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Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis

Biology 202, Spring 2005
First Web Papers
On Serendip
Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis
Sarah Sniezek
Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis (CIPA) is a rare disease which causes one to lose their feeling of pain. I read this article a couple of weeks ago about a girl who has this rare disease and is incapable of feeling pain and will never know what pain is. It intrigued me and sparked my web paper topic. I wanted to know everything there is to know about this disease and my research to give me answers, but, of course, this was not the case. The more and more I researched I began to wonder if this supports our notion of the "Brain =Behavior". There is so much more to learn about this fairly young disease and with that please take into account that these are sources off the internet and one could not know if they are fully accurate or not. As for the deep detail of the topic, such as names of different genes and etc, I do not fully understand their full meaning so I will write about what I took from all the different information about CIPA.
CIPA is a disease that is very new and that very few people have. There
are only thirty-five US Citizens that have CIPA, and most people with
this disease usually do not live past 25, which makes it very difficult
to study and to come closer to "getting it less wrong". ((1))
This one particular girl, Ashlyn Blocker, has CIPA which causes her
life to be very difficult. Since the young girl was born with CPI, she
would have no idea what pain feels like and cannot relate to most
people. Most of us, from the day we are born, have this intuitive
notion about pain. We feel it and know to be aware of it from learning
from our experiences. Imagine being unable to learn what pain is
because you are unable to have similar experiences. Well, that is how
this young girl was born.
Most people would think it would be great to live without pain, but
pain is an indication to our brain that our body needs something.
Ashlyn is incapable of living a normal life and has to be examined
regularly because there is no way to know if she is endanger of killing
herself through high fevers because of the inability to sweat, unknown
injuries, and etc. ((4))
Ashlyn's case is rare within the world, but there are other studies of
people from different ethnic background which also get CIPA. Through
these few studies there has been extensive research done and there are
many correlations found. So far, CIPA is defined as an
autosomal-recessive disorder ((2)) which is a developmental defect (not necessarily hereditary) ((3))
that usually is caused by a history of some kind of trauma. The person
affected by this is unable to feel pain, even though they seem to show
a normal central and peripheral nervous system. ((3))
With is young disease there are many questions and hypotheses brought up. There are many correlations and observations. On one study of CIPA, many different people having CIPA were observed and Clinical features, Pathological findings, and Molecular Genetics were all taken into account. Under the Clinical features one finding showed that in CIPA patients there is an overproduction of brain endorphins which could be some how interrelated to this disorder. ((3))
Another study was done by taking a biopsy of the cutaneous branch of
the radial nerve of two patients with CIPA, differing in gender and
age. Within the older of the two patient's biopsy of the radial nerve,
there showed to be no small myelinated and unmyelinated fibers but
within the younger of the patient the biopsy showed that they were
lacking unmyelinated fibers and that the amount of small myelinated
fibers was decreased. This suggests "that the disorder was not a
hereditary sensory neuropathy, but rather a developmental defect" ((3)).
Another pathological finding was that patients with a very small amount
of nerve fibers were more likely to have rare nerve fibers in the
dermis and no nerve branches or endings on the epidermis. These
patients are classified as HSAN4 patients. The studied concluded that
these patients "have a hereditary developmental defect of nerve
Lastly, the study of Molecular Genetics within CIPA patients gives the
most substantial information. The study of a gene tyrosine kinase
(NTRK1) which is related to the nerve growth factor (NGF) within the
patients having CIPA seemed to be the mutation causing CIPA. This study
also suggests that there are other TRK and neurotrophin genes might be
the cause of developmental defects of the nervous system. ((3))
As for these studies, they just bring me closer to understanding what I want to understand between the brain and its behaviors. So far within this semester I have been trying to find something to show me that the brain and behavior are not equal, but I still cannot find anything. This rare disease, CIPA, shows that the brain and behavior are equal. People affected by this disease feel no pain and will never understand what pain is. Their behavior is equivalent with their brain state.
