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Understanding Ecosystems:
Structure and Function

Make a Legend for this Map.
possible legend)
- What is an Ecosystem?
- Where does one start and another begin? How does one distinguish between ecosystems?
- What do they do?
- What happens when ecosystems are degraded? How does one even tell if ecosystem functions are diminished?
Links on Ecosystems and Biomes:
- National Ecosystem Mapping
- Biomes Defined
- Interactive Biome Map
- Exploring Biomes
- EPA Student Center
- World
Relevant information about
plant (and fungal) life on earth:
- Will Franklin's Plant and Fungi Key for Biology Courtyard
- Plant Systematics Collection, from the University of Wisconsin
- Plantae: Systematics, from the University of California, Berkelely
- Plant Identification and Resoursces, USDA resource home page
- Fungal Photography, Taylor Lockwood's Digital Gallery.
- Fungal Image Gallery, from the University of Califonia, Berkelely
Mary Ellen McGinnity
The mapping activities were thought-provoking and terrific icebreakers! I find that I'm still constructing different versions of maps in my mind, based on some of the topics we discussed as we shared our individual and joint maps. I'm going to try that activity in my classroom.
I was intrigued to learn about the five zones of the deciduous forest biome; amazingly, each zone is in evidence on my school grounds.
I enjoyed the mapping introduction. I thought that was different how we got to introduce each other. I do the samething at my school on the first day of class. I write at least six questions on the board and have the students answer them at there desk or they stand in the front of the classroom. They really enjoy getting to know each other.
Connecting Biomes to Chemistry or Physics
This Morning!!
This morning session was very interactive!! I really enjoy activities that help me get to know those around me better. This is the key to cooperative learning. I can' wait to use this activity in the Fall 2007!!! The Web search was great I got to explore different animals and species.
Exploring Ecosystems
I knew a little bit about biomes before I read some information. To learn that we live in a temperate deciduous forest biome was new to me. Trying to find specific information about my specific area where I live in regards to climate, plants, animals, birds and their adaptations is somewhat difficult. There are numerous plants, animals and birds in this biome but only certain ones have adpated to our section of the biome.
Our biome's climate include the four seasons. But within each of these seasons, the temperatures in the biome varies greatly. I will probably get home this evening and spend most of it online attempting to get to more specific information about this biome in the area where I live.
Morning Response
Morrning Session