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Intersectional Event

smalina's picture

For our end-of-semester 360 event, I'd like to really focus in on Monsoon and Benaifer's methods of close listening and talking, though not necessarily in a typical, vocal way. As I mentioned, Kristin and I discussed the ways in which our portraits of our Camphill partners represent a visual form of close listening. Similarly, I think the self-portraits we're continuing to work on demonstrate a very close listening and tuning into our own faces and current states of being. An optimal event would pull all of these forms of listening together, perhaps offering an audience a variety of listening formats.

Post #11: What to do in class

smalina's picture

For the three classes following Thanksgiving, I would like to look deeper into a couple of the theory pieces, in order to better understand what I might use as a lens for the upcoming web event. I'm a fan of theory, but don't generally feel confident with it until I've spent at least two class periods working through it in a group--I find it easy to get lost in theory, thinking I understand it, and later bringing it to class and learning I had no idea, in reality, of what it was discussing. I think I have a pretty good grasp of Mohanty and Nnaemeka's pieces, but would feel much better woring on my web event if we spent another class on both of them.

Gloria Steinem's view on transgender lives

ndifrank's picture

After our discussion on thursday we were interested in Gloria Steinem's view on transgenderism so Rosea and I looked up articles about her. We were confused because Gloria Steinem has been portrayed as a very progressive woman who is well-educated and heavily involved with gender issues in the U.S. We found an article that directly addressed what was brought up in class :

discussion notes - ndifrank & rosea

abby rose's picture

gendering in persepolis

-she return to iran, interaction with customs “sister” and “brother”— non-offensive way to tell people to fall in line; brings familial relations into it, equalizing? aggressive? passive aggressive..


discussion of misgendering, how it can be aggressive/microaggressive. 


power dynamics of terms of endearment. 


* what particular contribution can the genre of the 

Persepolis and Westernization

rb.richx's picture

I also was really interested in the Westernization piece. It seems almost like one of those, 'let's tell the story of the percieved Bad Guy and turn it into something where they're shown in a different light and not actually evil' stories (though they aren't actually Western, so definitely the comparison isn't even close to exact), because Western imperialism is a Bad Guy. Anyway, autonomy was really interestingly tied with Westernized things.