I find it interesting though that these people affected by CIPA act the function normally other than them not being able to feel pain and sweat. I wonder is there also something different within their brain. One study did show that there was an increase of endorphins within patients' brains that have CIPA, what does that show? Does it change anything? Why is their behavior still the same as most people other than the feeling of no pain? Is the only difference within their brain their insensitivity to pain?
I went into this research wondering about this disease and if it actually went against "brain=behavior" and it has not so far. It only makes the argument less wrong. This disease affects ones nerves because of a mutation of some sort, most likely a gene mutation within the NTRK1. The behavior still reflects ones brain state.
1)American girl feels no pain and smiles to her own Blood
2)Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis
3)Insensitivity to Pain, Congenital, with Anhidrosis; CIPA
4)Girl with rare disease doesn't know pain
09/27/2005, from a Reader on the Web i too am fascinated with this disorder. i am non traditional student, just having returned to college after a long absense. my major is occupational therapy, and i am interested in how this disorder would benefit from OT. one other thing to consider is this. there are many "normal" people with high pain thresholds, and low pain thresholds. is there something in the brain that makes us more or less sensitized to pain?
I am a nursing student in Southern California. In researching diseases which effect the sense of touch I came across your site and others talking about CIPA. This is by far the most interesting disorder I have come across. I cannot even begin to imagine the strength of the parents and loved ones involved in caring for these children. These stories and testimonies of those involved truely help me to appreciate my own ability to precieve pain ... Samantha Celaya, 7 September 2006
I like this topic. It really intrested me once I saw the show "House" and the episode was similar to the story that you gave. At first, I thought that it'll be cool to have CIPA, but then when I realized what can happen to a person when they have that, then it scared me just a little bit. I would like to take upon this assignment to help those who have CIPA because they can't live like that, I mean, it's cool to not feel stuff happening to you, but when it all comes down, a person should still feel what normal people feel ... Tifany, 20 February 2007
I'm entirely engrossed with the matter of this disorder. Even though I am only 13. I love the television show, HOUSEmd, where it broadcasted a show about a young girl having CIPA. Please feel free to contact me with any information, as I dedicate 90minutes a day towards CIPA research ... Dylan Yamada, 1 March 2007
I am very intrigued by this disorder as well ever since i saw it on House about 4 weeks ago. I am now able to do a research project on it for my genetics class this semester. Thanks for your information and the links it really helped in this research, I find this very interesting and think its so weird ... Nicki, 14 March 2007
I sort of can guarantee from all that I know that all illness is a symptom of an unbalanced and/or partially awakened kundalini energy. That same kundalini when fully awakened and under the controlled guidance and care of a siddha guru-(the masters of kundalini)- permanently establishes the person in the states and being of full blissful union with the absolute divinity. the true LORD GOD. THE UNAWAKENED KUNDALINI MAINTAINS THE NATURAL AND NORMAL PHYSIOLOGY OF ALL THE LIVING CREATURES THAT LIVE.
Yoga balances and pleases the sentient kundalini and worshipful surrender to the will of the Loving One guarantees good physical and spiritual health.
Thank You for listening to Him=He loves you immensely in every way possible.
I have the same condition. I
I have the same condition. I always felt so alone, but seeing this page with the many comments and experiences, it's like I found a family!
I am 16 now, and I have never felt pain, cold nor hot. I was diagnosed at the age 1, and because in my country it is so unknown I was quite isolated and kept in hospital, so doctors could take care of me.
I'm in school now, and I really like to share and teach people about it, since it is so rare. I never spoke with anyone who has this disease, but I would love once.
Hi Cryene, I'm writing a paper on CIPA and I'd love to talk to you to learn more about you. Please respond if you see this post! And if you are willing to be interviewed!
school concerns
Do you have any special accommodations and/or services in place at school? If so, please describe.
To inquire
Pls does it always come with inability to sweat.
funny creatures are we!
I am now 33. I have had broken noses and dislocations of my joints (especially wrists) numerous times. Because I didn't recognize the implications of the injury, I set my own bones; of course so I could use them again and they'd look right. I have had root canals and teeth extractions without any need for anaesthetics. I am kind of like human novacaine when it comes to outside skin. I can have stitches without discomfort. I went 11 months with a 0 percent ejection fracture gall bladder before I finally found a surgeon in Ohio that could remove the darn thing.
