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Hotel Sleepwalking / Peeing (I think)

So this is extremely embarrassing. I am a 45 year old professional male who has been known to have a few drinks in my day. Drink most evenings but not to excess (glass or two of wine or beer). I have had prior experiences where I have sleepwalked and peed in inappropriate places. Typically it will happen when I am in an unfamiliar location and have had too much to drink. It has happened a couple of times on cruise ships and thank goodness I did not leave my room. Urinated in the closet and out on the balcony once which was kind of scary because what happens if I would have fallen off and into the abyss. Death, that is what happens. That scares that crap out of me. Usually if it happens at home I will just wake up in weird places like on the couch or in another bedroom even though I went to bed the usual way in my own bedroom. It has always happened when I drink beer up until the point I go to bed. I am certain it is because of a full bladder as it always happens an hour or two after falling asleep. Sometimes I will wake up while moving around, sometimes I will only have a vague memory(almost dreamlike), and others I will not remember at all. My wife is an extremely sound sleeper so she has never woken up for one of these episodes but is fully aware of my night wandering.

The other day my wife and I were travelling and stopped at a hotel for the evening. It was a long day and I was a bit stressed out from various work as well as personal situations. We unloaded the car and checked in and proceeded to have a beer in the room. We then went out for some dinner and a few more beers at a local establishment. It was already late and the restaurant was closing down so I drank two higher alcohol craft beers and then went back to the hotel. We stayed up and watched some TV and drank another beer or two in the room and then went straight to bed. I was far from drunk but had drank a few higher alcohol craft beers and did not use the bathroom right before falling asleep.

Flash forward 1.5 hours later and I wake up to a hotel hallway and take a glance at the nearest room number and note that I am on the third floor on the opposite end of the hotel that my room is on. Worse yet my room is on the second floor. I was wearing a tee shirt and boxer briefs (what I wore to bed) so at least I had some clothes on. I am convinced that if I had gone to bed without clothes that is how I would have woken up in the hallway..... NUDE! Needless to say this was as unsettling as it gets. Once I got my orientation straight I took the stairwell back to my room to try to avoid any guests who might be out and about and tried to be as discreet as possible in knocking on the door and hoping my wife would hear it and let me in. What if I were alone? That would have been a terrible conversation to have with the front desk clerk especially in my state of dress. I guess even though I was able to open a hotel door and wander around I was too dense to remember to take a key to get back in. She opened the door and immediately knew what happened. I hope that nobody saw me but am certain that hotel security cams caught the whole episode. I was so embarrassed and am now terrified to stay in a hotel, with family / friends, or anywhere else in fear that this might happen again. I am certain I peed in the hallway of that hotel somewhere but have no recollection or evidence other than that I did not have to go at all for the rest of the night which was abnormal for me.

I guess the answer is to curb the alcohol intake. It usually happens when I drink larger quantities right before bed so will have to watch that. Was thinking about rigging a tether up to the bed that would be comfortable to sleep with. Maybe an alarm for the door that I saw on Amazon to at least keep me in my room. Who knows but that can't happen again.....


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