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vspaeth's picture

Minecraft day 2

A struggle:  I think a major struggle I'm still having is that I still haven't fully immersed myself in the game.  Not that I'm not playing, I've probably been playing too much, but I haven't been back on the multiperson server since class, and I just started playing with the monsters at night again today (I already died once, oh well what can you do).  I think I'll try getting myself into multiplayer later on today, so I can be accustomed to it again before our extra meeting tomorrow!

An accomplishment:  I made a few today.  I've finally started getting a better handle on controls, which is one of the reasons I've been exploring singleplayer.  I'm starting to manipulate the world I created, I've built a small house, I started a small wheat farm, I've explored some of the naturally occuring mines, I've made some iron armor.  Another accomplishment is that I decided to turn back on the monster spawning, and even though I died the first night I tried to kill some, I didn't end up doing that horribly, and since I was right outside my house (and the bed I made!) I was able to recollect the items I lost as soon as the sun rose. 

An observation:  I've used the Minecraft wiki a lot during these first few days of exploration and it's kind of incredible how helpful it is.  It's this well rounded, completely informative source that I'm assuming was created by younger people who play the game.  How exciting is that?  All these people coming together to create this source to help orient newcomers into their environment!

A question:  Reading through some of the posts I'm hearing a lot about what's been going on in the multiplayer server.  I can't help but wonder if playing there is going to be harder?  I wonder if it's going to become a competition of sorts or if we're eventually going to manage to come together and create our own community in this world. 


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