Serendip is an independent site partnering with faculty at multiple colleges and universities around the world. Happy exploring!

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Hunger Games Online

When exploring the Hunger Games online, I ended up on a website called "The Hunger Games Explorer". The point of this site is explained as "The Hunger Games Ultimate Fan Challenge". Basically, fans create usernames (called Distric ID's) and then earn points for creating posts on various forms of social media (twitter, facebook, and instagram seem the most prominent). With these points they are given access to different challenges (Hunger Games related of course) that they can then earn other prizes from. This appears to be a pretty official site that is run by people directly affiliated to the production/advertisment of the movie series. I found it really interesting that there is such an obvious push for social media use and sharing of a single hashtag. It clearly emphasizes the significance of social media in our world today. It also draws attention to the way that social media can be used for advertising when used in the right way. 


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