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Lisa Smulyan

Lisa Smulyan's picture
Lisa Smulyan
Professor, Educational Studies
Swarthmore College

Lisa Smulyan is Professor of Educational Studies at Swarthmore College, where she teaches courses in educational foundations, adolescence, gender and education, and comparative education. Her publications include Balancing Acts: Women Principals at Work; Collaborative Action Research: A Developmental Process; and several articles. Her research focuses on teacher leadership, classroom-based research with teachers, life/case history as a basis for understanding school practice, and investigations into the role of gender in teachers’ and administrators’ work experience.  During the past several years she has worked on various CETE grants, including one to support first and second year CETE teachers in the Philadelphia area (through the Philadelphia New Teacher Network) and another to support mid-career urban teacher leaders in Philadelphia, Boston and New York City.

Education Areas of Interest:
  • social justice education
  • education in high need schools
  • urban education
  • gender and education
  • global/international education
  • support structures
  • organizational culture
  • professional expertise