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Not just once

This keeps happening to me. It's been going on for about a year now. I've read articles that it's related to a vitamin deficiency but it seems more like mental issues. Sometimes I remember that it happened but can't tell if I was dreaming that it happened. I drank too much a few nights ago, remembered seeing pee run on the floor but couldn't find any puddles the next day so I thought it was a dream. Well... I just found where I was. In the closet, on a tote full of clothing. It's way too embarrassing. I've talked to my friend and mom about it and it stopped for a little while but it happens every so often. Not sure if it's my mental state or what I had to drink that contributes to it. One time I peed ON my boyfriend while we were crashed out on my couch. Laundry baskets, carpet, and couch cushions seem to be the most common spots. Stop drinking is the only solution I can think of. That or get therapy. Haha


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