view
7 years in..... 1 and 1/2 out........ 12 years in = crack cocaine habit and the years in Prison you will have, not jail, Prison.
You started the habit at 19.... you are now out at 37 from all of this. No skills , no job, no family.No life.No social securioty to look for, you haven't worked to qualify. Now what??
No family or friends who will trust you ever you maybe again..but no trust.
Still want to smoke crack?
I miss my son. I will never have the memories of his manhood growing up. He will never have them
Just have to reply to your comment
I am sorry to hear of your loss. I can imagine the pain and suffering through those many years. I am researching my own issues and came across your post and had this inner command to reply. At this point I just try to believe that in the end we will all be together again in piece and happiness. A better world where everyone is compassionate and loving. A place where sorrow does not exist, created by God Almighty. All we have is hope. I have been praying for guidance, health (mental and physical), Piece and love among all, forgiveness for my sins and special prayers for sufferers that I know personally. This has helped me cope for several years now.
I read your comments with sadness. I have had a similar experience and wanted you to know you had a compassionate friend here
Melissa, first I would like to say....I read your report and it was excellent. I am a recovering cocaine addict with 18 continuous years clean and this is the first article I have read that was really on the money and not boring to read. As for Shane Skylar, let me advise you that you could use a meeting (NA) cause you are still using and second, go back to school with your illiterate behind. Shane, you really could use a narcotics anonymous meetings.......DRUGS ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND,...hehe. Look at what you wrote (see the part in Melissa's report, cocaine users talk too much). I'm just sayin.........
Getting Help is NOT hard
Lots of people on here are looking for help.
IT'S NOT HARD TO FIND...especially in Canada
You'll find help the same way you probably found this
For some, it takes getting arrested (as i did)
I was forced to get help but it was up to me to find.
I still get urges but now have the tools to fight these urges.
I now know what triggers my urges and have been clean now for 4 months.
I was arrested for a half gram and the crown attorney was seeking jail time...FOR A HALF GRAM
Soooo not worth the risk
Stop now, get help. The people that truely want the help will seek it and will do well in treatment
My cocaine addiction-Problem
I started doing cocaine as a performer playing guitar and then doing Karaoke at bar for approx 10 years. I would do it sporadically at guitar playing shows or karaoke shows as it would help me stay alert and awake during shows almost seemingly creating a "good show" due to my alertness and talking.. I don't know, but I began suffering from seizures in 2008. The seizures I had resulted after a time when I believe I bagan drinking beer (alcohol) again and got pretty messed up by having these seizures about the same time I started I thought - and that's why I'm researching this topic....cocaine and the brain.....At first I thought that alcohol had everything to do with my seizures....But, I really do believe that the cocaine I did...which was regular at intervals...maybe 10 continuous days out of 30 days I would take it....but when I took it...I would take alot of it.....snorting whatever I could at times...between the cocaine rush.,,,,My seizures included my loss of short-term memory fact, I did not even know what I had done for about 1-2 months! I even had a Karaoke gig, which I did pay-but was told that i was fired from the bar were i, my life at that times was say the least.....well, i had a motor cycle accident in aug 2008 that put me into a 3 month coma.....almost died.....and now i live with tbi! for the rest of my life! so, was it worth the cocaine effect i got from snorting the stuff? Heck no!!!!So, my sporadic-prolonged usage of it may have caused my brain there scientific proof of the brain-neuron/cell damage and loss? if so where can I find it online?
Just a few words of truth
i'm 42 yrs old man and have been addicted to cocaine for 15 yrs+ at expense of my family.
Must of spent over 75% of my lifes earnings on it.
Things have fell apart around me, living a pretence to others, that things are normal, while really living in deplorable conditions.
Should of spent, that 75% of my life times earnings, on my children and enjoyed lifes natural highs and rushes, that millions of years of existence has blessed us with.
Its now time to change its never too late education is the key.
We have a tool available at our disposal, that previous generation had not.
The internet ... sites like this.
