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Solange, we do belong.

me.mae.i's picture

Solange is a singer, actress, businesswoman, speaker of truth, my hero, and honestly my definition of a care free black girl. Recently, she wrote an essay about an experience she had at a concert, that she attended with her son and husband. As she was dancing and singing along to the music, a woman behind her began to yell out at her and through trash on her. You can read the essay here, it's beautifully written. 

The last few lines stood out to me the most. They read:

We belong. We belong. We belong. 

We built this. 

When I think of race and the media, more specifically my race and the media, this is what I think of. I have to constantly tell myself that I belong, my sisters belong, my mother belongs, my fellow black women belong. The reason why is simple. I do not see myself in the media. At least not mainstream. And it's exhausting, honestly.

I've find myself in a constant battle in creating the spaces and finding room. It kills me to never be seen on the tv. Or if I am its negatively. I just want to exist. I have to work so hard to see myself. I do not trust the media. I know it's so untrue and successful at making me believe false images. However, I appreciate black women, like Solange. They remind me to do the work and see. Not only work to see them and fight against the deception of the media, but also to myself.