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Sleep Paralysis: Awake But Still Asleep

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Biology 202
2000 First Web Report
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Sleep Paralysis: Awake But Still Asleep

Hiro Takahashi

A person may wake up and find himself unable to move or speak as if he is frozen. He also may hear footsteps, see a ghost-like creature, or feel someone sitting on his chest. Throughout the history, people considered this phenomenon as work done by evil spirits. However, the modern science can explain the terrifying event as a Sleep Paralysis.

A Sleep Paralysis is possibly a hereditary disorder in which one experiences very frightening seconds or minutes of total body paralysis with little respiration and eye movements (1). A victim in this state feels awake, but he cannot move or speak (2). In addition to the immobility, the common symptoms include feeling choked or suffocated, hearing strange noises like footsteps and voices, seeing beings or dark shadows, and feeling an existance of someone in the room (1). Although these symptoms often direct the victims to believe in ghosts, mistransmission of neural signals in the brain causes Sleep Paralysis. When a person sleeps, his brain sends signals to inhibit any muscle contraction (3). If he comes into consciousness before the brain sends signals to activate muscle contraction, he cannot move his body, and consequently, become "paralyzed"(2).

In order to understand how a body becomes paralyzed while the person is awake, it is necessary to understand sleep cycles. In a mammalian sleep, the brain activity undergoes two different states called non-REM (NREM) sleep and REM sleep, which differ very much from wakefulness (3). NREM and REM sleep alternate cyclically through the night; in human, about 80 minutes of NREM sleep starts a night of sleep, about 10 minutes of REM sleep follows, and this 90 minute cycle is repeated about 3 to 6 times during the night (3). During NREM sleep, a body produces few movement, but the body has capability of tossing about in bed and producing some other motor events, such as sleepwalking and sleeptalking (3). The cardiac-muscle contraction and breathing occur at a uniform rate, and the eyes move slowly (2). During REM sleep, on the other hand, heart rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure vary (3). The eyes move rapidly because most dreaming takes place in this period, and the sleeper probably "look" at the moving objects in a dream (2).

The brain's control over muscles during REM sleep points out that in this period, a body is normally in the state of total paralysis, called a "nonreciprocal flaccid paralysis" (3). Probably to prevent a person from "acting out" a dream, the brain sends signals to inhibit any muscle contractions (2). Although some peripheral muscles, such as the muscles of the fingers and face, still twitch, the large skeletal muscles become relaxed, or "paralyzed" as a result (3). Some evidence supports that the motor paralysis of REM sleep protect against the acting out of one's dreams. A patient who suffers from rare syndrome called REM Sleep Behavior Disorder lacks the normal nonreciprocal flaccid paralysis, and he acts out violent dreams during REM sleep, often with injurious consequences (4). For example, a 60-year-old surgeon dreamt that he was attacked "by criminals, terrorists, and monsters who always tried to kill [him]" and fighting against them in the nightmare, he was actually punching and kicking his wife who slept in the same bed (4).

A nonreciprocal flaccid paralysis during REM sleep is accomplished actively by postsynaptic inhibition of motorneurons (3). Although the exact process of motor inhibition is not clear, some neurotransmitters and hormones are known to generate the many components of REM sleep. Aministering physostigmine, an inhibitor of the catabolic enzyme, increases the concentration of acetylcholine within the neurons in the pons, making it possible to artificially generate and start REM sleep in the middle of NREM sleep (3). Carbachol, the cholinergic agonist, produces a period of REM sleep in cat when directly injected into the pontine tegmentum (3). The hormone melatonin, a "master hormone" (5) that mainly controls circadian rhythms, also seems to play an important role in enhancing the REM state; the level of melatonin secretion by the pineal gland reaches its lowest during REM sleep (5). Such neurotransmitters and hormones probably activate or inhibit the activity of second messengers, which then activate or inhibit the third messengers, and so on till the last messenger inhibit the synaptic transmission or cause hyperpolarization of the motorneurons. And if, for some reason, the nervous or endocrine system continues to release the neural inhibitors, a person may experience Sleep Paralysis as he enters awakefully into or awakens directly from REM period (2).

While the modern neuroscience can describe the state of Sleep Paralysis as some errors of the neural transmission in the brain during REM sleep, a person who has seen or heard ghost-like figures/voices may easily believe that eveil spirits fully controlled his entire body. However, the images or noises, which the victim believes that he has seen or heard, are most likely hallucinations; and hallucinations, too, can result from the brain activity. In the 1960's, the Canadian neurologist W. Penfield introduced that electrical stimulation of the temporal lobe can cause the auditory hallucinations in the wake state (5). The buzzing or ringing sounds in the ears and other auditory hallucinations are closely associated with the activity of the auditory cortex and involves the temporal lobe (5). During the early period of sleep paralysis, the activity of the temporal lobe increases significantly, sometimes inducing hallucinatory sense (5). Similarly, the visual cortex generates internal visual stimuli, causing the victim to "see" terrifying figures during the paralysis (5).

How an episode of Sleep Paralysis induces visual or auditory hallucinations is still not clear, but it seems to have a significant relationship with anxiety (5). For anxiety is a neurocognitive event closely related to both psychological and physical processes, the extreme anxiety or panic may cause the release of several different signal molecules that trigger all kinds of physical events (5). A person experiencing Sleep Paralysis feels mortal fear or extreme panic, and hence, the brain generates and releases internal visual or auditory stimuli, producing hallucinations.

Also, hallucinations during Sleep Paralysis may happen, for one keeps dreaming even after some parts of his brain wakes up directly from REM sleep. Since the nervous and endocrine systems continue to release the neural inhibitors which sustain the paralysis, it may be possible that those systems keep releasing the neural activators that stimulate dreaming. Thus, a person continues to "see" the images and "hear" the noises produced in the dream that he has just had in REM sleep from which he has awaken.

Understanding more neural concepts of Sleep Paralysis, some researchers now hypothesize that a very rare condition called Sudden Unexplained Nocturnal Death Syndrome (SUNDS) may closely relate to Sleep Paralysis (1). Upon the death, a SUNDS victim produces no body movement even though he experiences a myocardial infarction and strong breathing difficulties and should straggle in agony (5). The death may be caused by the extreme muscle atonia during Sleep Paralysis, which is so severe that even the cardiac muscles and the diaghragm paralyze (5).

Until I started researching on this subject, I have believed that the total paralysis of a body is due to an evil taking absolute control over the body. However, the interactions between neurons in the brain can explain this seemingly mysterious phenomenon in a scientific way. Although the explanation is not complete yet, for there are many unclear processes about Sleep Paralysis, the current hypothesis appears to reject the possibility of ghosts on this matter. Of course, it is impossible to completely disprove the existence of "spirits", "minds", or "God" affecting one's behavior. Nevertheless, like Sleep Paralysis and SUNDS, many or the mysterious conditions and behaviors which are only explained in supernatural terms probably result from brain.

WWW Sources

1)The Evil's of Sleep Paralysis

2)The Body During Sleep

3)Basics of Sleep Behavior

4)REM Sleep Behavior Disorder: A Neurologic Dissociative Sleep Disorder

5)Recurrent Isolated Sleep Paralysis



Comments made prior to 2007

I have been trying to figure out what was going on in my sleep untill i read this.Now i am happy to know what my body was expeiencing. It's quite scary your first couple experiences of sleep paralysis but now i'm gonna stay calm when it is happening to me and try to get my own understanding of the experience ... Jeremy, 21 March 2006


I have had sleep paralyisis at least once per month for the last 8 years. I am 29 as of this writing. I just had the experience about 1 hour ago and thus has caused me to do reasearch about it on the net. I noticed that many Dr.'s contribute this to anxiety, stress and other factors. My question is ... why is there always an evil presence in that concious yet body is still asleep phase? Today I heard a loud static sound, and opened my eyes to a spider crawling all over my arm. When I prayed to God, or said His name (Jehovah) the spider would start to disappear. I finally went thru my mental prayer when I awoke. This leads me to believe that it is more of a spiritual occurence, because I never have positive images while in this paralized state. I know there are many things in which our ancestors thought it was demonic rather than scientific, only to find there was a scientific explanation. However, I think this is different and cannot be simply written off as "scientific". There is not enough proof to show that it is scientific.

About a month ago I had another episode of sleep paralysis and I saw a small presence in the room with me. It was dark, and I could not see it's face (I am getting chills typing about it right now). My question is, why is there always an evil presence not only associated with my episodes, but so many others I have read about? ... Abel, 24 August 2006 


i was thinking it is evil who do that during night but now i find out why. I am suffering from sleep paralyze possibly every nigh spicily when i have dinar ... Salah Nasser, 28 January 2007


I used to have this sleeping disorder when I was a child.  It has come back once or twice with adulthood, but otherwise, it is in the past.  I used to, with great effort, move my hand to my face and pull an eye open, which would wake me up, but sometimes the struggle was too much and I would go on into a deeper sleep. 

Since the brain can do this to me, can it also cause me to get migraines just as I am about to wake up?

It seems, as I have discovered, if I get less than 4 hours sleep a night, I do not get migraines.  If I get 6 hours or more, it's about a 90% chance I will wake with a migraine.  Later in the day, I get an hour or two nap and that is the routine as it works.  Doctors just sort of treat the migraine and don't get into the sleep thing I have.  I take MaxAult for the migraines when they do get me.

I woke one time, and just as I woke, I felt this white-hot needle going into my head... bingo.  A migraine in 5 seconds.  That is how they can occur.  I wake with them otherwise.  I figure it my brain doing things it shouldn't.  I have a clean bill of health otherwise.