Life can be tough. People are frequently afraid of what seems different or out of place. Sometimes it is hard for us to fit in or to get help. Hang in there guys! The dysautonomic issues are usually the worst. Have faith. And remember to love.
I have a one year old son
I have a one year old son that fits some of these examples it is very scary for me bc he turned over a dreeser on hisself he cried but only bc he was scared not bc he was hurt as a parent you know which cry is for what. then this past saturday we went to the park and fire ants was covering his legs and feet they really got him and wouldn't u know he didn't even cry.... He also has a hearing loss do to nerve damage so I was just wondering could it be do to the nerve damage.please reply
cant feel pain disorder
i have an 18 month old son who does the same thing he sliced his face open on glass and was bleeding i didnt even know until he came down stairs he never made a sound. and he is always biting through his lips or banging his head to the point of major lumps but it dosent phase him. he has fallen at of a grocery buggy gave him self concutions and he stil dosent cry. i am so lost i dont what to do if you have found any advice please let me know im extermly scared.
If you need somewhere to turn to you can start here there is a network of people in this support group it is a camp for families going through this.
Is it a moral question?
While listening to a talk given by Ravi Zacharias, the leading Christian apologist, he mentioned a girl who lives near him who has CIPA. He interjected this while expounding on the topic of pain and how it is that people often place moral dimensions in the way they phrase questions concerning pain? For instance, "Why does God allow pain?
In regard to CIPA, the question could be, "Why does God not allow pain?" Either way, the very thing that enslaves and traps us also should draw us into God's arms. But that is not the case for everyone, for almost every atheist or skeptic who writes has named the issue of pain as the main reason for his or her denial of God's existence.
life with out pain...
I am 33 years old and have live without pain, I have a severe back injury to my l4/5 and l5/s1 suffored 5 years ago, I continued to work for 2 years as a heavyduty mechanic until function stopped my body from working not the pain. I take no pain medicine but lose simple body functions of sitting, standing and walking in a very short period of the day. All my doctors ask me to describe my pain and I cannot describe other than loss of function. I broke my bone for my thumb in 2 spots when I was 20 and never went to the hospital for 16 hours following the accident( including a nights sleep) until my coworkers noticed the lost function of the hand and highly recommeded getting it checked, there is numourous times through out my life in which emotion or pain should of prevailed the situation but never showed itself.
my dentist is always in shock as I have cavities to the roots and I dont even know they exist, which cavities have been involved in my entire life from a very young age.
I am now trying to research this condition as now my nephew(6) is starting to show the same signs resilence, but seems to always be plagued by sinus infections without any medical reason.
I f anyone has information pertaining to this could you please link them here in a reply for me to continue learning to topic
worked as a mechanic? with
worked as a mechanic? with cipa? i would have thought it wouldnt be allowed with like health n safety rules etc? i ask coz i hav this and want to be a mechanic too but im affraid i'll be hurt without knowing, like all the time? im only 14 tho so maybe it'll go away one day? thanks
Pain, my dear friend is a really good indicator that our lives are in imminent danger. In the absence of such an innate warning signal ... we are left at the mercy of others when young and our own strength and ability to adapt as we grow older. Our environment with the vicissitudes of life is strenuous on all sentient beings... subtle differences such as attitudes towards our experiences can make all the difference in the world. I prize my autonomous nature and often find myself embracing my abilities vs disabilities. Where i cannot feel a gentle touch or caress, but am aware that others receive immense comfort and satisfaction from these endeavours... i must settle for my realistic possibilities. Because i empathize and care, i can andhave walked into potentially dangerous situations to save another. I have had to be willing to sacrifice me numerous times throughout the years to ensure safety for people i love. I can take hits and remove fire when it endangers others safety. I have been a lifeguard and a protector. I have often had to be harshly realistic about the consequences of my efforts for i alone am responsible for my choices. My emotional life is strong and affectionate. Because my body lacked the ability to fully grow can nerves i have had to learn to focus intensely and be hyperaware of potential threats to my well being. For me self body checks to see if everything is operating correctly is part of my normal everyday routine. Since my body did not autonomically run properly i acquired the ability externally to assist me in everyday being. Life can be exhausting sometimes...and often it would be far, far easier to escape into the sanctuary of my thoughts. Always remember to include others in your lives cipa can be lonely. Include yourself in others lives positively friends... even if "it hurts". Love is the answer. Sherbear
old cipa loves and feels deeply.
