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phu's blog

Between diversity, lost identity?
It is already my third year in America as an international student, but I still wonder what diversity means? Does it mean gathering people from all around the world to a same place? Does it mean sharing knowledge, opinion, and culture from defferent backgrouds? The gap between international and domestic is so huge that I have to bridge language gap, culture gap, even personality gap to get to the other side compeletely. If I go ahead to bridge all the gaps, I certainly will lost part of my identity. But if I don't go ahead and stop at where I am, I can't get to the other side. Walking in the middle of the bridge is what I feel right now.

It's been a big challange but it's also a great chance for me to read and write the analytical essays. The class, both classmates and teacher, helps me push myself to get my own ideas systematically and deeper. I did not usually ask myself why I think in this way or that way. But now I started asking myself more questions. I found out many things that I am not sure about, and I started doubting them. Since I am from China, and I have been received Chinese education for my previous school education, I like to compare the things in education between USA and China. Education purpose, education method, students tendency or common characters, etc. Through reading lots of different kinds of opinions, I get to know what other people think about the questions in education. I shall get to talk more next half semester. Overall, it's been really nice. Thank you guys!

access to education, and education accesses to...?
It's been a hard time for me to organize this essay.
I've been thinking from a very macro way when I first tried to writing it. Then I realized there are some actual stories happened around me.
Mom always liked to tell those stories happened in her generation. I think it would be interesting if I write them down and evaluate them from the aspective of access and education.
Education does change one's life routine. At least that is true in China. I learned it from my mom and her sisters's families. It's quite amazing that I look it from a different perspective other than just listen to what my mom thinks about her sister and herself.

Hey everybody! This is Pan.
Hi everyone!
I'm Pan Hu from Beijing, China. I studied at a private international high school which teaches IB program. It's kind of unique in China because all the Chinese local schools teach students in order to help them get through a BIG exam which named GAOKAO. It is extremely tough because it's not a pass/not pass exam, it's a ranking exam, and it can only be taken once. Just a small percentage of students who did well on that exam can go to the those great Universities, otherwise they will fail.