Thanks for your time.  Have a good day ... Jay, 11 February 2007


I have a question, and hope someone out there has an answer, it has been months and I have thus far failed to find one.  Has there ever been a record of anyone receiving the effects of sleep paralysis without having been asleep?  The reason I ask this, is a while ago, having not slept in a few hours, I was sitting at my computer, and it seemed to have happened to me. Within seconds I was too tired to hold up my own head, and my breathing got very difficult. Then I began to feel a sort of dizziness as my limbs lost feeling, and dropped to my side. after this, the dizziness turned to near blindness. I could see, but nothing would focus, and everything I tried to look at seemed to dart around like a mosquito. By this time I had no feeling in my entire body, could move nothing without quite a bit of concentration, and I could barely breath.  My mother heard me try and make out some kind of cry for help, and found me there spilled into my computer chair. She rolled me to my bed, and poured me into it. Within about 10-15 minutes I had regained everything I once had, but my sea legs did not ware off for another ten or so minutes.  I went to the emergency soon after. I had an E.K.G. and a C.A.T. scan, with no results, and I piss less in a week then the amount of blood they took that night. After basically telling me I was lying, the doctor told me that my symptoms did not fit anything at all.  What I do know, is I have been researching the issue ever since, and can only base my problem on Sleep Paralysis. All the symptoms match. And again, my question....Has there ever been a record of someone under the effects of sleep paralysis without ever having gone to sleep?  I hope you can shed some sort of light on this subject, as it,...well, it freaked me the hell out, and no one has been able to answer me!  Thank you for your time ... Mitchel Henderson, 7 December 2007


I used get this "evil paralysed me" feeling when i was paralysed and usually saw a ghost. i tried to shout or move but no sound escaped my mouth and couldn't move at all. it happened again yesterday and was almost convinced that ghosts/evil spirits were getting the better of me. But, me being a practical and logical guy, erjected this theory and started researching on this phenomenon. I came across this research paper on Sleep Paralysis. This greatly helped me in alleviating my fears. And next time i "see" a ghost during sleep paralyses, ill just laugh at it ;-)  Thanks for the research ... Siddarth, 10 December 2007 


Serendip Visitor's picture

Clearly you don't like views

Clearly you don't like views that conflict with your own. Perhaps you are right, but you should expect other views, and be comfortable with questioning their and your own too. After all, a view that cannot stand up to scrutiny or wisdom may have room for change.

"First of all you are a person who read things and change the story to your own way of thinking,"

Regardless of your recognizing this fact, we all see things from our own perspectives, indeed yourself
included. If there are gaps in details, we are all prone to making assumptions, even more so when the content we are presented with appears to have "gaps".

"I have never said that the doctors told me that I should have bad symptoms by now, you are changing the whole story. Did i mentioned anywhere that I was having a treatment? In the contrary I am against medical treatment. What did the specialist make of your problem?
As I said it is an incurable disease conform the medical world, it seems like you do not understand or want to understand what you are reading, but instead you make up/ change the whole story""

So to summarize, you saw a specialist who told you that you have X condition. The expert did not indicate at any stage that you should expect symptoms by now or what they should be. You believe (based on your personal opinion) that you should be getting some sort of symptoms by now, though you don't specify what, and because you aren't aware of them you believe that an "alternate lifestyle" variety of treatment has cured or prevented them, despite their seemingly never having existed? This is the impression I have so far. If this is wrong please don't take offense as I have simply got the wrong impression - just take the time to clarify.

"You talk about mental states and stress and anxiety, so tell me in scientic words, what are they exactly, how is it that you believe in something like called a emotions and the state of your mind, while you still can not explain what it exactly is, all they have are assumptions, but not facts. exactly what you are doing with my writings. but still you do not have a clear answer of what they are. and again placebo effect, giving it a name without exactly knowing what you are really talking about."

The placebo effect is in fact very well documented and something you can read about on wiki at your leisure in great detail, as is the effect of stress on the body. It is true to say that increasing your exercise, eating healthy foods, enjoying a more active lifestyle with plenty of fluids and taking on a more positive outlook will improve anyones general wellbeing, so from that perspective you do make a very valid point. If you have made such changes to your lifestyle, this is not something I would ever discourage against, so don't read that into my reasoning by any means. Such changes, if you have made them will without doubt improve your well being and should definitely be encouraged in others. Your general levels of fitness are a common sense factor. If you look into it you will see reference to changing levels of chemicals released into the body during times of high stress - these essentially work against the immune system. It does sound from your reply that you feel the need to understand it more. Despite your apparent opposition to the "institution" and science in general, some of these factors are now widely acknowledged, so you may in fact find you have some common ground there already. Despite your willingness to embrace some slightly unconventional views, if those of scientific background you don't feel you have enough grasp of to accept perhaps research would help.

"Then tell me how is it possible that we have a body that can regenerate and a system that produces nti viruses against it. and again you say I have treated with herbal remedies, do you know that the herbs that you use in food are also used as medicine to recover from malfunctioning in your body, I do not particulary treat myself, i just keep the balance in my body and mind, and the treatment what i was talking about is meditation, and meditation requires no physical items to use, physical items like herbs can only strengthen it as you think chemical medicine are doing for you, at least I know what I eat, do you know exactly what you are using when a doctor gives you a prescription? if you answer yes, then why are you going to a doctor?"

I'm really not sure what your point is here - perhaps you could clarify? Are you mystified with the body's ability to regenerate to an extent? Or the immune system itself? I'm well aware that some herbs have effects on the body, yes. In fact if you take the time to look into it, you will find that some (many) pharmaceutical products are indeed derived from plants and herbs. That said, don't get me wrong - I am by NO means a fan of pharmaceutical companies. Many are it seems motivated by personal gain and greed at the expense of the general public. Allow me to provide an example:

More than a decade ago, Uppsala University in Sweden tested a cure for neuro-endocrine cancer in their lab (A modified version of the cold virus). This is a serious, usually fatal condition. Tests were successful. You would think "Great! A cure" and hope it would be hastily tested and put to good use, wouldn't you. A few smaller sources quoted their good work. Then they hit a barrier. To use the cure on the public they had to pass full clinical trails. The incredibly expensive process (seemingly in aid of large pharmaceuticals) made it near impossible for the public to get products to market, amounting for more then £1million. Naturally they appealed to the public. I will state for a fact that I personally flagged this to Macmillan, who raise more then 100 times that amount on many years, but they weren't interested as this was "not in the description of what they do - they just provide 'support' to victims". I flagged it to cancer research uk too. They stated they weren't interested either. Their goal wasn't a cure for cancer by any means - just limiting their funding to cancer research in the uk. I flagged it to several other places too and met the same response. Make of that what you will. Perhaps I took the wrong view of it, but for me the impression was of companies not caring about the public or reaching their goals, but purely dealing with the remits with no care about consequence. I discovered many politicians and such figures sitting as chairs and executives on charities, seemingly taking money for nothing. Then there were those with interests in building trades or mass property owners, trying to prop up the property market. This information has been public domain for a very long time now. Yet all known treatments released to market by pharmaceuticals appear to be very long courses with no short term cures I'm aware of yet. Of course pharmaceuticals get money for their products...

"You still do not understand what I mean it is your own fault, I am talking here about the human in general, everything that happens on the world I am influencing it, either i want it or not, for an example, when someone buys a banana, do you even realize that someone is working really hard to grow the banana, and to pluck it for a really really small price than for what we pay, tell me, do you really even think that you are not influencing them? suppose if no one is never buying bananas anymore, the market for bananas will drop eventually to 0, which makes this people useless to grow bananas and to pluck them, and do you think it is fair to them with the price what we are paying, if you still do not understand that we are spiritually connected by this effect, so in other words, what is happening in the world is also your own fault, because you are living in a world where we share the same world and the same collective mind. and this is what i try to say, think as a whole one, not just a selfish individual."

I'm not clear as to how the price of bananas relates to your or my state of health. I do indeed recognize our effect on the world however. Apparently a great deal more than you realize. This sadly is called capitalism. That's partly the reason I am a supporter of projects like Kick Starter, which I suspect is not popular among capitalists, as it withdraws the need for their backing and moves incentives and ideas to the public domain potentially undermining their own efforts at times. I would hope to see such public / crowd sourced funding sites on the rise, as capitalists will most likely target and try to control this market far more tightly. Work like Uppsala's for example on a site like this could have been funded so much earlier with public support, undermining the barriers put in their way. What would they sell for donations? Perhaps just leaflets on their work and updates. With social media and word of mouth, even acts like the Ice Bucket Challenge, they would have had a shot so much earlier without needless suffering for it's victims. They had no need to offer false hope or make empty promises - they would have simply stated they "wished to fund clinical trials" and leave it at that.

"Yes you know one lady, and what about the rest of the people you know, how many of them look much younger than they are, and how is it possible that one do look younger and the rest doesn't, it depends on what you do, what you eat, what you drink, what you do with your life and body, if you do not listen to your own body crying, then of course you will look much older eventually and unhealthier."

How is this possible? Well it's widely known. Lifestyle and health do indeed play a part. Genetics play a part too. For some, so does surgery. Too much sun can age the skin. Too much weight can stretch the skin and it often loses elasticity later in life. Fatty foods and grease can clog the ducts and lead to spots and bad complexions. Frowning and stress can increase lines on the face. Bad posture can lead to longer term problems. There are many many factors. Are you asking for a cure for aging or are under the impression you have one?

"Please tell who are you to think to have the right to teach others about your own values, while your mentally state and physicaal state is far away from perfection. you think everything you do is right, but you can not consider that it might be wrong to others, so whaat kind of precious value do i learn from you if you are being that selfish, you put people in mental hospitals, just because they act differently comparing to the standard value that you and the other idiots are creating, you go against your own standard values, but you cant accept your mistakes and you keep blaming others, you call other people crazy, but you have never thought that what you do is disrespectful to others, and you know why you do these kind of things? because you are a selfish stupid hypocryte who cant face the reality that you actually live in, which you have created, instead you create another reality where you feel safe and comfort, and you still can not see that you hurt others. so tell me, do you reaally think your values are that good and rightious?"