I'm 31 years old and have finally had a genetics test to subsidd the insulting and apathetic. Displays that i've received from doctors that i suffer from behavioral problems and am crazy. I waa an international boxer who attended an ivy league school. I taught martial arts and love life. I have a heart thats as big as can be and am empathetic to others plights. I care a.d have been hurt because of it. I assume other people suffer from nonstop life threatening pains and ills when they scream out in bloody murdered. Im sensitive and dont like the idea of others being hurt, i assume something lifethreatening is really wrong and go to others aid. Other than infection, extreme applied pressure and mental anguish towards others inhumane and apathetic responses, i must embarresingly confess that i xont really know pain. This causes confli ting emotio s between me and others. Sometimes i feel like an alien here on native earth. The cipa. hers.
DePuy Pinnacle
I wonder how is this disorder different from numbness. Numbness can also make one insensitive to pain. This may be a disadvantage. It would make one susceptible to break and this may lead to DePuy pinnacle implant.
i am at school and i am really REALLY interested in the subject. i would like if i can hear more about this interesting disease. i am playing a girl with this disease and i need to know every thing that i cam and thank you for every thing!
( p.s. this writing has helped me a lot)
People with too much pain
Perhaps a study should be done with the comparison of CIPA and those with Myofacial Pain Disorder, (causes the brain to send out pain signals all the time) the two results might be able to help those with both disorders. The study of these polar opposites may even further understand CIPA and Myofacial Pain Disorder.
i am a dude and i dont feel
i am a dude and i dont feel pain and i laugh at it but i was hit bye three cars and my brother.
prevention in the next baby
Genetic tests in the mother before the next pregnancy
I feel pain but laugh
I feel pain, but I laugh when I feel pain. Is this some kind of disorder.
Current Research??
Hi, do you know any teams currently studying CIPA in the US or abroad? Thanks!
Bro & sis doing fine
My brother & sister are both suffering from CIPA and are now 20 & 21 yrs old respectively. Here's my original comment:- /exchange/node/1736#comment-106978
I am still waiting to know if there's anyway i can prevent this gene from being passed on to my offspring.
Misconceptions about HSAN
I am surprised about some of the misconceptions about CIPA. I myself have hsan v, a related and even rarer and lesser known disorder. The difference is that people with hsan v only have mild anhidrosis. And people with hsan can feel some pain, just not nearly as much as normal people. Usually degrees of pain vary by area. I sometimes get headaches but i could not feel anything when i break bones. Its true that its harder to learn to avoid danger. When i was a little kid i would find entertainment in jumping on and down the stairs like a slide and would sometimes cut myself because the blood intrugued me. I also convinced myself that my tooth was wiggly and pulled it out. My parents thought there was something wrong with my brain before they figured out it was my nerves. There are some mistakes in this article. We do know what pain feels like, atleast to some extent. Also it says its not hereditary but its autosmal reccesive which is a contradiction. Feel free to ask me any questions about it. I really want to end some of the myths about this disorder
I realize that this comment is several years old but I'm hoping you're still interested in answering questions. If not, then I certainly will respect that without hesitation. I'm asking these questions for a story I'm writing, and have been endlessly researching this without any solid answers in the areas I'm about to propose questions for.
I really only have two questions, which are:
A.) Can you feel normal textures? Can you physically feel a rough, furry, or wet texture - not just knowing sensibly that that is what the texture is but actually physically feel it?
