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kganihanova's blog

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High School visit

I'm not sure if I'm more excited or scared to visit the high school. For one, its a selective public school, the kids must be smart and I sometimes feel like I'm just bumbling through education. I expect to meet interesting people and also to be able to connect on an issue with at least one person. However I'm scared to expect anything too fantastic and then be disappointed when perhaps the visit does not go as planned. I mean no offense to the high school students but I don't know what to expect personality wise. I would probably ask what parameters were put in place for admission and also what drew them to the high school specifically (just like customs week haha).

kganihanova's picture

Level playing field? Maybe not.

Education seeks to level the playing field but like all things- this is not an ideal world. As great as it would be to have it be a totally equal playing field, it is currently a work in progress. Class and thus money determines what kind of education one can afford. A person from Brooklyn will not have the same education as someone who grew up in a rich suburb with private schools galore. It makes things far more equal however, it cannot entirely level the playing field. Some people with still have a little bit of trouble getting across. However, there is sometimes a pattern of those who can afford a top notch education, do not take it, and yet someone who wants an education cannot get one. Ah life!

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The relationship between access and relationship

As I reflected this week about the relationship between access and education, I thought a lot about the balance that needs to be maintained between academics and life. Access to education is achieved by not only being smart but by also having the resources needed to maintain schooling. Poor and rich people get different educations, but not everyone gets the same education. Your access to education is not the only thing that makes education, it is your approach to it. If you don't appreciate it- all the access in the world won't do anything. I am definitely lucky to have access to education and reflecting on the fact that I've gotten both experiential and academic learning, I feel blessed!

kganihanova's picture

The relationship between access and relationship

As I reflected this week about the relationship between access and education, I thought a lot about the balance that needs to be maintained between academics and life. Access to education is achieved by not only being smart but by also having the resources needed to maintain schooling. Poor and rich people get different educations, but not everyone gets the same education. Your access to education is not the only thing that makes education, it is your approach to it. If you don't appreciate it- all the access in the world won't do anything. I am definitely lucky to have access to education and reflecting on the fact that I've gotten both experiential and academic learning, I feel blessed!

kganihanova's picture

The relationship between access and relationship

As I reflected this week about the relationship between access and education, I thought a lot about the balance that needs to be maintained between academics and life. Access to education is achieved by not only being smart but by also having the resources needed to maintain schooling. Poor and rich people get different educations, but not everyone gets the same education. Your access to education is not the only thing that makes education, it is your approach to it. If you don't appreciate it- all the access in the world won't do anything. I am definitely lucky to have access to education and reflecting on the fact that I've gotten both experiential and academic learning, I feel blessed!

kganihanova's picture

The relationship between access and relationship

As I reflected this week about the relationship between access and education, I thought a lot about the balance that needs to be maintained between academics and life. Access to education is achieved by not only being smart but by also having the resources needed to maintain schooling. Poor and rich people get different educations, but not everyone gets the same education. Your access to education is not the only thing that makes education, it is your approach to it. If you don't appreciate it- all the access in the world won't do anything. I am definitely lucky to have access to education and reflecting on the fact that I've gotten both experiential and academic learning, I feel blessed!

kganihanova's picture

The relationship between access and relationship

As I reflected this week about the relationship between access and education, I thought a lot about the balance that needs to be maintained between academics and life. Access to education is achieved by not only being smart but by also having the resources needed to maintain schooling. Poor and rich people get different educations, but not everyone gets the same education. Your access to education is not the only thing that makes education, it is your approach to it. If you don't appreciate it- all the access in the world won't do anything. I am definitely lucky to have access to education and reflecting on the fact that I've gotten both experiential and academic learning, I feel blessed!

kganihanova's picture

The relationship between access and relationship

As I reflected this week about the relationship between access and education, I thought a lot about the balance that needs to be maintained between academics and life. Access to education is achieved by not only being smart but by also having the resources needed to maintain schooling. Poor and rich people get different educations, but not everyone gets the same education. Your access to education is not the only thing that makes education, it is your approach to it. If you don't appreciate it- all the access in the world won't do anything. I am definitely lucky to have access to education and reflecting on the fact that I've gotten both experiential and academic learning, I feel blessed!

kganihanova's picture

The relationship between access and relationship

As I reflected this week about the relationship between access and education, I thought a lot about the balance that needs to be maintained between academics and life. Access to education is achieved by not only being smart but by also having the resources needed to maintain schooling. Poor and rich people get different educations, but not everyone gets the same education. Your access to education is not the only thing that makes education, it is your approach to it. If you don't appreciate it- all the access in the world won't do anything. I am definitely lucky to have access to education and reflecting on the fact that I've gotten both experiential and academic learning, I feel blessed!

kganihanova's picture

Violence and Education.

Violence is by no means going to stop through education but perhaps some will refrain from performing violent acts so that they can stay in school.  School is a right up the the age of 16 but after that, it is a privelege to stay in. Thus I believe that if one appreciates education the violent instinct can be controlled.

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