This is an interesting one. Even more so as I am apparently responding to you teaching others about your own values. I note the word Hypocrite in your reply - it's good to know you understand what it means, even if you fail to apply it to yourself. Are you implying you believe your own physical and mental state to be "near perfection"? The notion that any of us view ourselves as perfect isn't a great one. This would merely be a tip of our hats to our own overgrown egos. None of us are perfect, and I would propose it is a good thing when we don't view ourselves as perfect too. Why? Because in recognizing our own flaws we see our own fallibility and open our minds to question what we know. This allows us to grow and learn, rather than being of entirely closed mind and egocentric, perpetuating our mistakes forever more. To believe ourselves infallible and perfect would lead to constant conflict in life, throwing ourselves against everything that contradicted our views. It is such outlooks that lead to war and suffering in the world, from those believing themselves to be "righteous", never realizing they are the fools. Peace is not formed by forcing views on others. Peace is formed by questioning, growing and learning, not by blindly following another, no matter what their view. I don't recommend blindly following anyone's views, including my own. I merely encourage thought and learning. Question, debate, explain, reason. If you present and argument or view but are unable to do this, perhaps your view isn't as perfect as your first thought.

"Please explain me why you try to defy others facts, if you tell me you are not a "zombie". If you encourage someone, you do not try to prove that they are wrong, and even when you do not have prove against it, you still keep telling them that they are liars, not maybe in direct words, but you do. Of course there might be "good "people in the government, but isnt this a little bit hypocricy? I mean, you first join them, because you think they are good people, but once you have joined them, you suddenly found out another truth, you tell me to find my facts before I say something, but you cant tell them think before you act? if you are mislead by them, isnt that your own stupidity thatmakes you believe them and afterwards, you are regretting? and then you try to cover up your mistakes by "doing good deeds"? I know these people can not get out easily, but still it is your own fault that you are stuck in tht place? If I do not like my company where I work in, I quit and do something else, why cant they? because they re afraid of losing things? And you think I am not afraid? Even If i am afraid, i still quit my job, you may call me stupid, but you are the one who is a hypocryte here, not me."

Defy what facts? I encourage thought, not blind acceptance of what may be unfounded or irrational. To encourage against free thinking and questioning is the only true dictatorship. In regards to "good and bad" people this is very much a matter of perspective, but by anyone's description, you will find that full range of people in most environments in this world. We change and are shaped by our lives and understanding. There are those with hollow lives who craves money, power and all it brings. Often these people have no emotion in their lives or meaning, and when they die, it's gone. In regards to being misled, I believe we may all be misled at some point. The important thing is that we learn to recognize it and accept it, growing in the process. A far more foolish approach would be to refuse to acknowledge being misled and preach unfounded falsehood. After all, others believing the same thing as you does not make it true. In regards to quitting jobs you don't enjoy, I'm not sure how that fits in here, but for many people they have responsibility to others, not just themselves, and thus they may work until they find better opportunities, purely to cater for other people. I don't see that as being a bad thing.

"Funny that you say this, because events like 9/11, hiroshima, tsunamis etc, how come they are not fading away, every year you actually "celebrate" this events by doing memoirs about them, at this point, you are creating negative energy which destroys everything in this dimension."

Well that's different. For the records, I don't "celebrate" any such things. I don't like to dwell upon negative events at all, though to some extent that is a personal failing. It is important that people learn from the past though - those are not the sorts of events that are good to have repeated after all. In regards to negative thoughts destroying everything in this dimension, I think that might need some clarifying as I don't quite follow your reasoning.

"My point is, have you noticed that everything you say, contradicts to your own so called facts? You want to change the world too, but you actually are not helping it, in the contrary you help to destroy it, and you know why? because you can not reflect yourself, you think doing good deeds will cover up your mistake. When someone is treated very badly, these victims doesnt want to have presents, all they want is simply an apology that comes from peoples heart. Only people who are so hypnotized int his world are being possessed by materialism. And again I am not religious, because now religion is also based on materilisms, I do not follow so called gurus who ask money for their teaching, because they are all frauds, you do not ask for something while the thing you give, you have gotten for free"

No, I have to say I've not noticed anything I've said contradicting my so called facts. Perhaps you could enlighten me - it may be that I've simply failed to notice, or have mis-represented something. Please explain "You can not reflect yourself". Which mistake and which good deeds are you referring to? I'm a little confused with this. I would have to agree there are many obsessed with materialism. Religion sadly in many cases appears to discourage free thought and questioning, and takes on a form of dictatorship, leading to ill deeds and conflict. People do desperately need to be taught to question and think for themselves. I'm not familiar with the notion of that type of guru asking for money. Except perhaps psychologists which I guess might fall under that category. That said, if there was someone who dedicated their time to helping and guiding others, I wouldn't mind giving a little. However there is a clear line between greed and commercialism and allowing someone the time and funding to do what they do. Where people are able to though, they should talk to others from time to time and put them on the right track.

Many of the worries and much of the stress in this world is derived from man conflicting with man. Often this is something as trivial as one man feeling himself to be infallible and refusing to question or reason. The other is the feeling of worthlessness. It's misplaced. We all have value, each and every one of us. We all have strengths, though sometimes it takes someone who knows you or spends time with you to point this out. We also all have weaknesses. Some people dwell too much on this and try to compensate by trying to appear superior, often at the most silly things, purely because they feel they need to be acknowledged. The thing is, in many ways we are all the same. That man you are trying to impress or get respect from is just as fallible as you. He has weaknesses and strengths too. He probably has times he feels flawed and less able than others too, but neither should feel that way really. The more you understand yourself, the more you should see yourself in other people, and when you do understand man you can't hold ill will against any, and your own ego becomes less and less important.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Don't think?

You seem a little defensive and I think he has a point. To suggest someone should not think for themself is a little off but I can see you've taken your own advice...

Serendip Visitor's picture

if someone attacks you, you

if someone attacks you, you defend, depending on how the person attacks, And I only defend with the words that the person attacks me with, in the contrary what the other person does to me.

And where do you read "I suggest"?
People cant relfect themselves because it is a hard to do, and most of the time it is unpleasant, so the easier way is pointing with their fingers to others. And here I am talking in people in general, but for some reason, you people like to attack others personally, and you think it is weird for them to put on a defense mode? what does the word logic mens to you people anyway, because I really have the feeling tht you are giving it an another meaning, than it simply is

Brian's picture

Relationship to sleep apnea? heart failure etc...? Help please.

I have sleep paralysis about 3 or 4 times per year for 5+ years (I'm a 27yo male) and the associated dreams/hallucinations are varying degrees of terrifying. I also, very often, wake up gasping for air just as I'm falling asleep, It feels like I've stopped breathing and/or y heart has stopped for a few seconds. The two conditions happen independently of one another. Now the issue I have, is when going through the various causes of both these horrible conditions, I find I could end up ticking about 376 different boxes. Which makes it hard to figure out what is really going on. I sometimes eat late at night, I often keep irregular sleep patterns, I smoke and drink coffee and energy drinks, I have suffered from extreme bouts of depression, anxiety and stress. I seem to have had irregular heart activity when I had severe anxiety in the past and the gasping was attributed to that but I don't have accute anxiety/panic episodes anymore and it still happens at least once a week. I don't panic so much when I wake up gasping for air anymore. I just say "fuck it you'll sleep eventually" to myself. However, when it happens 5-10 time in one night when I'm trying to sleep, I begin to think I might fall asleep and pass away, It's awful. Despite my aforementioned bad habits, I'm reasonably fit. I can still run 7-10 ks without stopping and I seem to have a low resting heart rate. But back to the Sleep paralysis. Let me point out here that I'm an atheist. The worst time it happened the dream was so lucid that It took the whole next day to recover and it still plays on my mind a little. I awoke in my bed unable to move, A tall dark figure in long black robes with a hood was standing next to me. The fear was intense. It picked me up and almost gracefully, it moved me around above it, I was like a limp sack of meat and all I could see was my ceiling which appeared about 20cm from my face. It almost felt like the creature was trying to make a point of how helpless I was. I made a decision that if I was going to get bullied by this thing, I was at least going to yell at it. A sudden rush of bravery overcame me and I told the creature to put me down and leave me alone followed by, "I'm not in the mood for this shit!" The creature laid me back down on my bed, I'm now on my back. Still unable to move the creature hovered above me with its long black hands and fingers now pushing down on my shoulders. It was pinning me down. I began to gain a small amount of movement. I turned my neck away as I didn't want to see the creatures face which, I assumed, was going to be disturbing at the least. In the end I saw its face partially, it appeared to be a black void, very similar to the Nuzgul from LOTR. I woke up to the real world in the exact same position the creature was pinning me. I'm not religious and I don't believe in the spiritual as I have seen no evidence for it. I believe their is a logical explanation for this sleep paralysis event but It shook me to my core. and when I hear some of the all most identical accounts from people, I must confess a small fear of some spiritual element. So whats causing all this? Is it sleep apnea? a heart condition? depression and anxiety? Is it from bad habits? are my lungs broken even though I can run for miles? is it some kind of esophageal issue? some or all of the above? and is some evil spirit trying to mess with me/send me some kind of message? The human brain is a very powerful thing. All I can say is I'm going to see a doctor about all this because It has all become a weight far too great for me to carry alone.

Andre's picture

Demon vitiation...Strange or worrying?

