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Hunger Games Wiki

In my research, the most interesting aspect that I came across was a Wikipedia-type page designed as a glossary to accompany the books. It is called "The Hunger Games Wiki." Having never read the books or seen the movie, I was fascinated by this seemingly 'home-grown' community of people who have created this site. It provides definitions and description of many of the story's aspects, from weapons and technologies to locations and characters. At first, this made me wonder whether the books are actually so complex that a reader would actully need this tool to support their understanding. Overall, why did those who created this feel it was necessary? What are the different ways that people use the site and for what reasons? When I looked further, the site is hosted by Wikia, a site that allows anyone to start their own wiki page/community. The site's main page is broken in to categories like Video Games, Entertainment, and Lifestyle. Their main page says states that there are over 30 million pages and over 67 million visitors - wow! Anyways, to bring it back to the Hunger Games specifically, I used the wiki page to give myself a more in-depth introduction to the serise than what I read on Wikipedia : On this wiki, some of what I learned about includes force fields, hovercrafts, communicuffs, and the mockingjay birds and the role that each plays in the story and its society. Although much of the wiki seems set up to distribute 'factual' information, like defining what a "tribute" is, etc, I wonder how an online space like this could also work as a forum for people's opinions of how exactly each of these concepts works in the books and in the Panem society. 


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