B.) This is pretty personal/intimate and if you especially don't want to answer it then I will also completely understand, but are you able to feel any physical sexual stimulation?
tactile responses
I can only speak from my experience, as an individual with hereditary sensory autonomic neuropathy. This warning having been fully disclosed... I have no real sensation of texture. I can slightly recognize pressure especially if its extreme. (Pressure is associated with long fiber nerves which I do have in tact.)
For example... i have (3) IV treatments weekly and have to assure nurses that its perfectly OK to place needles in scar tissue, because it hurts the nurses far more than it hurts me. I recently had massive maxo-facial surgery which left the surgeon creeped out because he had to drill into my jaw bone with me watching for over 2 hours straight, and then 6 weeks later do it again.
(I should probably tell you that my autonomic nervous system suddenly shifted into failure which caused my stomach to stop working, kidneys to falter, breathing to become impaired, and my heart isn't functioning properly causing syncope convulsion issues. These led to a fall that caused my jaw bone to break and teeth to be damaged. I thought the fall only caused superficial troubles until infection spread, leading to doctors recognizing the extent of damage that I had incurred. The advanced autonomic failure is thought to be a secondary mutation of my nervous system. And the infection is a great reason why people with these conditions need to really get x-rays and take extreme precautions when an injury may have occurred.)
I dont feel hot or cold. I dont feel soft or hard. I'm not really aware of textures per say. I couldnt in all honesty declare my interpretation of the experience of rough or furry surface, beyond what i see.
I am, however hyper sensitive to visual and auditory stimulus. Although I lack tactile sensitivity and was born with part of my taste buds missing, I do have olfactory nerves that function and I love aroma therapy.
I think that because I dont know life differently, I really can't imagine being any way but this. I feel like my life is full and complete. And like there is nothing missing from my view of the world. I have a unique perspective. What I lack in 2 of my senses not being present, my body compensates with hyper sensations stemming from my 3 developed senses. I dont know if this makes much sense, but I can't miss something that I've never had.
Regarding relationships.. I've had a long journey to adapting to my partners need for tactile reinforcement. For me I have to consciously remind myself that "normies" need a lot of physical contact to function properly. I am also an Aspie, so I do falter sometimes in this area. I guess my best answer regarding intimacy in general is that, for me, it had to be learned secondary.
I do like people and interacting with them. And adapting for survival is very important when you have genetic set backs. Learning our strengths and weaknesses is part of universal human development, after all, isn't it? I dont know if this is a viable response to your inquiry... but I tried... hope my personal experience helps a little!
My son has these symptoms. I
My son has these symptoms. I would like to ask you some questions. If you could email me I would appreciate it
Canine CIPA?
Is it possible for a dog to have it. I foster dogs. I've had over 40. Our last one is a fence climber. She climbed over a chain link type fence and caught her leg as she was going over the other side. She was limping but happily wagging her tail. I thought she just bruised it because she was still climbing it the next day. Finally I took her to the vet and she had a bad break. The vet commented about how she wasn't showing discomfort during the exam, setting, and casting process. He said he had never seen that before. She gets scrapes and cuts all the time. She is only 8 months old and has so many scars. She is not the prettiest dog so nobody has adopted her. So she is now ours forever. We call her Houdini (Dini) because she still is impossible to contain. We are doing our best to keep her safe but we would like to get an answer. Could she have CIPA?
Wow, this is totally amazing to read about. This article was brought to my attention by another student because of a discussion in my Anatomy & Physiology class.