Hi Brian. I believe you should wake up to the truth. here is part of my reality. Take head. Demon Visitation? Strange, or should one be frightened?

Three nights back; that is, the night of August 8th....., some time in the early hours of the morning I had an experience which is not too clear to me.

I had been fast asleep and was awakened by a rustling sound next to my bed. The sound was not unlike the sound that is produced when newspaper is screwed into a ball. It felt to me as if I had been awakened by something I should fear. As I rolled over from sleeping on my left side, in order to position myself almost on my back, I again experienced the rusting sound to my right and next to the bed. I was still not sure of what I had heard, and with the hair on my neck standing up, I felt certain that what I was hearing could only be demonic. I turned fully onto my back. This again immediately brought the same menacing rustling sound. Now I was one hundred percent positive that there was a demonic presence in my bedroom. The above actions only took a matter of seconds to take place.

I know that the only manner to defeat the foe is by calling on the name of Jesus. I immediately called out similar words to these, “You in my bedroom, depart from this bedroom and this property in the name of Jesus. This property belongs to Jesus and I command you now in Jesus name, to depart from here and to return to where you came from, in Jesus name.” Now I really became confused and terrified, for the voice and pronunciation of the words that I was hearing did not sound like me and the words were slurred and incomprehensible, not dissimilar to that of a person in a drunken stupor.

Through my fear came the blurred thought that just maybe the demon/s would disregard this command due to the unintelligibility thereof. So again I opened my mouth and spoke again similar words to those first spoken. The results were not much beter than the first time. By this time I considered myself to be fully awake. My speech was slurred and my thoughts and actions seemed heavy and fuzzy. It felt to me that my tongue was not obeying the instruction given by my brain. I could still experience the presence of evil and the feeling of fear in my body. My whole being was crying out to my body to take action.

Again I opened my mouth to call out in Jesus name, but this time I first called out His name, “Jesus, help me. Demons I command you now, in the name of Jesus to depart and not to return. In Jesus name.” Immediately I felt the evil depart from my presence and calm washed over me. However my speech was still very slurred. My mind was a turmoil. Had the demonic presence caused my lethargy and the slurred speech? Or had I suffered a small stroke and was the slurred speech the result thereof? Then, at that time, it felt to me as if I was, for the first time, waking up from a dream. But was I then not wakened from my sleep earlier?

My body felt tired and weary. The thoughts about the possibility of a stroke also frightened me. I considered I should open my mouth and attempt to repeat that which I had earlier spoken with such a slurred tongue. Before I could open my mouth to speak; I must have gone off to sleep again, that is to say if I ever was awake. I am aware that I did not attempt to test my voice before going off to sleep again.

Hours later, just as it was getting light, I again awoke from a peaceful sleep. I immediately recalled the fear I had experienced some three or four hours earlier. I knew I had to test my voice without further delay, so I called out in a loud voice, “Praise the Lord.” My voice was loud and clear without any trace of slurred speech at all. I believe, or it felt to me, it to have been about three in the morning when I was awakened by this bad experience.

I have given this a lot of thought and I am convinced that there was demon activity, in my bedroom that morning. I have considered that the activity may have been brought on by the viewing of dark movies by a boarder in the house. However, no matter how much thought I give this phenomena, I cannot understand why my speech had been slurred and that it felt to me that I was awakened from sleep at least twice after each other; that is to say if I had ever woken up during the night?

What ever the cause, whether it happened or not; I praise Jesus’ name and thank Him for the Power of His name. Amen.

These same types of happenings have happened over and over during the years, but as a believer one knows that satan will be trying to get to one on an ongoing bassis. Satan knows that the longer and firmer one is into being a firm Believing Christian, the more difficult it will be in order to bring you back. Satan has said he wants to be like the Almighty, and even above Him. He means he wants the praise and glory from us which rightfully belongs to the Almighty God, THE GOD of the Creation of all seën and unseen; who also created Lucifer the created being. Remember that Lucifer was cast out of Heaven with a third of Heaven’s angels. There remain in Heaven still many billions of angels; therefore here on earth are still billions of ‘’fallen angels’’ known as demons. It is these spirit beings who cause our “sleep paralysis” sessions.

I had a boarder who is not a Christian and who watched all types of horror flicks. These attract the attention of demons. It is like an invitation to the dance. They do not worry the boarder too much as they probably realize he is already in the bag. They go for me, as being a strong Christian, I would be a big fish. Sorry. I am not available.

Give your life and being to Jesus and call on Him in the time of your need and He will deliver you from it. God bless you all.

Serendip Visitor's picture

what did your doctor said?

Hi Brian, I am Alvine (26 yo female) I would like to tell you that your LIFE is the evidence that God exist. The fact that you have seen the devil and told him to leave you and he did is another proof that you don't belong to him you have another Maker, Owner and Ruler. You need to know that God interact with your spirit. The spirit that He gave you. when we talk about spirit all your senses are vulnerable. you cannot feel, taste, smell, year or see it. you can only read a reflection of your spirit in the bible and believe it. it is like your face you have never seen your own face with your own eyes, you only have faith on the reflection that the mirror gives you. it s the same with your spirit you have faith in the reflection that the bible gives. Then the words you READ from the bible and BELEIVE with your heart will get TRANSFORMED by the renewal of your mind. I am interested on what medication your doctor gave you. does it work? the devil will not stop until he owns you. you said you need help? Jesus said "Call on me when you are in trouble and I will recue you and you will give me glory"


Serendip Visitor's picture

if you go to a doctor, he

if you go to a doctor, he will subscribe you a nice receipt of anti despressivas, have fun lol
i cant help you if you are a skeptic person, but please do not complain after you went to the doctor

Serendip Visitor's picture

Much to cover

Firstly, much of what was just said seems to be off topic, but I'll address it too anyway:

In regards to this condition showing the "true nature" of things, I would say that's very much speculation and something there really is no evidence for at present. Suggesting that what seems like waking dreams are a way to discover what is "really going on" may simply result in a glut of patients at the local psychologists.

Usually I lose interest at any mention of "chakras", something I view as a another flavor of "religious pseudo science", but this is something you'd have to judge for yourself.

I'm a little surprised at doctors suggesting you "should have got really bad symptoms by now". It's not the sort of thing I'd expect to hear form a doctor. What did the specialist make of your problem? I assume appropriate treatment was done, unless of course the specialist confirmed there was no disease at all - something that does happen from time to time. Doctors make mistakes like anyone else.

I believe the next thing you refer to is called the "Placebo effect". It's well known. To explain it for you as you're obviously none too clear on it, it's primarily to do with positive mental state. Stress levels and anxiety hamper the immune system and the body's ability to recover. It's always worth cheering up those who are sick.

In regards to it being "your own fault" for being sick though, I would have to disagree. I suspect most medical experts would disagree too. I am aware of no evidence to support the statement that people with a positive mental state are immune to being ill. If you believe are, perhaps you could help out with the Ebola crisis. It's no laughing matter.

In terms of general recovery from most bugs, the body will recover from most conditions by itself. I'm not sure what conditions you've treated with your herbal remedies. Until moments ago I was under the impression you didn't get ill.

I'm very happy for you looking younger than your age. There are a large number of people who seem to do so. I know one lady who is almost 30, yet still gets asked for ID routinely.

Yes - encouraging people to live healthily is a great goal and one that on par should improve their general well being, and as a consequence their self esteem and mental outlook. We have already established this plays a part in the body's reaction to many conditions.

In regards to using negativity on others, it's a bit of a tricky one. Just as you need to reinforce values in children and teach them, sometimes you need to do the same for adults. I would discourage positively reinforcing bad traits in adults as well as children.

In regards to being directed by governments, I would quite simply state that I am in no way a zombie or am brainlessly directed by them, or anyone else for that matter. I encourage free thought, and questioning ALL sources of information. This is something ALL people should do without exception. Many members of government are self serving and undesirable people. It may be a sweeping stereotype, but there are disproportionate numbers of such people in higher positions. Motives and interests are often obvious when you stop to think then check the facts out for yourself.

In regards to complaining about things you don't have, simply give thought to those who have less, and remember this. When you die it's all gone anyway. No one will remember a lie for long, no matter how well you portray yourself. People individually will remember how you affected their lives, and for a short time your story, be it good or bad, will live on. That moment in history will remain there, part of history, and with it, all that you stand for. Everything else will fade.

Serendip Visitor's picture

and is it not that I tell you

and is it not that I tell you to stop believing in so called doctors, but stop crying when something bad really happens after that, because it was your own stupidity and ignorance about something that you should have known by now, by self knowledge, and it was your own choice to choose for that direction, no one made you to make that choice, and do not even remorse over someone who died with a mistake that the doctors made, it is then that you are putting negativity in the world which is influencing me as well

Serendip Visitor's picture

First of all you are a person

First of all you are a person who read things and change the story to your own way of thinking,

for example:

I'm a little surprised at doctors suggesting you "should have got really bad symptoms by now".

I have never said that the doctors told me that I should have bad symptoms by now, you are changing the whole story

I assume appropriate treatment was done,

Did i mentioned anywhere that I was having a treatment? In the contrary I am against medical treatment.
An examination is not a treatment, it is to find out what is going on in your body, you do not get medications while you are being examinated.

What did the specialist make of your problem?
As I said it is an incurable disease conform the medical world, it seems like you do not understand or want to understand what you are reading, but instead you make up/ change the whole story

I believe the next thing you refer to is called the "Placebo effect". It's well known. To explain it for you as you're obviously none too clear on it, it's primarily to do with positive mental state. Stress levels and anxiety hamper the immune system and the body's ability to recover. It's always worth cheering up those who are sick.

you talk about mental states and stress and anxiety, so tell me in scientic words, what are they exactly, how is it that you believe in something like called a emotions and the state of your mind, while you still can not explain what it exactly is, all they have are assumptions, but not facts. exactly what you are doing with my writings. but still you do not have a clear answer of what they are. and again placebo effect, giving it a name without exactly knowing what you are really tlking about.

