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Food for Thought course

Day 4: "The Ethics of Eating Animals"

Notes for Day 4 for Food for Thought
I. coursekeeping
conference re-scheduling: Eva, Anna?
Readings for next Tuesday
are the first selections in course packet:
two selections from Andrew Revkin's NYTimes column, Dot Earth:
“Energy, an Ingredient in Local Food and Global Food.” December '07.
“Can People Have Meat and a Planet, Too?” April '08

Day 3: "Big Organic"

Notes for Day 3 of Food for Thought

I. Coursekeeping

--books on reserve (after all)
--copies of conference schedule (and revisions for fac'y mtgs?--sorry!!)

II.Writing about writing:
Write for 5 minutes:
For me, writing is like….
What is it like, for you, writing generally?
What was it like for you, writing this paper?
What do you anticipate it will be like for you, writing for college?

Notes for Day 1 '09

Notes for Day 1 of Food for Thought '09
I. Welcome!--to potluck that is BMC and E-Sem

for next 14 weeks we're going to be having a conversation here;
we are (I hope!) a various group, with varied experiences;
we come from different places and we know different things;
we also like different things, for different reasons...
so let's start by getting a taste of that...

II. Start to get to know one another:

Go round, say your name and
tell us a story about one of your favorite foods
(something familiar, something surprising?

Food for Thought '09: Instructions for Preparing your Final Portfolio


Instructions for Preparing
Your Final Portfolio

College Seminar
Bryn Mawr College
Fall 2009

Food for Thought Webpapers, Fall 2009

These are the webpapers that emerged from Food for Thought: The Omnivore's Dilemma, a first-semester seminar offered at Bryn Mawr College in Fall 2009. At the end of semester spent thinking together about how we--as “free thinkers” with “open-ended human appetites”--might learn to make thoughtful decisions in the world, students are posting here their work about what issues seem most critical to them...

Take a look around, and feel warmly welcome to respond in the comment area available at the end of each paper. What strikes, intrigues, puzzles you...what, among your reactions, might be of interest or use to the writer, or others in the class, or others who--exploring the internet--might be in search of a thoughtful conversation about how we make choices?


Food for Thought: The Omnivore's Dilemma

Food for Thought:
The Omnivore’s Dilemma

Emily Balch Seminars, Sections 22 & 23
Bryn Mawr College
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