My great-granddaughter is 18mos old and was diagnosed with this disease a few weeks ago when she was being checked for possible surgery to correct her foot that has 7 toes. they discovered after testing for this and that she has CIPA. My daughter and I are devasted of this news and what we have read about CIPA. Is there any testing or research in the USA? She is currently in foster care as her parents were both addicted to drugs. She was addicted to meth when she was born but she has done so well all things considered...we are so concerned about her future and what if?? anything we can do?
i'm diong a report on this adn this jsut raelly helped me adn i also got to read these stories and just oh my gosh. i don't know what to say to this. but i just have to say taht i am grateful to feel the pain. thank you
Im not sure that i really get
Im not sure that i really get the difference between the indifference to pain and the insesitivity to pain. Could someone please explain it to me?
is there any treatment or cure for this disease?? have anyone being treated with any kind of medication?was this medication effective?
thank you
i was born with this and had to have a ton of medical attention due to all the accidents i would find myself in as a child i eventually began to feel some pain when i was five yrs old reading here that seems like i was lucky but also suffer from widespread pain either due to malfunctions of nerves or simply being someone who was not introduced to pain until school age not sure but now live in pain everyday a cruel turn of events but would like to know if anyone else out there has had some similar situation since i am 35 now and am curious to see if there is any link between what i have experienced as an adult and what i had as a child
same here
I actually was on this site to see if there was anybody else who experienced the same.
I went a lot of life with my parents asking me where I got this bruise from or this cut, I would have no clue.
Then, in college I felt something and went to my doctor, turned out I was internally bleeding and had a cyst explode some organs before I even felt anything. They had to convince me it was an emergency, I kept begging them to let me take my exams, etc.
They had some docs (probably psych) work with me in the hospital to "get in touch" with my pain b/c they said it wasn't a good thing to not feel pain and that I should have felt what I had long before it got that bad.
Sometimes, I wish I went back to not being aware of pain at all, but know it isn't realistic. I still consider myself to have a high pain threshold (currently have 2 ruptured discs and can put off surgery until it gets bad...only way for me to measure it is when I can't feel my fingers; I do have some pain, but not as much as the doc says that should hurt).
I don't know if I have what this describes, never even heard of it, but I wonder if there is something to what I used to describe as a "high pain threshold."
I was born with this "problem" I guess everyone calls it. I'm nineteen now and I couldn't feel pain until I was 16 when I hit puberty and my parents put me on acutain. One of the side effect of it is that it makes people feel overly sensitive which happened to make me feel pain almost like a normal person but its still easy for me to ignore altogether. Especially with broken bones given that I've broken my leg in half and just realigned it and kept walking around till I had time to go to the doctor. I miss not being able to feel but I learned what not to do just from peoples reactions. I hope this helps some people out with some of their questions. I don't think anyone knew what this was when I was born and even I just recently heard of it.
School Project
I've been doing this compulsory Research project as part of the Australia High school curriculm and my topic is "congenital analgesia and how it affects the lives of sufferers." I've search almost a year trying to find someone I can interview. If possible, am I able to interview anyone on how the condition affected you and how you dealt with it?
Hi Lucas,
My name is Tim Elliott, and i am a journalist at The Sydney Morning Herald. I am doing a story on CIPA and would like to find someone in Australia who has the condition, and is willing to talk to me about it. You can either email me on or phone 0419 370 651
my name is Claudia and I am a scriptwriter actually working on a scenario in which my main character who has CIPA. I don't know much about this "disease", being a fairly "young" one, and would like to know more about one's conditions as to living with this "problem". I've read most of the scientific articles but lack the day-to-day informations. I was wondering if maybe you could enlighten me with some past "personal" experiences and other details that could be useful to my character development.
Many thanks,
Claudia Loviselli.
