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matos's picture

Blow Out

            I’d like to begin my paper be referring to something that was said in a previous class that’s been stuck in the back of my mind ever since.  I think it was in the class where we discussed foregrounding and the topic the dynamic between race issues and gender issues came up.  Someone said that they couldn’t, as a woman of color, focus on both at the same time, and that usually race issues came first and feminism faded to the background.

Biodiversity - Week 4

These pages are being generated as part of a senior seminar course directed by Neal Williams at Bryn Mawr College during fall semester, 2007 Among the topics to be considered are

  1. What is biodiversity?
  2. What's happening to biodiversity?
  3. Why is it happening?
  4. Why does it matter?
  5. What should/can be done about it?

This week, a discussion of ways of measuring biodiversity and their significance

Biodiversity - Week 3

Biodiversity: An Exploration

These pages are being generated as part of a senior seminar course directed by Neal Williams at Bryn Mawr College during fall semester, 2007 Among the topics to be considered are

  1. What is biodiversity?
  2. What's happening to biodiversity?
  3. Why is it happening?
  4. Why does it matter?
  5. What should/can be done about it?

This week, a discussion of

Risk-Taking in the Academy--and Beyond?

Risk-Taking in the Academy--and Beyond?
Fall 2007 Series

Where do you see areas of risk-making and risk-taking:
in your scholarship, in your classroom,
in the administration of the institution that is Bryn Mawr?
Would you like company in thinking
through some ways and means of meeting risk?

Paul Grobstein's picture

Bio 103, Fall 2007, Lecture/Discussion Notes

Biology 103, Fall, 2007, Bryn Mawr College
Paul Grobstein's picture

Bio 103, Fall 2007, Schedule

Biology 103, Fall 2007, Bryn Mawr College
Course Schedule



Lecture/Discussion Session

Lab Session


Biodiversity: An Exploration

These pages are being generated as part of a senior seminar course directed by Neal Williams at Bryn Mawr College during fall semester, 2007 Among the topics to be considered are

Narrative, Science, and Unpredictability

Science, and

Anne Dalke

August 2007

"We fool ourselves with stories that cater to our...thirst for...patterns: the narrative fallacy.

Beyond the Walled Garden: "The World is Flat"

Serendip's Bookshelves


Thomas Friedman, The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century.
Farrar, Stras and Giroux (2006; updated and expanded 2007).

Reviewed by Anne Dalke, Bryn Mawr College Department of English.

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