November 11, 2014 - 00:09

I first read Persepolis my senior year of high school, and loved it. It had won Best Animated Feature a few years prior at the Oscars, and the clip that was shown was of the nuns asking Marji about her Punk is Dead jacket. In that interaction, and many afterwards, some of the harshest criticisms about dress to women were from women. The other night, at the talk, Laverne Cox spoke about the prevalence of marginalized groups policing each other. I think it would be interesting to talk about that with regards to identity. Marji's choices in clothing represent her desire to be a revolutionary, and help her feel more a part of the resistance. Does Marji's presentation of her identity negate any other aspect of his identity? While we would argue that it doesn't(I assume), the people in her community dismiss the idea of intersectional identities.
Since I know where this story is going, I'm excited to reread the second part of the book considering the texts and conversations we've been having so far in class. I think that there will be so much more to discuss then.