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John Ewing

John Ewing's picture
John Ewing
Math for America

John Ewing joined Math for America in early 2009 as President. Before joining Math for America, Ewing served as Executive Director of the American Mathematical Society for nearly 14 years. The AMS is the largest mathematics research society in the world with over 33,000 members and is a major publisher of mathematical research.

Ewing previously was professor of mathematics at Indiana University from 1973-1995, where he served as Chair of the department for two terms. He has held visiting positions in the mathematics departments of Dartmouth College, the University of Virginia, Newcastle University (England), and Göttingen University (Germany).

In 1966, Ewing received his B.S. from St. Lawrence University, which also awarded him an honorary degree in 1996. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. from Brown University in 1971.

In addition to his research work, Ewing has been active in mathematical exposition, both as writer and editor, and has written extensively on scholarly publishing as well as education. He has received several national awards for mathematical exposition, is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and recently received the Gung and Hu Award from the Mathematical Association of America for distinguished service to mathematics.

Subject Areas of Interest:
  • math