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senior11z's picture

 Hello! My name is Kati Zaylor, and I am new to Serendip, Professor Grobstein, and Professor Dalke. Therefore I am excited and intrigued about this course and learning more about evolution, biology, and literature. I am a senior and a Theater major, and so I approach this course with a relatively open mind about the way the universe operates. Because I don't understand most science, I am not constrained within the limits of what is and what isn't, and feel as though there are many possibilities and unknowns to the universe. I respect some limits of science, but I will continue to verbally oppose trying to define the undefinable and declaring what is or isn't at times when humans have no place to do so. For example, "The universe doesn't evolve. It's not trying to get better," as was stated in class, is not, as I interjected, a definable truth. We cannot possibly know (yet) why the universe does what it does when stars move around. It appears that it is different than biological evolution of humans, animals, and plants, but this does not mean that it is definitely different. Has anyone ever told you what drives the force that makes the universe go round? Who are the engineers in the Factory of Gravity? I don't think it is wise to assert knowledge of the hows and whys of universal workings when there are too many unknowns (not to mention that hairy subject, religion).


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