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Gloria Steinem's view on transgender lives

ndifrank's picture

After our discussion on thursday we were interested in Gloria Steinem's view on transgenderism so Rosea and I looked up articles about her. We were confused because Gloria Steinem has been portrayed as a very progressive woman who is well-educated and heavily involved with gender issues in the U.S. We found an article that directly addressed what was brought up in class :

She wrote this article herself in defense of her views on transgender lives and issues and (coincidentally enough) opens with an anecdote about Iran: "Remember in 2007 when the then president of Iran told students at Columbia University, “In Iran, we don’t have homosexuals, like in your country?” The response was laughter, but I had a sinking feeling that something more serious than denial was going on. It did indeed turn out that Iran’s “solution” to freely chosen same-sex relationships was to criminalize them and to subsidize and even compel sexual reassignment surgery. I doubt I would have been so suspicious if his words hadn’t hit memories of four decades ago when I began traveling as a feminist organizer."

Feel free to take a look! 

Love Ndifrank and rosea