Use them to your greater benefit and free youself from your addictions as i'm no doubtly gonna do.
i want to STOP
All the info I've read touched me.I'm a31yr old wife&mother of4.i never used a drug in my life until many other users the first time i did coke i LOVED it,oh yea my husband gave me my1st bump.turns out he has been using since he was15&i never when it came out i told him i'd rather him do it@home with me(not realizing thr effects it would have on me)i don't like the way it makes me feel anymore. Its almost like i can feel my brain sweeling cuz when i get too high all i feel is pressure in my head. I have uncontrolled twichin or my nose i just gone.i was bipolar before i started doin coke,an i dint feel smart anymore.I'm forgetful all the doesn't seem to affect my husband at all.i be so high i feel like I'm about2die rite at that moment as if my brain about to explode.i realize i only feel those effects if i try to do more tgan2.5grams..having said all that,i still do bumps every time he passes it to me.God give me the strength to help me stop.i haven't moved up2coppin my own,si basically the only time i get hgh is when my husband comes home wut we do3grams a week someone please tell me is that alit?dam i beed help!
i want to stop
I know what you mean... I use to have girlfriends and we did it together, then sex was crazy, but fun at time,... I went through alot of money... I borrowed yet its been 6+yrs. I do maybe 3 times a week but when i do... I do about 3-4grams in spurts overnight... Then i need more.. I already have anxiety disorders and was bpolar no need to sleep when i do... but when coming downm its depressing... Also this has been hidden from my entire family. Seems like something is up to them i think.. But they dont know... It all started i use to buy big stuff 8balls, 16ths, quarter oz's... my friends got paid they came paid me money... So it paid for itself in begining... Now as time went on I became a loner a closet case. In beggining i use to suck through my mouth to keep numb.. But that first bump i mean bump like a rope.. I loved it. Sex was alsome... I dont like paraanoid feeling but sometimes I actually start to fall asleep like opposite affect, like if i took a bump, id lay o couch.. fall out like a light... my buddy said chris i put 2 more up. i wake up take it get that great drip and talkitive happy feeling. WHEN THE COKE RAN OUT, I COULDNT DEAL WITH IT... IS THERE SOME FREE HELP OUT THERE IM IN USA/ PHILA PA area... Because i want to quit im ready i need my life back... And wanna love my family again normal.. I changed i look in mirror and know i changed for the worse, but i go back for more....??? See i wanna help myself but sont wanna tell family about the addiction. please email me any sources thqanks alot sincerely
Sounds all to familiar...
Chris... Your not alone in what your going through. I really think Coke effects everyone differently depending on so many factors (like brain chemistry) also what starts out as a fun social drug can progress into a chronic habit that makes you want to lock yourself away from the world for hours & days at a time ... Until the drugs are gone!!
The hardest part is to break the cycle your in. Trust me I've been there! You don't Have to wait for someone else to confront you about what's going on.
Maybe you think you need someone to tell you that you have a problem... Time for rehab... Stop stealing my jewelry .... YOU know it's time to stop. Rehabs probably great but it's not the only way to get off drugs. If you've got loot for 8balls you've got money for a therapist someone to talk to.
The problem is the drugs and people who use them are ALL around you.... I'm in Philly to but it's not about Philly it's about who you know and hang out with here ... You need to stop for a while to start feeling better and get perspective and your routine where you are now is going to make that really really difficult.
Best advice I could give you ... Move away for a while! I mean far away. Get a job on a cruise ship, move to a ski resort in Colorado, move to the Bahamas or any carribean island ... Get a job at some big tourist resort... Find a room for rent on craigslist and tell your parents your going for 6 months a year to check it out ... You won't know people in the drug scene in a totally new place so unless you seek it out drugs won't be in your face all the time.., (just DO NOT work at a bar!!)
Philly sucks anyway... Especially when your locked in your room doing lines all fucking night alone! Give it a try man, what have you got to lose?! Could turn out to be thd best decision of your LIFE!
