December 18, 2015 - 12:26

I should have done more of the readings because then I would have been able to be more present where classmates where at, which was analyzing the previous night’s readings, which I did not always do. I also would have like to have completed more of the reading responses so my ideas and perspectives on texts could have been more wholistically incorporated into our shared understandings. I did not bring as much to myself to hear, listen, and grow with the group. I was often too distracted on my laptop and I did not pay enough attention to my peers and professors. I should have listened to understand and acquire a deeper perspective.
I would have liked to have been able to transition more between discussing new topics. I was often stuck in my own emotional, personal, and social positioning and struggled to understand the complex ways people expressed themselves. I would have liked to have been more open to incorporating new ideas, thoughts, and perspectives into my own understanding of different texts and socioeconomic structures. I should have thought more about what was best for the group in certain situations and what did everyone else want to discuss, rather than just elaborating on a topic no one else was concerned with. I should have listened more and spoken more in-relation to where my peers are at or what they are discussing. Sometimes I changed the subject because I was not as interested in what the class was discussing.
I shouldn’t have argued as much. Sometimes I would make a point and then someone would disagree and rather than just accepting the discomfort of holding two opposing views, I would continue to argue with them. I was also condescending and sometimes my arguments were defended more by feelings than textual references or facts.
I should have been more involved in what my peers were doing and read more of their posts on Serendip. I wish I would have taken more time to understand the texts and sit with their complex meanings. I hope to think about my education as more of a collective endeavor therefore my engagement and intrigue in a class or lack there of, influences others.