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Group Sudoku Page

kgould's picture


Date Time Thoughts
July 13 40:05 "No guessing?" "I don't like this." "I am telling you that is a 5." "Why?" "Ugh." "I think I get it..."



Mattie Davis's picture


Began Puzzle , but was unable to complete it.  Next time "I will do it."

Geneva Tolliferreo's picture


Determined to get 'this' puzzle, I learned how to clear the page and begin again; because I had so many blocks completed, thinking I was on the right track, I refused to be frustrated when I came upon an error.  By accident, trying to find the home page to continue my project in 'free time', I lost my puzzle.  Not to fret!  I wrote the puzzle number down, and hope to 'get it' when I get home.  I am vowing this will not take all my evening...but once on the computer isn't it interesting how time seems to slip by so fast?!  So I'll just say "goodnight" now...

Geneva Tolliferreo's picture


Determined to get 'this' puzzle, I learned how to clear the page and begin again; because I had so many blocks completed, thinking I was on the right track, I refused to be frustrated when I came upon an error.  By accident, trying to find the home page to continue my project in 'free time', I lost my puzzle.  Not to fret!  I wrote the puzzle number down, and hope to 'get it' when I get home.  I am vowing this will not take all my evening...but once on the computer isn't it interesting how time seems to slip by so fast?!  So I'll just say "goodnight" now...

Geneva Tolliferreo's picture

1st Tuesday PM

Ah...the joys and challenges of Sudoku!  As a group we shared our individual feelings, which was an excellent model for how our students experience success, in the face of trial, error, 'getting it', and having fun while learning.  THIS is why my classes were often noisy, because students in groups were engage in learning.  So why is this often mistaken as a lack of discipline, especially by those colleagues who are struggling to have their students sits as soldiers and it doesn't work and their so-called prepared lesson is not getting taught or learned?

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6 + 7 =
Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. E.g. for 1+3, enter 4.