Good luck man
reply for want to stop!
You have got to stop yourself now! If you don't, you may end up like me with traumatic brain injury and be disabled th rest of your life....and once that won't have any more me....I used to be a pretty-good musician....played guitar pretty good, and fast...and I could sing I can't do either good at problems are in my comment I left earlier on this it when it comes out....Not a lie also.....Keep on doing the may wake up one day like I did...out of a 3 month coma! and intense brain damage! I still have terrible short-term memory.....and lost about 15 years of long-term memory from neuron-cell damage/loss...."is this want you want to be too?" well, keep on snorting those "bumps" as we call you have children? well I know they probably love you very are going to put them thru emotional suffering from loosing their mother....or who she was before she became "brain-dead." oh, and i'm sure you'll hear all your coke-friends tell you-it's okay....only some people get hurt sometimes from coke....mostly if they shoot it up....that crap! it kills brain cells after prolonged usage....gauranteed....wanna prove that right? Keep on doing your bumps! You'lll find out! so, quit the snorting NOW!!!!okay? or live a life of having an almost "dead brain" see how you like that.....
coke is death
I've been a addict for over 8 years. The first 3 years it was fun and I felt like this would never affect me phisically or mentally. Now I'm 27 years old, my nose is damaged,I'm always tired, sad afraid of any social situation,very deppresed. DON'T EVEN TRY. But I have great parents,brother and sisters and acouple of people I would consider friends and they give a lot of support. I don't want to let them down so I quit couple of weeks ago and hope for the best... I know god will help me
You better stop why you still got the chance.
The first time I tried it was about a year ago now. I was at a friends going away party for the military, and I had been offered coke before then but was to nervous and scared to do it. I had been smokin weed for about 3 years before the first coke use. I dont really think weed is a gate way drug in the sense that you want another high. The high that you get from weed is uncomparable to any other drug,even pain pills. But I do think we is a gate way drug in the since that it takes you one foot in the door with the drug world and drug use. But my first time, the feeling was unexplainible. LIke everybody says, its a verry good and pleasurable feeling. But I promise that the first high you get from cocaine and you like it, that is the beginning of the hill. And its straight down. I didnt do it for a couple of months after the first time, beacuse I got it threw a friend. But when I met my first connection which was only a few miles from my house, that was the moment my life went hay wire. I used every few weeks, then every week. then every few days, and now after almost one year, I have gone on two week use. Cocaine was made in the palm of the devils hands. It will set the bait, and once you take the bait and like it, youre in for at first, what seems to be good ride, but at the blink of an eye, your comedowns are so nerve racking that you feel like somebody is watching and listening to your every move. And for me when I would comedown i would hate coke soo much I would swear to myself that I was done with it. But beacuse of the addiction after I camedown and got some sleep, I wanted and went and got more just like before. Im still struggling now, but I have noticed that my chest hurts when I use now. I used to somewhat enjoy the use of it even a few months ago, but its now at the stage where maybe the first line and drain, makes me somewhat feel good, but after that, it sucks. But because of addiction you keep doing it, and telling yourself the next line will be better. PLease just stay the hell away from it. Look at charlie sheen
Im only 14 years old... with
Im only 14 years old...
with a normal home, im still all alone
cocaine gave me a crave.. took my soul to the grave and left me here to wait.
is 8o bucks a gram really worth the after pain that still stands.
