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Hilary McGowan's picture

Flatland on perspectives

The very first chapters of the book were quite intriguing to me. I really enjoyed the part where they show the examples of how to look at regular objects. From one point they may look like there are many sides, but from another only one side may be visible. This idea of looking at things in a different way really made me re-evaluate how I look at my own life. Am I only seeing the simplistic view without searching for the whole? Do I see only one side to a person and don't even realize all the complexities that I'm missing?

Flatland, though at first a tad angering, really "blew my mind". I hadn't thought that anyone had seriously thought this much about other dimensions until 60 years ago. The fact that the author blended in story telling with mathematics and science again made me think about the status of the world around me.


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