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GIST Course

GIST: Instructions for Preparing Your Final Portfolio (Spring 2011)

In this portfolio, due for seniors by 5 p.m. on by 5 p.m. on Saturday, May 7 (and by noon on Friday, May 13 for all others): we are asking you to collect and reflect on the written and spoken work you have done for this course. This portfolio project invites you to chronicle what has happened in your evolution both as a writer and a speaker in class, and to contribute to and assist us with the evaluation of your work. So--

GIST: Spring 2011

Welcome to "GIST":
An Exploration of Gender,
Information, Science and Technology

Computer Science/English/Gender & Sexuality 257
with Anne Dalke and Elizabeth McCormack

Bryn Mawr College,
Spring 2011, MW 2:30-4, Dalton 212A

kgould's picture

I am a horrible procrastinator

My name is Kate Gould, I'm a senior graduating in December of 2011 (medical leave), and I'm a thesis-writing English major.

I like video games and I guess the piece of technology that has been important to my development has been my father's Nintendo. 

From a young age I was inundated with computer games--my father is a mechanical engineer and loves all things tech. I guess by playing the Nintendo (and other games on the PC) since I was three or four, I've never been afraid of technology. It's all something that I want to try--and it's fun. Technology is fun--not scary or intimidating. I taught my mother how to use the computer when I was seven or eight years old. 

anonymous123's picture


 Hello my name is Tiffany and I'm a sophmore majoring in English at Bryn Mawr. The type of technology that has affected an aspect of my development would most definitely be my personal mobile phone, my beloved Blackberry.

I was extremely reluctant to buy a smartphone because there is social stigma attached to smartphone users - the zombie like texting fiends who walk into doors and fall into fountains. No really, youtube "woman falls in mall fountain." Smartphone users are typically horrible listeners because their attention is constantly glued to their phones. So the next time you have news to tell a friend be sure they're not on BBM or you might get a "No way! LOL" response when you tell them about your dog of nine years that just passed away.

Marina's picture


My name is Marina and I am a junior here at Bryn Mawr. I'm majoring in Psychology and considering a minor in English due to the high number of English classes I have taken while at Bryn Mawr. I'm from Bethesda, Maryland, a suburb right outside of Washington, D.C. and I'd say that a particular technology that has been important to my development have been subway and public transportation systems. I heavily rely on public transportation to get me around to where ever i need/want to go because I don't have a car. The subway and bus systems in my city and others have allowed me to explore and see places that, if public transportation had not existed, i maybe wouldn't have seen.

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