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my boyfriend

He's always been a weird one, expecially when alchohol and drugs are concerned. he is really scared of spiders and it used to be that he would wake up and start beating the bed "spiders! SPIDERS!!"
Now every night he wakes me up with some form of talking its usually angry fuck you bla bla bla and can be really obsene and scary, he kicks his legs out says he's gonna cut people etc its mad. Anyway, the time before last he woke up went into the kitchen started smashing plates and cupboards around openening the fridge, made a drink, opened the dishwasher and pissed on it.
Like many others, when in my utter disgust i ask him what hes doing he rudely replies taking a fuckin piss what does it look like. He looks possessed and not himself it was so scary i didnt know that he wasnt awake i went mad and he went to the loo and carried on and stood there laughing like a nutter weeing all over the bathroom floor. Went and fell asleep on the sofa, so i got a bit of water in a cup and threw it in his face he "woke up" but not awake kicked the table over shouted what the fuck are you doing then he got me in a headlock which resulted in my having to kick him in the nuts to get him off me.
He doesnt rememeber anything and its getting worse, last night, again after a few stellas, he woke up calling me carol i was like what the fff "carol off the advert deserves more than four kisses, tell her tell her. Right thats it NUT HER! NUT HER!" headbutting the air and punching out like a loony.
After that he gets up, goes and pisses all over the bathroom floor, when i told him to hold it he put his hand on the wall and pissed everywhere even more again i said what are you doing he said taking a lovely piss. got back into bed ontop of all the covers i couldnt move him wake him nothing. went and slept in the spare room with all the lights on for him and doors open so i could hear him and he woke up llater and came in the room and had no idea again. Its scary and im scared one day he'll wake up violent and try and strangle me. Ive learnt not to argue with him and just try to let him get on with it but its not very safe. He also pissed behind the living room door and tried to piss on the side of the bed.
theres obviously times that im not there and it frightens me he might go out naked and neighbours hear him and see him like that, go in the street, climb out windows.... Im worried lol!
why do they all wee? whats with it? Most nights he will drink a whole bottle made up of robinsons squash but i dont hink its that i think its just alchohol..rrr i hate it! should he see a doctor or is it just something we have to live with? Stop drinking..yeah ive said that but theres no chance of that hapnin!


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