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unexpected place

hannah's picture

i was doing a late summer photoshoot with my best friend about two weeks before i headed to BMC. the sun beat relentlessly against our arms and faces and the tops of our heads, and the field was bright with dry grass. a DSLR is not the lightest of cameras, and i was ready to go home. but when i bent to pick up my shoes, i found a cluster of small flowers by my bare ankle-- blue and white, half-hidden in the brittle stalks.

just waiting to be found.

i like to think that beauty is often found in the most unexpected of places... it could be in a poem written on a diner napkin, or a song in a crowded market, or some bright blue flowers in a dust-coloured field. i also like to think that we appreciate it all the more when it's hidden, and so i make it a point to search for lovely things in surprising places.

this isn't anything deep or intensely revealing about my personal life. it's simply that i love the joy of discovery. and i love the thrill of beautiful things. and i love knowing that wonder can, and does, lie all around me.

just waiting to be found.