In terms of general recovery from most bugs, the body will recover from most conditions by itself. I'm not sure what conditions you've treated with your herbal remedies. Until moments ago I was under the impression you didn't get ill.

then tell me how is it possible that we have a body that can regenerate and a system that produces nti viruses against it. and again you say I have treated with herbal remedies, do you know that the herbs that you use in food are also used as medicine to recover from malfunctioning in your body, I do not particulary treat myself, i just keep the balance in my body and mind, and the treatment what i was talking about is meditation, and meditation requires no physical items to use, physical items like herbs can only strengthen it as you think chemical medicine are doing for you, at least I know what I eat, do you know exactly what you are using when a doctor gives you a prescription? if you answer yes, then why are you going to a doctor?

In regards to it being "your own fault" for being sick though, I would have to disagree. I suspect most medical experts would disagree too. I am aware of no evidence to support the statement that people with a positive mental state are immune to being ill. If you believe are, perhaps you could help out with the Ebola crisis. It's no laughing matter.

you still do not understand what I mean it is your own fault, I am talking here about the human in general, everything that happens on the world I am influencing it, either i want it or not, for an example, when someone buys a banana, do you even realise that someone is working really hard to grow the banana, and to pluck it for a really really small price than for what we pay, tell me, do you really even think that you are not influencing them? suppose if no one is never buying bananas anymore, the market for bananas will drop eventually to 0, which makes this people useless to grow bananas and to pluck them, and do you think it is fair to them with the price what we are paying, if you still do not understand that we are spiritually connected by this effect, so in other words, what is happeneing in the world is also your own fault, because you are living in a world where we share the same world and the same collective mind. and this is what i try to say, think as a whole one, not just a selfish individu.

I'm very happy for you looking younger than your age. There are a large number of people who seem to do so. I know one lady who is almost 30, yet still gets asked for ID routinely.

yes you know one lady, and what about the rest of the people you know, how many of them look much younger than they are, and how is it possible that one do look younger and the rest doesnt, it depends on what you do, what you eat, what you drink, what you do with your life and body, if you do not listen to your own body crying, then of course you will look much older eventually and unhealthier.

In regards to using negativity on others, it's a bit of a tricky one. Just as you need to reinforce values in children and teach them, sometimes you need to do the same for adults. I would discourage positively reinforcing bad traits in adults as well as children.

please tell who are you to think to have the right to teach others about your own values, while your mentally state and physicaal state is far away from perfection. you think everything you do is right, but you can not consider that it might be wrong to others, so whaat kind of precious value do i learn from you if you are being that selfish, you put people in mental hospitals, just because they act differently comparing to the standard value that you and the other idiots are creating, you go against your own standard values, but you cant accept your mistakes and you keep blaming others, you call other people crazy, but you have never thought that what you do is disrespectful to others, and you know why you do these kind of things? because you are a selfish stupid hypocryte who cant face the reality that you actually live in, which you have created, instead you create another reality where you feel safe and comfort, and you still can not see that you hurt others. so tell me, do you reaally think your values are that good and rightious?

In regards to being directed by governments, I would quite simply state that I am in no way a zombie or am brainlessly directed by them, or anyone else for that matter. I encourage free thought, and questioning ALL sources of information. This is something ALL people should do without exception. Many members of government are self serving and undesirable people. It may be a sweeping stereotype, but there are disproportionate numbers of such people in higher positions. Motives and interests are often obvious when you stop to think then check the facts out for yourself.

please explain me why you try to defy others facts, if you tell me you are not a "zombie". If you encourage someone, you do not try to prove that they are wrong, and even when you do not have prove against it, you still keep telling them that they are liars, not maybe in direct words, but you do. Of course there might be "good "people in the government, but isnt this a little bit hypocricy? I mean, you first join them, because you think they are good people, but once you have joined them, you suddenly found out another truth, you tell me to find my facts before I say something, but you cant tell them think before you act? if you are mislead by them, isnt that your own stupidity thatmakes you believe them and afterwards, you are regretting? and then you try to cover up your mistakes by "doing good deeds"? I know these people can not get out easily, but still it is your own fault that you are stuck in tht place? If I do not like my company where I work in, I quit and do something else, why cant they? because they re afraid of losing things? And you think I am not afraid? Even If i am afraid, i still quit my job, you may call me stupid, but you are the one who is a hypocryte here, not me.

Everything else will fade.
funny that you say this, because events like 9/11, hiroshima, tsunamis etc, how come they are not fading away, every year you actually "celebrate" this events by doing memoirs about them, at this point, you are creating negative energy which destroys everything in this dimension.

My point is, have you noticed that everything you say, contradicts to your own so called facts? You want to change the world too, but you actually are not helping it, in the contrary you help to destroy it, and you know why? because you can not reflect yourself, you think doing good deeds will cover up your mistake. When someone is treated very badly, these victims doesnt want to have presents, all they want is simply an appollogee that comes from peoples heart. Only people who are so hypnotized int his world are being possessed by materialism.
And again I am not religious, because now religion is also based on materilisms, I do not follow so called gurus who ask money for their teaching, because they are all frauds, you do not ask for something while the thing you give, you have gotten for free.

Serendip Visitor's picture

I have to ask.. which doctors

I have to ask.. which doctors told you you should be worse by now? The doctors you don't see?

I usually stop reading when I hit the word "chakras" as it soon often feels like another variety of brainwashing, like a religion.

Serendip Visitor's picture

it is because when you read,

it is because when you read, you do not understand what is it really written there, instead you make it up your words,

I have never said the doctors told me that it should be worse by now, but after the examination I was diagnosted with an incurable disease that was in a late stadium.

7 years has passed and you would think I should have at least some symptoms right? Or were their diagnost wrong? then alllt he doctors and medical examiners didnt do their job quite well, because it was not not examined once, but several times, before they come with this conclusion?

maybe it is a good idea for you to stop reading and thinking for yourself, because really, nothing good comes from it that makes any senses at all

Serendip Visitor's picture

sleep paralysis

Yesterday I had sleep paralysis I think it was my first time and there was a man standing at my door i tried to say who r u I felt like the man herd me then whispers from around the room started and I tried to yell for my dad or my sister but my mouth wouldn't open then I tried to get up I couldn't the man wasn't doing anything he was just standing there and also I couldn't see his head so I didnt see who it was then I looked at my hand in front of me and I tried to move it I couldn't I freaked out and closed my eyes the next moment I jumped up and ran out the room

vishwajeet Agarwal's picture

for some time I am being

for some time I am being through some different sort of sleep paralysis. now it doesn't come suddenly. its generally when there is need of lot of sleep but still u r awake. but when u lay down very tired u sense that its coming. its not going through a different stage just u sense it as u tend to move your hand but u feel so tired to move. it ends up in a sleep. and then after waking u are not sure it was a dream or what.
I think thats usually happen when u need a lot of sleep.

Believer's picture

Maybe an answer?

I had this exact thing happen for years, now I finally read about Twelve years ago, I lost my husband suddenly. Several years after he passed away, it started. In the middle of the night, I would open my eyes, but couldn't move my head. I could hear footsteps coming into the room and It felt like someone was getting into bed with me. I could feel the weight in the bed beside me, but I couldn't move my head, and it was hard to see. There was never any contact and as soon as this person laid down beside me, he would in the same instant get out of bed and I would hear footsteps leaving. This exact dream happened several nights a week for a year or so and then they suddenly stopped. I was never afraid, never frightened by it. I always felt like it was him. Have any of you experienced anything like this??

Serendip Visitor's picture

paralyzed but yet still feeling a touch and pressed down

Yes, Last night 12/16/14 I felt someone come into my room, I was sleeping on my side, paralyzed, coul not open my eyes, or move my arm or legs. The person lay behind me, place the palm on my waist and layed close to place the head choulders and stomach on my side, like a loving husband will do.

I am not married, never been married, none of my X is dead. dont understand it.

I have experienced just being pressed down by a force, everytime I will have to pray and fight to come out of this hold.

it is nice to see hundreds of people experiencing the same thing.

Serendip Visitor's picture

to be honest I think you are

to be honest I think you are still not over him, and he feels it, that is why he is still there. The next time you can talk to him, and talk it out. so he can go on. You can also do this with meditations, it is a way to contact the deceased. It calms yourself and put yourself to peace after you talked it out, so your whole chakra belt will be more in balanced

Serendip Visitor's picture

Sleep Paralysis

I've never been diagnosed with sleep paralysis nor have I ever heard of it until today when I had a very scary attack. I've had this problem all my life, where I want to wake up but I just can't move, and then I tell myself "if you twitch, it'll help you wake up!" so I focus all my attention on trying to twitch, and only after a very long time does it actually work. These sleep paralysis attacks are so scary and usually when I wake up I am breathing very quickly and very shallow. I also have a problem with asthma and vocal chord dysfunction, so the fact that I can barely breathe during these attacks makes me even more frightened and anxious. However, I do not see figures and I do not believe in ghosts. Today I had the worst attack of my life. I've had a migraine for the past couple of days and today I finally decided to skip school because I also felt super dizzy. I ended up getting really tired and I fell asleep on my couch. I woke up, but I couldn't move at all. I was trying to move my eyes and I was trying to twitch but that did not work at all. It lasted so long (I think), possibly up to an hour of just trying to twitch to wake myself up. I remember trying to push my forearms against the back of the couch and I was focusing all my weight and power towards my forearms. At the time it felt like a lot of power, but obviously it was not any. I remember trying to make myself fall off the couch to maybe wake myself up, but obviously that failed. I remember my mom talking to me, but I couldn't quite make out what she was saying, she obviously thought I was asleep. I finally woke up when I was able to twitch my head. That was the scariest and longest attack I've ever had, and I actually believed I was in a coma before I found out what sleep paralysis was.

philip's picture

I had this same experience

I had this same experience atleast 8 times.its like your trying to wake your body up but have no comtrol over doing it.sometimes i wander if im trying to escape out of my body.