I guess its all i know
pot was gold
coke was as beautiful as snow
now it melted and turned to brown
heroine and crack turned around
stabbed me in the back
now all I have is regret
80 bucks a gram u got ripped. I pay 40 for the fire
Death by cocaine
My son died last summer from cocaine addiction. He blew his head off with a shotgun. I found him. He was my first child and only son. He was 33. There is nothing I can say to you to make you stop doing cocaine or other drugs. But just know, that when you die from them or suicide, or if you are mentally incapacitated from doing them, your family who loves you will have to live on and endure the pain of losing you to drugs, for the rest of their lives. It's one thing to kill yourself, but another to inflict that kind of grief and pain on so many others...
cocaine death-suicide
That's a nice guilt trip ....not necessary....intervention ....spend time live them take them out to dinner lunch trip fishing anything quality time is important for all humans of all ages and when kids grow up they still need love attention understanding everyone is different ...but once depressions ion hits u don't close your eyes turn your back or talk about it u take action. Because sometimes the person can not find their way out much of your time and attention is too much to avoid unnecessary death....I did not think I would servive my last episode of suicidle depression and I had a shrink I text not stop I had no one my family too busy shrink only responded once a day but better then nothing ..I felt guilty but hell I said just bill ins. I've been paying them for 35 years I need it for my mind to stay alive....I'm glad I survive one can imagine that hell unless u have been their don't think about yourself living with his death ....his pain and suffering is over he gave up on his life ....cause when he was alive he felt all alone and things could not get better...he lost hope because no one was there the way he needed them to b not at everyone's convenience. This is our society this is our humanity....I don't feel sorry for family I feel sorry for him because he did not get what he needed to stay alive .....
I am dreadfully sorry for
I am dreadfully sorry for your lost. I pray that you will find some peace and that your son is now wrap in the arms of the true God, Jesus. I ask everyone out there to say a prayer, rather if they DONT believe orDONT feel like it, for one week three times a day. They must kneel, it doesn't matter where and women must cover there heads as they pray. Starting, 11-22-11. Cocaine, crack, refers, and cigarettes addicts. PRAY LIKE YOU NEVER DONE BEFORE. DONT GIVE UP.
Living and loving among coke.
I personally tried coke when I was 18. I worked at the bar and briefly dated a coke dealer. It was an interesting experience but I had bigger ambitions and I stopped and moved on with my life. I never returned back to thoughts about trying any drugs. Almost ten years later I started dating e a coworker who had drug problems. He is a nice guy. He has a good heart. However coke and other drugs that he have used through out his life (for about 14 years) have really affected his mental health. He is bipolar. He admits to that. However he does not admit that it is from drug abuse. He blames it on genes because his mom was a heroin user prior or during her pregnancy. He have used any imaginable drug out there except for heroin (he is scared of it, especially because him mom was an addict). I dated him for almost a year. It was really hard. He also smokes weed daily. He did not mind me smoking on occasion. However he would never want to do coke with me. He was telling me that I was too pure and he wants to keep me that way. Eventually we broke up but because of his mental irregularity and altered feelings he keeps calling me back. If I meet him he is happy and emotional. However if I show up without warning he freaks out and goes crazy. He does not want me to see him with other women or on drugs. I've tried to help him so many times and he have tried to stop abusing drugs so many times but every time he fails because he gets depressed and lonely. Then he goes out gets drunk and finds a bad company and bad girls that are ready to party. If you tried it and you liked it don't do it again... Don't make it in to a habit. If you haven't tried it don't go that rout... It's not worth it. Drugs really mess up your thinking, emotions and feelings... It's hard to get away from drugs once you are in...
Nice post
I read your post. Thanks for the insight. You've made me rethink my path.
seriously the drug isn't anything like some of these comments have said.. maybe if you have grown up around nothing exciting, you will find that cocaine is the best thing thats ever happened to you.. i however have been snorting at least a gram a day or more for two months now and the only problem i have is my fucken nose hurts at the end of the night. if you really find it that hard to go a day without it then you are a fucken weak minded piece of shit who deserves to be addicted to it. i've recently quit smoking weed because i realised that i had been stoned for 3 years straight. i'm 17 and i see my friends smoking everyday and feel sorry for them. if you really want to quit (anything), it takes 3 days and the cravings go away, then you feel your old self start to come back, and all it takes is you saying to yourself "ahh actually thats right i was coked for two months straight, i think i can go sober for a week" whatever the drug may be, if you cant ditch it, for a week at least.. who do you think you are? your a fucken nobody.