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multicultural5's picture

MC 4

accomplishment - today before playing i looked up online how to build a house. i've been paying in singleplayer but have heard others talking about building houses in class + in their posts and had no idea how they are accomplishing so much .. i found a nice site - - that breaks down exactly how to go about this, everything from getting wood --> crafting table -> cobblestone --> stone axe --> mining building materials, etc. It also goes over the + and - of each building material, and i had no idea this existed. so i got all the way through building my tools (more complex than ever before), but then it turned night and i died. this is seriously frustrating. but still making progress overall.

question - how can i learn more from my classmates?? they seem to be wayyy more advanced than me, planting farms, reforesting, tending to their daily routines! could we all play together in class on thursday? i think it would be so much more productive than the first time when we were all figuring it out ...

struggle - im finding it very repetitive to have to start from scratch each time i die. i tried playing in creative mode to avoid dangers but couldnt seem to actually pick up the wood from trees i chopped no matter what i tried, so i got confused and switched back to survival mode because i was able to function there. as someone elese said, the wiki is very useful but moreso right now only when i know what im actually searching for .. othewise i would have no idea that things exist, like a bowl or different building materials or a furnace, etc. 

observation - i was so inspired and enthralled by thomas' talk today - wow! he is so eloquent and insightful, and his reflections on everything i found very deep and thoughtful. and thought provoking. i am so grateful that i/we have the opportunity to work with and loved the open discussion session today. now looking back i wish i had taken notes or recorded him so that i could go back over his points. 


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