Serendip Visitor's picture

All this talk of frequencies

All this talk of frequencies and chakras and coloured paths sounds like some sort of drug induced trip. Why do you believe there to be anything real about it, and not just a figment of the imagination? If you ask anyone to imagine coloured paths I'm sure they would manage it.

marius's picture

fall into a deep sleep.

i fall into a deep sleep,and feel,s like i am never going to wake up.i try to force myself to wake up becuase it feels like i am going to die,and never wake up,i am scared,it happend a few times,i force myself to wake up but can not move ,whyyyyy,it realy feel,s like leaving the earth forever,

Saravanan's picture

Happening too often

I'm 19 year old. I used to learn and work at night time. I will hardly sleep for 2 hours then again I'll wake and work for few mins ,Whenever i try to sleep for the second time ,i feel like i'm awake but i can't move my body and can't shout.
After few sec i'll get normal . Is this serious issue?

Dayna's picture

Whoever wrote this doesn't know what he's talking about

Sleep paralysis? Lol. NO! Depends on who the person is around when it happens and or what the person is going through in life. I remember laying down next to my EX boyfriend and that experience made him an EX boyfriend for a reason after finding out more of his secrets. Anyways, as he was sleeping. Next to me I felt electricity through my body which I couldn't scream, move or do anything... All of the sudden, I was floating over my body looking down at me and my ex. I saw myself as I was stressed out and couldn't move but after a while it stopped and I took a deep breath and turned over and just tried to get some sleep. This is not a "sleep paralysis" this our signs from who? I don't know but it's definitely not just a sleep paralysis. Some people are sensitive and pick up on negative energy ect.

Serendip Visitor's picture

It is sleep paralysis for me

It is sleep paralysis for me I been through all this they talking about it just happened twice n a row to me now I'm up watching mickey mouse cause this shit scary n I'm not goin back to sleep

Don's picture

sleep paralysis

I am 51 years old now,but when I was 17 I had 4 boughts of sleep paralysis in about a 2 month period.My conscious mind would wake up in the morning,but my body was totally asleep.I remember the first time it happened I was scared to death because I couldn't move,I couldn't even control my breathing.Somehow I knew if I could get just one muscle to move my body would wake up.I tried in vain to move so I tried to go back to sleep which I did but woke up again a few minutes later in the same state.My mother was out in the kitchen making breakfast and at that time believe it or not we had a pet goose that slept in a pen in the kitchen.I could hear my mother talking to the goose as she often did and I remember thinking,"Mom,please come in and wake me up?" but she didn't.Finally I concentrated very hard to get my thumb to move,as soon as it did my whole body woke up.I didn't see evil demons or anything like that as I have read that many people do,I just couldn't move.It happened 3 more times in the next 2 months and I did the same thing,worked hard to move my thumb and finally I would wake up,only I didn't have any real fear of this condition anymore since I had been through it before and came out ok.At the time I thought maybe it was from hormones or something as I was growing up at the time,but I've never really had an exact answer for it having occurred?

Kay's picture

Same thing for me. It usually

Same thing for me. It usually happens to me. But I don't see evil-like creatures, I just couldn't move and speak.
Everything I saw when I was about to speak were same as things I saw during the paralysis. I get scared all the time!

Roberto's picture

Going straight into Paralysis

The first time I experienced Sleep Paralysis was when I was around 11. It was pretty standard. I was not conscious during my dreams, but I did feel I woke up except I could not move. Of course I was very scared but that was nothing compared to the some of the recent experiences. I have never experienced it again after sleep. Rather, somehow I go straight into the dreamstate. The first time was actually pleasant. I felt like I was flying and I thought it was cool I went straight to that from being awake. The next time it happened instead of feeling like I'm going up, it felt like I was being pulled down. I heard a dark voice saying things I couldn't understand. I was scared and tried to wake up but found myself experiencing paralysis. Now it's starting to happen more often. I haven't felt the flying feeling. I've felt like I'm being dragged down or like I'm staying still. Another time, I heard a girl whisper "What are you doing here?" And I didn't sleep last night because of yet another "Dream State Experience" (that's what I refer to them as.) This time I went straight into the dreamy state, yet I could hear the TV and I could see. I also was hearing like an old movie reel playing and I also heard voices I recognize from friends saying things they might have said before. I heard the same phrases over and over, like some sort of DJ mix. The one quote that stuck out the most was the voice of my bestfriend saying "We can change shape". Unlike others I don't have trouble breathing or opening my eyelids. I felt though, like I was slightly out of my body, as if I was viewing myself from behind. Just as I had fell asleep, I was on my back except I was slightly leaned forward and looking to the left. I also felt a presence, and then a Skull appeared right in front of me and screamed. I somehow stayed calm, but tried to wake up. I couldn't move, I attempted to yell, nothing. One thing that suprisingly worked is I simply took a deep breath, and when I exhaled I awoke. Unlike other times when I awoke, my heart beat wasn't beating too fast and I wasn't breathing very heavily and terrified. I just sat there and thought about what I just experienced. I'm not sure about organized religion but I am a big believer in God and Jesus and keep a Rosary under my pillow ever since this started happening more frequently. I'm not quite sure if it's scientifically explainable or something spiritual, as it does seem like another dimension when I am in the dreamstate, and instead of sleeping I instantly go into it, always fully conscious.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Scary Sleep Paralysis

Sleep Paralysis is soooooo scary I remember that in my dream I jump from one dream to another then I try to wake up but IT FEELS like I cant wake up I feel my eyes trying to open but they close and I try and try over and over again to open it but I fall right back to sleep have one last scary dream and then i wake up Today for example I remember jumping from dream to dream then I felt myself trying to wake up but couldn't I felt my eyes opening and closing then felt myself fall back and fall straight into sleep after that I woke up but in my dream! I was hugging a woman who appeared to be my mom (but wasn't my mom) I looked around and saw spray painted words all over the cement it said help kidnap hes watching me(but wasn't me) then I hugged her tighter and told her that i was being kidnapped and that I needed help but she wouldnt listen or pay attention she just kept hugging me closer then a little boy who I'm guessing was supposed to be my brother was running around and found himself going to the back entrance to this kidnappers house and an older girl following him to stop him. I got scared and let go of the woman I was hugging then and followed them back around once I was around the house I saw a coat and and saw the girl I was in the dream and the mom go into the house. Then I woke up.

Serendip Visitor's picture

This happens to me all the time I love it

Hi when this happens to me I love it ..because I see my uncle who pass away from old age and I also see everything that is going on..I may not be able to move but I can hear fine see fine and I actually talk to my uncle I love him and i know he is watching over me...the only bad thing in my eyes are that It does become hard to breath I have shortness of breath...but other then that im good with it ...I feel like there are angels are watching over me I see other spirits but I see light color blue spirits never can tell there face an cant talk to them but I see my uncle and he always smiles at me and tells me everything is going to be ok an he waves good bye after we talk and I wake up by movin apart of my body or going bk to sleep an if I go back to sleep I hit my head against the wall or ground an I wake right up its weird how I can wake myself up but I keep my faith and I believe everything is going to be good thank you for hearing me hope this helps someone out there

miggz559's picture

first time today

Happend to me today couldn't move or speak when I tried to speak I felt an evil spirit saw his shadow as well felt like he was injecting something in me scared me for a bit.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Ive experienced the same

Ive experienced the same where theres a shadow being and Im walking around in my room but Im alseep in my bed so its like a false reality and as soon as I figure out its not real within secounds it feels like the shadow morphs and stabs be with what feels like needles in my side and the pain feels real and then I jump awake. If I go back to sleep as soon as I close my eyes I get pulled into another senerio but I figure out its not a dream state or reality sometimes it really gross the things that happen in this state very negative. Any feed back welcome, thanks in advance.

Christian visitor's picture

Stuck in my body

For me this started before I was in elementary school I remember sleeping atop the back rest of my couch.. I was a tiny thing, one who would like to get into tight spots, nooks and cranies. While resting I felt paralysis throughout my body and I could remember trying to wake up only to fall off of the couch and the impact of the floor was the reason for me waking up. Since then... I am 23 now I have sleep paralysis approximately 1-2 times each month, I've learned to use different remedies to help wake me when it sets in I.e. sleeping with a hand hanging of the side of the bed, not sleeping on my stomach, not sleeping with a pillow or cover over my face. I sleep with my one hand dangling off the side of the bed because when it sets in the only thing I can move are the tips of my fingers so by tapping the side of the bed I wake myself up. I've been up for most of the night because tonight the same thing happened to me i was able to wake myself up, and I was hallucinating about being in my old house in miami with my father laying next to me, I drifted into sleep and began to feel the paralysis(in my dream) I tried screaming to my dad and even tried heavy breathing so he can feel worry some and wake me up. Unfortunately I wasn't aware I was hallucinating I thought he was actually there with me. I started to almost whine then I told myself you know what this is just relax and try to wake yourself up... for the first time the only way I was able to wake up was to forcefully try to stick my tongue out of my mouth, I woke up immediately after struggling to get my tongue to move for about 30 seconds. I've built an understanding that this usually happens to me when I'm lacking sleep or if I've been drinking alot before bed. I'm very religious and spiritual and like some of the comments I too thought it was evil spirits trying to enter my body. I do hear perceived demons speaking to me through speakers or radios and I too feel the room get completely cold almost freezing but I pray that it is just scientific, I believe I'm close to GOD that I solely put my love and trust into him, even as a believer PS scares me constantly.

