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BBI Teacher's blog

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Camping With Uncle Al


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Black father and son

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How is it that a person can have a tailbone, but not have a tail?

monkeys photo


How is it that a person can have a tailbone, but not have a tail?

Let's see if we can find out more about this. Please Click Here


So, now what?

If you would like to learn more about Genetics try the Home Page of these web sites that you have just been visiting.
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Can you explain why you do not have an identical twin?

identical twins photo


Can you explain why you do not have an identical twin?



Let's see if we can find out more about this. Please Click Here


Next Question

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Have you ever wondered why you look like your father?

father and son photo

Have you ever wondered why you look like your father?

Let's see if we can find out more about this.

Please Click Here


Next Question

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Right Page

Great! Your answer is correct.

It is in fact Genetics.

Now, let's take a look at those earlier questions.

Please Click Here
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Wrong Page

Good choice! But, I think you were thinking of another branch of science.

Maybe you should try again.

Please Click Here
BBI Teacher's picture

Have you ever wondered ...?

<img src ="" width=400 height=400>

Have you ever wondered why you look like your father?

<img src ="" width=400 height=400>

Can you explain why you do not have an identical twin?

<img src ="" width=400 height=400>

How is it that a person can have a tailbone, but not have a tail?
BBI Teacher's picture

Predicting a Person's Height

Predicting a Person's Height


Is there a mathematical relationship between a person's height and the length of his femur?


metric ruler, meter stick, string, calculator


BBI Teacher's picture

Randal Holly Home


Academic Year 2002-2003

Room 406

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