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comments on 12

bridgetmartha's picture

I would really like to be able to show the portraits we've been working on in some sort of gallery. Not necessarily all of them, but whatever ones (if any) we as individuals are comfortable with sharing (since, given the personal nature of the explorations of these pieces, it seems dishonest to be forced to show something we don't think represents us or aren't happy with). I feel like we'd need something to accompany these portraits, especially for our Camphill ones. Maybe if we wrote something to accompany them?

comments on 11

bridgetmartha's picture

One of the readings Anne suggested that stood out to me was to read through recent work from SIgns--I also would like a stronger theoretical framework, and I think Signs would offer a variety of opportunities to look at intersectional feminism that could help out a lot moving foward as far as framing my last web event. Evolution's Rainbow also looks quite interesting, although it certainly goes in a different direction than our previous discussions. Not that I think this is necessarily a bad thing, though; it could be very refreshing.

#12 Yes, Representation

abby rose's picture

I think we should definitely display our portraits (in patricular, our Camphill portrait and self portrait), but I'm struggling to imagine the most impactful way to do so. There are so many stories and lessons and parts to each portrait that I think just displaying them couldn't do them justice. In terms of sharing about the listening conversations we've had, I want to echo abradycole's dilemma of " if it can’t be done whole-heartedly, does it defeat the purpose of the technique all together?".

#11 - Upcoming readings

abby rose's picture

I agree with all that has been expressed - I would like to read more theory before our upcoming web event. Although we could revisit Persepolis and the like, I definitely think that Waring's work will help us as we move closer to our last web event. Theory can be very useful and informative, but as smalina said it can be difficult to get through without discussion. 


khinchey's picture

I agree that displaying our portraits would be nice. Mine aren't the same as everyone else's but I would like to aso share text about my experience with Gabby and at Camphill.

Post 11

khinchey's picture

I agree that doing more theoretical texts would be helpful with our last web event. I am aiming to be more objective with this paper and theoretical framework is something I have been strggling with. I would also maybe like to use one of the last classes to sort of decompress together. We are spending so much time together in class and that feels like its about to end abruptly. I would like to talk together about that. I don't know if other people agree but I am going to miss this class a whole hell of a lot. 


360 <3

Post #12

abradycole's picture

For our culminating event, I’d love to have a gallery walk of our Camphill portraits and self-portraits as well as listening conversations with our guests. I’ve been trying to think of a way to teach Monsoon and Benaifer’s methods without having a full day workshop. I’m not sure it’s possible to get everyone to the same place we got to, but if it can’t be done whole-heartedly, does it defeat the purpose of the technique all together?

Post #11

abradycole's picture

Like smalina and sunshine, I'd like to read some theoretical texts. I know it's not Anne's favorite thing to do, but I think having her explain some of the theory to us in detail would be helpful. We could have a class similar to when she told us about the waves of feminism and then we transitioned into a more typically Anne conversation. 

#12 Focusing on Representation

Sunshine's picture

I would love to do an art showing for our final event. For me what pulled all of the aspects of our 360 together into something coherent were our experiences at Camphill, with Riva, and with Monsoon and Benaifer. And I think our portraits captured all of that. I think it would be cool if we all stood by our portraits and spoke about the experience of drawing them to the viewers, somewhat in the style of Monsoon and Benaifer. 


Sunshine's picture

I think it would be really interesting to read Counting for Nothing! And I also agree with Sula that it would be very helpful to have some more theoretical framework to work off of.