Chen's picture

For some strange reason, and

For some strange reason, and i don't know why but, it feels right.even better than the gutt feeling...After reading I too..for me started when i was in elementary school. I'm 30 now..and between elementary - 30. Sleep Paralysis is what be everyone calls it.. I cant open my eyes but i can hear everyone in the room.getting off from work/tired i'm sleeping on the couch and it HAPPENS..i hear my Dad,Mom,and my oldest brother in the room quietly chatting, i know there in the room so i start breathing louldy so they can wake me up. i'm calm hart rate is normal i'm just exhaling loudly so they could wake me up.. My family is aware that this is happening to's not the first time because this happens so many times i'm kinda use to it, just want to wake up because it's HAPPENING.. lol if this is happening to noe what im saying .. just want to wake up... o.k back on topic well i able to wake myself up by moving my head left and right from ear to ear with great effort and Will Power, and moving my teeth for (example) as if Cold/Fregit biting of the teeth sound .. im able to wake myself up, other time I will just fight it and telling myself eyes open and wakeup... and this work for me.. as a child I lost the Battle alot, because the force was to strong,and the SOUND gets really really loud... i summit...i'm scared.. But now i just break it by force, i sence it and tell my self ok its going to happen or if its already happening.. break it by force/willpower/courage, and it take alot out me. i dont hear the rise Sounds anymore it just stop.. when im awake and up.. i get up on my feet get get very angry. this is how i feel,angry and upset clinching my fist i raise up my ENERGY force. so it can feel mines. Vice-Versa right.. i dont know, But i'm not scare anymore. I get it. i apologize move to different couch.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Here we go again

First time in 3 years. I am 36 now. Each one is different. At first, I use to think it was sleep paralysis. Not any more. The first time it happened was when I was 13. My mother and I brought in a stray cat. I was on my side and flipped over, looked up, felt the fear, and saw a demonic head that started laughing and spinning around the room. When I forced myself to awake, The cat was staring at the ceiling and softly meowing like there was a bug on the ceiling it couldn't get to. The other times were 3 years later. Head pushed into the pillow every time. Then I started having them again years later. Funny thing is, when I was young, I thought they were bad dreams. Never paid attention to the fact that the chills I felt, or the coldness in the room, might be something else. When I moved to my apartment, it happened again. Our cats going nuts, waking up my wife, her asking why it is so cold in here, and so forth. I decided to take it upon myself to get some white sage, walked around the homestead, saying prayers (some of my own) and it all stopped. I felt at peace to sleep again. This last time just happened an hour ago. After 3 years. This is the first time someone spoke to me in a whispering voice. He asked me why I killed him. I said I didn't. He then said you lie! In a long drawn out whisper, and my head started vibrating. Thru my ears, I felt a strange sensation, and broke out of it, like I use to, and before I opened my eyes, I saw a man, bald, no facial hair, with an oval face. I was calm, but freaked out at the same time. I turned the light on, started saying prayers, and boom! The chills, instantaneous coldness in the room. In my case, I think its more. So I say, yep, got another one to guide off. In my case, i believe that wherever you travel has a lot to do with it. In my case, I think I have an innate ability to attract them. Like they can find me better than others. Something I cannot explain. I will be speaking with some individuals about this in the future. No doubt, sleep paralysis is real. Not in my case. One time it happened to me, I rolled over and put my arm around my wife. She didn't like that because I woke her up, and she had to get to work early. I told her it happened again. First time in years. She was convinced it was sleep paralysis, we had a slight argument, then I saw a green orb fly from left to right, and thru my wall to the outside of the house. (first time I experienced that) I will keep you all posted on my further research. For now, I have a cleansing to do.

Serendip Visitor's picture

you have to cleanse yourself,

you have to cleanse yourself, because I think it is from your past lifes, it migt be possible that the energy/spirit is following you because you might have killed him/her in your past life, or it will haunt you forever, animals like cats and dogs are like children, they are closer to the spirit realm than skeptic older people, so its normal that when cats gone mad, then there is something in the house, especially when they stare to a place for a long time, also your whole chakra belt is out of balance which attarcts this kind of things, because your spirit protection is low

Michael's picture

I can move during sleep paralysis

This happens to me often but I'm learning how to control motion while under this. I've been able to sit up and move my body while still under this. It's like my conscious side of my brain sleeps but then my sub continua mind awakens but does operate movement. But I have started to control it under this state. Anyone been able to conquer this yet?

aldeon's picture

me too

I can move after I wake and find myself under sleep paralysis (spell) :) . when I awake it's like a sound of rushing blood in my head and I hate it and I can't move when I try. I never tried to speak but I think I can't do that neither. when I first encountered to this situation I tried to move and after 2 or 3 times I did it with a sudden and fast move in my body,(oh god I hate it when it happens) after that I tried to sleep again and after 1 min or less I found myself in sleep paralysis again and I moved again and didn't sleep.
In fact it does happen in afternoon asleep(about 4p.m.), I usually don't sleep afternoons and I think that's the cause of it for me. I didn't try to stay in the sleep paralysis state for a while, I was afraid that I couldn't move my body at all or it causes me a brain damage or something like that. I don't believe in any kind of supernatural beings or things and I never find any strange voice or DEMON lurking around me. and just now for the 4th time it happened to me (in 45 minutes) when I tried and could move my hand but my head wouldn't and pulled my hair up to move my head but it was no good and then I tried and moved my head and didn't sleep and tried to find the cause of it and here I am.

Serendip Visitor's picture

I've fealt the effects of

I've fealt the effects of sleep paralysis maybe a few times and and It makes me mad so many people try to say it has something to do with evil entities . Its easy to experience fear when u can't move of course I mean its a crazy experience but I've only recalled going through it as Alcohol was leaving my system after binge drinking for a couple nights and maybe exausting energy substantialy like fighting running yelling. But Its as simple as excepting your body does not want you to wake up yet and drifting back into sleep to overcome the feeling idk what in your brain does it but should not be pinned oon evil. my dad had a seizure before and it was from trauma caused in his brain from his childhood not possession i feel like its in the same ballpark. we don't like in the 1800's anymore yanno?

Mikey's picture

I have dealt with this all my life

A few comments made were IDENTICAL to what this is, others sound like a bad dream. When I am dozing, I can feel them coming on, it starts in my ears, like a ringing/roaring/static sound that increasingly gets stronger. Like a permanent wave crashing. At this point I am imediately fighting to bring myself out. Then a sensation comes over my body like I am moving very fast... Like g-forces. My eyes are always open, and fear.... Terror takes hold. It is a battle to wake myself up. Sometimes I try to just ride it out, see how far I can take it. I don't recommend this. I always somehow muster up the strength to pull myself out of it. Only to fall back in as soon as I doze again. These are sleepless nights. I have never seen a ghost or figure, but I do feel like something very scary is lurking around me, and I am vulnerable and frozen in my own body, which scares the hell out of me. I get these episodes several times a month, and I do not suffer from any kind of anxiety . Why me?

Simon's picture

Wondering if anyones tried

Wondering if anyones tried Ayahuasca or the like? I've never tried any variety of drugs but it occurs to me from what Ive read of that one and research around it that it may provide answers. Primarily its supposed to enable you to deal with any fears and induces a dreamlike state while awake. May clear up any issues.

Serendip Visitor's picture

this used to happen to me as a little kid

This used to happen to me all the time as a little kid I would sleep on my stomach all the time. I use to always have dreams that if I flap my arms hard enough I could fly and my dreams felt so real but when I would try and wake up I couldnt and I would feel like I was sufforcating in my pillow right when I felt like I was gonna die id wake up but id try so hard to make myself get up but couldnt. Last one I had was about 2years ago I was ob my back could breath ok but I felt as if I had to pee really bad and the light on the ceiling was spinning so wierd . I heard the peneal gland is our third eye tho and u can buy meletonin drops just from doung some sovereign research. They say were all kings. I think its something the government not telling us though

Simon's picture


To correct one of the previous postings "That's why you are more vulnerable to this because you don't believe in Jesus Christ" I believe this to be FAR from accurate. There appear to be vast numbers of people on here who are deeply religious, many of whom are Christian.

The other felt misleading - I maintain the "evil" sensation was misleading and once you feel you understand the true nature of all things, there's really no cause for concern. Indeed, as those thoughts fleet through your mind, the veil is lifted and what you will perceive is something very different indeed.

There really is no such thing as "evil" as a force or a nature. There are acts man sees as evil, or intents that are seen that way. You would label killing an animal as evil, yet any animal trying to survive may do just that. Men do so far more often. Some label other religions as evil for failing to follow rules they don't comprehend themselves. They label their values as evil despite never stopping to question those they have been raised to follow themselves. Unless man can understand his own nature though, this species has little hope. Thankfully there are some that surprise us even now and do see past the deception, even grasping its purpose.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Can someone help?

Recently, in the past 5 I have had 5 of these episodes. I am not sure why I get these, I get regular sleep, sleep
on my side, get 9 hours each night, eat healthy and get plenty of exercise. I usually only get these a couple times a month, usually after I get a migraine. I am confused why this happens. If anyone can help, that'd be great!

Serendip Visitor's picture

possible sollution

What I can recommend you is doing a deep long meditation and follow the frequency that is equal to your third eye or the crown chakra.

With the third eye you can see things, maybe you have a problem deep within you that you havent solved or closed on the subject yet, but it has been buried there for a long time, because you dont want to think or talk about it. Try to look at it, accept it at as it is, becuse it already has happened, and move on.

