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Liz S's picture


I think you raise an interesting point, but I don’t agree that we’re thwarting Darwinian natural selection. It’s important to understand that traits favored in the past aren’t necessarily favored currently. It’s no longer relevant (in our society) that I can’t see without my glasses or contacts. The chances of me running into any wild animals while moderately blind are slim to none.


I think it’s also important to make a distinction between evolutionary theory and social Darwinism because what one person deems “unfit” may not actually be, in a strict biological sense.


On another note, I too (like some people up above) read the article in the NYTimes about repressed memories, and I take the side of the McLean doctors. I think there’s a lot of evidence that demonstrates how, if anything, traumatic memories are more unforgettable. And I’d like to mention Elizabeth Loftus (I don’t think anyone else has yet), who has done a lot of work on how memory can be impacted by post-event information and suggestion. 


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