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themword's picture

This reminds me of one of our

This reminds me of one of our group discussions early on in the semester. We were talked about how people influence each other when they ask for help in making a decision. I believe this was in the context of going with your gut feeling. This is more direct of course. But I agree that many people do not realize that they are being indirectly influenced by others. Such influence can lead us down a different path in life. Everything we say and everything we do can have a significant impact on the lives of others. Even the look on someone's face affects us. I don't know if I always think about how I am being influenced, but I do recognize it afterward. People do not realize that they are being influenced by others, and those that are doing the influencing do not realize that they are playing an important role in the universe. We shape each other's lives, whether we know it or not. I guess the question might be, do people only feel they are playing an important role in the universe if they are playing a direct role?


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