With the crown, you will experience it again, the only thing you can do is, look at it, be there and accept it as your "dream" goes on.

You can find some music recordings on youtube which guides you with the corresponding frequency to the chakra. When you listen to these frequency, without thinking to something, making your mind clear, you will eventually see some colors. To follow the crown, you have to follow a gold or white color and go deeper in in. To follow the third eye, follow a purple color, and try to make it like a wormhole/portal, then you will jump into it.

Before you actually jump into try to protect yourself with a barrier, because if you happen to be guided in a wrong way, this barrier will protect you from going the wrong way. To create this barrier, you have to visualize yourself, coating yourself in a golden/ white aura.
During the trance it is also possible that you can see your guardian angel, always listen to this one. A guardian angel doesnt have to be a person necesarry, it can also be an object that you feel safe with it.

scientists call this sleep paralysis, but I know there is more than that. and it has something to do with going out of your body, and still when you feel something evil or bad like this, it is because you just came back from the 4th dimension, the 4th dimension doesnt contain anything positive or negative, but when your soul once come back to this dimension, the third, it can immediately feel things if they are positive or negative, good or evil as we call them.
Actually when you dream, you are having an ou -of-your-body experience, because your spirit is going back to the realm where it was before. That is why you sometimes, can talk to people that have been deceased.
And sometimes people get lost in this dimension is because they dont want to go back anymore. and that is when people get something like a heart-attack, which is a case that is even unexplainable for doctors in this skeptic world.

I hope I could help you with this method.

P.s. I am not a religious person, and I havent gone to a doctor in like in 10 years , and the last time I went there is because I have to do it for my new study (which I quit now already) to restore my ear, because it was somehow penetrated and my hearing was worse than the other ear. When I get sick, I always meditate to find the problem and restore it back to his original state. I almost have never used medicines, only when I was young, because the doctor says so or my parent says so. I am now 32 years old, on the age of 25 I had to do a medicinal test to do some work, and they told me that I had an incurable disease and told me to go to a specialist because I was at a late stadium. I refuse to go and I still feel healthy now. I discovered that with mediation, I can heal myself, remember the human body is not totaally discovered by the humans itself. We still know a lot of things that we can not explain just by science. The human body is build to actually heal itself from any injuries and diseases, as long as you believe in those things, it will happen. good luck
And if you happen to be in the 4th dimension, try to go to the akasic records, or something called like that. It will help you a lot in finding answers for your problems.

Vishwajeet Agrawal's picture

Thanks. I will try it. I

Thanks. I will try it. I agree with you . can u tell me do u discover this by your own or from somewhere else

Serendip Visitor's picture

exploring yourself


I discovered this when I had my first trance, which I suddenly meditated for 6 hours non stop, I had never meditate before or nor do i know how to do it, but for some reason, being in trance, it brings you back to your roots, it shows you what we exactly all are and how to be able to understand it.

even though there are lots of videos on the internet about anything you want to know, but it is up to you to discover what is actually going on and believe what is good for yourself and others. It is a good base to read about things like what are chakras, or what any disease is, but it is up to you how you deal with it.

The human body is something miraclous that we still not have discovered totally and we will never understand it, until the moment that you discover it yourself. No one can tell you exactly what it is, only you can see and experience it. Neither god, allah jesus or anything that is what we say supernatural/religious cant tell you about it. You will understand the moment you have been there or see it there. To be able to do this is try to improve your ability with the crown or third eye chakra.

When something happens with you, it is because your chakra flow is out of balance.
7 years ago I was diagnosted to have an incurable disease and the doctors told me to go to a specialist because it was at a late stadium. The medical examination was for work purposes. I have not been to a doctor for over years, because to me doctors are bullshit.
7 years later I am still alive and live healthy...according to doctors I should have got really bad symptoms by now....

Experiments have been proven that if you give an empty capsule to a very sick person, and you tell them this is the last attempt, and if this doesnt work then nothing will work, so when people take this so called medicine and told to believe that they will heal, this people actually got how does science explain this kind of situation....

Science is mere for skeptic people to have them explained by words, because otherwise they dont understand why they are getting sick. If people cant find answers, they get stressed, and people should know by now that stress is one of the big factors that can cause any disease that exist now or even create new diseases. And for some reason, people get angry when they cant find answer, and I am always wondering why, because when you get sick, it is actually your own fault for getting sick, why would you get angry on others, even if they are doctors and they cant explain you, why would you be angry on them.

You should be angry on yourself, because you dont understand your body yourself, especially when you are old enough and you call yourself an adult, but the most simple task, you can not do: taking care of yourself without bothering someone else.

In my whole life, I have only used like 2 ibrufens or painkillers, but that was at a young age, when i lived with my father. I have never liked medicines or have the urge to use it, i always heal mysef on natural ways, like drinking tea, eating more fruits and vegetables, which I have done this since I was young. I always like fruits and vegetables more than meat, but since I work out I eat meat because I need the proteins. And I like to move around a lot.

Ok for things like breaking your bones or having something really is an urgent matter that is for example only solving by having an operation, That I can understand. But even then, there are people who knows how exactly your bonestructure is, they can replace it back again. If you know how to control matter, which was actually possible until the moment we destroyed ourselves and resetted our ability of using our brains, you can rewrite your programm.

I am 32 years old, but when people see me, they think that I am 23-25. How is it possible that one doesnt look so old as he/she is, and no I dont use botox or any chemical things to maintain young, nor do I meditate every day or do some rituals.

Everyone is born beautiful, but it is up to you what you make out of it. How come people turn so ugly or fat. People change continuesly by what they do, what they eat and drink, what they think, what they see etc. If you dont learn yourself how to take care of yourself in a positive way, you will change in a negative way as you have lived before. what you are now is a result of your past and most of the people do not want to change, even they say they want to, but deep in their hearts they are too lazy.

I can go on for eternity about this, and most of the people will deny what I am saying, but then again, give me a good answer for why they have become so disgustingly hideous, and please dont give me a crap answer because it is in your genes. That is the most bs what science teach you how to believe, because so you can use it as an excuse for your stupidity and laziness in the past years. time to reflect yourself and time to change, because when you dont change, you influence others, either you want it or not, we are all connected, we are all the same, and we are all one.
the only thing that will make you understand the things that I am telling you is, be honest to yourself.

You probably think that I must be totally insane to tell all this nonsense and craps without facts, then keep thinking like that, because I really do not care. But then i ask you again to leave people in peace. If you want to use your negativity on others, do it in your so called bloodline, they are the ones that gave your birth, but remember you are the person that you made yourself into, and you can not blame others for it. you decide what to do with your life, no one is telling you how to live, and if that was the case, then maybe you should think about the fact that you are just zombie, created by the world government, be directed as they want you to be, and even then you are the one who choose for that life path, no one told you to do it. So stop complaining about things that you dont have, never will get, even worse, when you die, you will never be free.

Beth Serendip Visitor's picture


Good comment-we both know its not what this article purports. I resonate with your statement. I would also like to add that if there is a feeling of fear, to feel your heart chakra and say the word love thinking of a pet or person you love. I actually use the name Jesus as well, but Im not religious. I just resonate with this ascended master. The silver cord from the solar plexus will keep one tethered to their body, but going to that heart chakra right above trumps everything....

Serendip Visitor's picture

I had this experience once

I had this experience once when I was 16 years old and was sleeping on my back with my arms across my chest and the experience was scary and frightening. I never heard a voice or saw anything however when I woke up and was frozen not able to speak or move I prayed in the name of Jesus Christ and was able to move and talk. This makes me wonder if this is just more than paralysis. Not dismissing people don't experience having paralysis however I think some of people experiences are more than just paralysis just for the fact people hear things and see dark shadows.

Kathy's picture

Being paralyzed/seeing scary figures n bed

I have had these episodes for a long time..these are VERY frightening ..I woke up..could not speak or move..only see and heart was racin bad..I could feel pressure on my right side of shoulder..I was scared to open my eyes and look I just knew something was right beside me but I did I opened my eyes slowly looked to my right and there was a skeleton like face not even a foot away from me ! I closed my eyes quickly then opened them room was dark no light at all..between my bathroom and my closet which closet door was half open I seen a big black figure goin toward then closet was darker then my just disappeared..I still could not speak or husband laid beside me and never knew the horror I was going took all I had to get myself to turn turn his way..finally I could yell and was able to wake him..told him what happen and cried all night! I did not want to go back to sleep! Every time I have these..I always feel as if something is gonna happen or am gonna c something..only that one time did I actually c something but it has truly scarred me for life! Never want it to happen again..seein that others r havin the same things happen should make me feel better but it doesn't BC I know the hell of the effects of it happenin at all..wish this on no one!!

Kenny Ka Kin Chan's picture

Experiences of sleep paralysis

I've experienced this around 7 or 8 times in this past year. Most recently half an hour ago, as I took a power nap. All of a sudden I could open my eyes but could not move at all. I looked to my right and my dad was napping right next to me, I tried to nudge him to no avail. I did everything I could to awake myself, tried shouting, used my might to move any parts of my body. And then for some strange reason I could move but obviously in the sub conscious, I went to move a red cap of mine to a different location in my bedroom, as if to say is this really happening to me. Then obviously when I awake I could check whether it moved or not. I do this a lot when I have sleep paralysis, moving objects when subconsciously awake. Then to dismiss it once I originally wake. I don't seem to react negatively to these experiences, as it's quite frequent, I'm used to it. I think about it for up to an hour then get on with day to day tasks.

Not sure whether to believe these happenings are influenced by a death of one of my relatives, not entirely sure whether I believe in ghosts and spirits. Although my mother and other family members do.