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Kim Marie Rohrbach

Kim Rohrbach's picture
Kim Rohrbach
Director of Student Teaching Program and Lecturer, Education Department
Muhlenberg College

Kim Marie Rohrbach earned her B.S. in Mathematics as well as her certification in Elementary Education and Secondary Mathematics Education as a 1992 graduate of Muhlenberg College.  She completed her M.Ed. in Secondary Curriculum and Instruction at Kutztown University in 1997.  She began teaching The Secondary School Curriculum for Mathematics for the Muhlenberg College Education Department part-time in 2001, while still teaching high school mathematics in the public school system.  In 2005, she left the high school classroom to become more involved with Muhlenberg’s Education Department adding a general methods course to her teaching load and serving as a supervisor of student teachers.  In the spring semester of 2012, she increased her participation with the student teaching program, assuming the position of the Director of Student Teaching.  In addition to her involvement with the college, Kim is enjoying raising her two young daughters and participating in their activities.

Subject Areas of Interest:
  • math

Education Areas of Interest:
  • math content-specific pedagogy courses
  • education in high need schools
  • urban education
  • interdisciplinary approaches
  • project-based learning
  • recruitment
  • support structures