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Kee Hyun Kim's picture

Andy and Eri's enzyme lab report 1

We were responsible for part I and part IV of the lab.( we used 1.0 ml of H2O2)

Part 1


trial 1

Time measurement (ml)
0.5 1.7
1 2.5
3 5
3.5 5.5
4 6
4.5 6
5 6


trial 2


Time measurement (ml)
0 1
0.5 3
1 4
1.5 4.5
2 5
2.5 5.5
3 5.5
3.5 6
4 6
4.5 6


Part IV

Cold Temperature:

Trial 1 / Trial 2 / Trial 3: The time that it took to float up to the top of the 50 mL beaker was too long, so we were unable to measure it.

Hot Temperature:

Trial 1 / Trial 2 / Trial 3: Again, the time that it took to float up to the top of the 50mL beaker was too long, we were unable to measure it.

Room Temperature:

Trial 1: 9 seconds

Trial 2: 8 seconds

Trial 3: 6 seconds

We found that our initial observation (that the filtered disc would rise quickly in cold water and slowly in hot water) was completely wrong and instead, both the cold and hot temperature caused the disc to be unable to float. The room temperature was however, the fastest increasing rate.


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