LOTS of injuries
I have hsan v and ive had it since i can remember. As a kid i never cried. One of my first experiences that i can remember was when i dropped a picture frame on my hand and had shards of glass sticking out of it. All i remember thinking was that the blood was cool. My parents didnt think it was so cool at all. Another time i found a knife and thought it was cool looking so i was carrying it around. I was holding it by the blade. After a while i felt something wet. I looked down to see my hand literally dripping and soaked with blood. When i was in grade school i scratched my hand a little (or so i thought) on my locker and while we were saying the pledge looked down to see a blood stain on my shirt. My hand was also soaked in blood. The teacher and 3 kids passed out and i just stood there as surprised as them that i was bleeding. When i was four i woke up to a pillow soaked in blood and pus. It turned out i had an ear infection that i couldnt feel and my eardrum didnt pop, it literally exploded under pressure. I broke an arm and continued to do cartwheels and stuff. When i was 7 i stuck a push pin in my leg because i wanted to see what would happen. When my dad showed me the trick where you swipe a finger through a candle flame and ut doesnt get burned. I thought i was magic because i could just leave it there and it didnt hurt. Ive fallen a story onto a wooden floor and just got back up like nothing. One time i was swinging really high and the swing broke. I fell onto concrete and again, git up like it was nothing. I had pneumonia and broke 2ribs just because i was coughing so hard and i didnt know it hurt. Whenever i get sick the doctors think im faking because i just dont seem miserable enough byt the tests always come back positive to their shock. I used to constantly chew on myself wgen i was a kid not knowing it should hurt. And these are just a few examples. Feel free to email me if you have any questions, ill be happy to answer them because there are a lot of misconceptions
i live in saudi.i am in fever
i live in saudi.i am in fever and pain body of partes.i feel cooling out side of body and i feel heat inside of body tell me madicine free
My wife's son is having this CIPA.
He is now 22 years.
His two leg joints were broken and could not walk.
He is taking cool water bath 50 to 60 times in a day.
Is there any medicine available to cure this disorder.
please help.
my brother is 49 and has bad seizures since he was 19. we been noticing that he doesnt flinch at pain and doesnt make any sound at having pain. he doesnt understand things and doesnt talk right, using words that dont make sense in his sentence. sometimes he will say something right. he had pulled his shoulder out of socket and they put it back in without him flinching or yelling or anything. also he had a absessed tooth and never complained. he takes hot plates out of microwave and doesnt know its hot. and lots of other things that we noticed about him and you think that the his seizures did this, doctors says he feels pain but we dont see it....because he has never showed how would this doctor know this unless he checked for this. can anyone explain this to me? he is in the hospital right now and had a operation and doesnt show any emotions on any pain.
i believe that he is
i believe that he is suffering from some sort of neurological disorder. He oculd posiblly have Congenital Insensitivity to pain. The doctors may be wrong and he should be checked by other doctors. Has he always been this way? If he has then it can most likely be CIPA but if this developed after the seizures then i do not know what it may be. Perhaps damage to neurons and electric synapse in his brain but i am not sure. Please do not go with everything i say because i am not a profesional, i am simply a high school student.
Indifference, not Insensitivity
It may be that he has Congential INDIFFERENCE to Pain. This is when people do feel pain, but they don't have the correct reaction to it, i.e. taking their hand away from a hot stove when it's burned. this would explain why the doctors say he feels pain, but you're not seeing a reaction to it.
you also said that he is 49. Most people with INSENSITIVITY to Pain don't live past about 25. It would be very strange if your brother does have INSENITIVITY to Pain and has lived that long. Another reason why I think it is INDIFFERENCE to Pain.
please help
my brother have CIPA i need to know what ican do to solve his problem he is 7 years with chronic ulcer in his right foot
you cant solve this problem,
you cant solve this problem, all you can do is help him by keeping him safe and healthy.
I think I would have know
I think I would have know about this sooner, but we live overseas for awhile, But I found out about my son in 1975
i have this disorder WHAT DO
i have this disorder WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!?!?!?!
you shouldn't freak out. You should stay out of dangerous areas and find some treatment. Keep having regular check-ups with your doctor as well.
I have a son who is 35yrs old with CIPA, and his 11 year old daughter also has it. There has not been a case study on either of them, but now I know after all these years what his problem is, he never cried, and he never felt pain, he did daring things, he would not sleep, & has a problem with hot weather & he had broken arms, ribs, cuts and never cried and I would never know until I would take him for a check-up and the Dr would tell me he had a healed fractures, that I never knew about. It was not until he placed his hands on a hot burner on a stove while I was cooking, I had to remove his hand from the burner, because he did not know his hand was burning! When I took him to the ER and told them what happened, they thought I was crazy he had a 3rd degree burn and never flinched.Month after month of taking him to the hospital for injuries, but not once did he cry or yell from pain. His daughter is no different, she puts herself in danger without a pain.