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Jody's Writing Conferences

jccohen's picture

Jody’s Esem conferences:  All meetings in Campus Center



Week A

 Week B

Tuesdays (Sept. 8 & 22, Oct. 6 & 27, Nov. 10, Dec. 1)

 Tuesdays (Sept. 15 & 29, Oct. 20, Nov. 3 & 17, Dec. 8)

2:45  Letitia

 2:45 Amy

3:15  Meghan


3:15  Hannah S.

Wednesdays (Sept. 9 & 23, Oct 7 & 28, Nov. 11, Dec. 2)

 Wednesdays (Sept. 16 & 30, Oct 21, Nov. 4 & 18, Dec. 9)

1:00 Jackie

 12:30  Elena

1:30 Isabell


2:00 Ayesha

 3:00 Yuri

3:00 Cecilia



Thursdays (Sept. 10 & 24, Oct 8 & 29, Nov. 12, Dec. 3)

Thursdays (Sept. 17, Oct 1 and 22, Nov. 5 & 19, Dec. 10)

2:30 Paola

3:00 Sasha