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The Significance of Biodiversity: Why We Should Protect the Natural Environment

Biology 103
2001 First Web Report
On Serendip
The Significance of Biodiversity: Why We Should Protect the Natural Environment
Jennifer Trowbridge
"The fundamental property of ecological systems is a certain mixture, or diversity of living things. . ."(1). Biodiversity, or the variety of living things that exist, is fundamental to the existence of life on Earth, and the importance of it cannot be underestimated. In the past few centuries, humans have had an especially negative affect on biodiversity, although, in general, are becoming more aware of its role. However, due to the damage we have caused, and the value that biodiversity has to us as humans, protection of the natural environment is necessary.Biodiversity is an extremely important part of life on Earth. It is not only the variety of living organisms on our planet, but also the interdependence of all these living things, including humans. It thus creates and maintains ecological systems; the most recognizable of which are Earth's biomes, which can be divided into the broad categories of Forests, Tundra, Aquatic, Grasslands, and Deserts. Life is, in fact, one of the major features that distinguishes biomes from one another. "Biomes are defined as 'the world's major communities, classified according to the predominant vegetation and characterized by adaptations of organisms to that particular environment' (Campbell)."(2). Without vegetation or organisms, these landscapes would be virtually indistinguishable from one another. Clearly life plays a major role in the function of ecosystems, and the variety, or diversity, of this life has played a major role in the evolution of the world.
In evolutionary theory, it has become clear that the greater the diversity that exists within a family or genus, the more likely it is to survive environmental change. Thus, evolution depends on biodiversity. However, humans have been the main cause of recent rapid "evolutionary" change. Ecosystems are being destroyed, animals and plants becoming extinct, and biodiversity is being lost due to increased human activity. Although environments would be shifting and evolving regardless of human influence, it is necessary to understand that humans are causing the rate of change to become particularly dangerous. Environmental conditions are changing so quickly that individual species as well as entire ecosystems are struggling, and often failing, to adapt. For these reasons, it is very important that we protect biodiversity and the natural environment.
Currently, there are many manners in which ecosystems and species are being negatively affected. The first is land use, which is most responsible for the contemporary decrease in biodiversity. About one quarter of the Earth's surface is covered by farm land, a problem that is often overlooked. The most fertile soil is usually found in the best climates, which also usually happens to be where the largest amount of biodiversity is. The best example of this is in the tropics, where both tropical rainforests and cloud forests are being cut down and turned into "patchwork" farms. Furthermore, intensive agriculture is a growing concern. Fertilizers and pesticides used to treat crops harm land and drive animals away. Eventually, a given plot of farmland will contain too many chemicals to continue farming on, and the farmer will have to move to a new one, creating a vicious cycle of destruction of natural land.
Another threat to biodiversity is the loss and extinction of species. This topic is better known and publicized than the farmland issue, and many organizations are working towards the preservation of wild animals. However, it is important to understand that we need to pay as much, if not more, attention to reductions in species as extinction's. We often wait until a species is highly endangered before helping, at which point it is often too late. Endangerment occurs both directly by humans, such as fishing and hunting to excess, and indirectly, such as reducing habitats to the point where animals can no longer live. The dramatic disappearance of many species is often referred to as gene erosion, which is now happening very quickly. It must also be noted that introducing alien species in new habitats can greatly affect the natural environment. Many ecosystems have little immunity to new species, especially when the "intruder" has different traits than the original species. For example, the introduction of the house cat can be dangerous to an otherwise safe bird and small mammal population.
While many developed countries are now regulating pollution and toxification, the degrees to which this is done vary, and it is still a major concern. Many pollutants travel incredibly quickly and cover a broad area. Long-term pollution is a great concern as well, even at low levels, because it can affect entire ecosystems through the chain of life. Furthermore, pollutants in soil and ground water cannot travel quickly, and thus do not filter out well. Reproductive anomalies in animals, especially frogs, are being attributed to pollution and toxification, and some scientists fear that these could eventually affect humans.
Climate change is a growing concern as well, though it is somewhat debatable as to whether or not humans caused it. Natural changes in weather have had perhaps the greatest affect on biodiversity and ecological systems. The threat of humans shifting the climate is therefore extremely threatening to the natural environment. "Were the average temperature to rise by several degrees Celsius, that warming would probably be followed by potentially large reorganizations of some ecological communities." (1).
One last issue concerning the affects that humans have on biodiversity is that of overpopulation. Recent advances in science and medicine have allowed for much greater life span and a very small infant mortality rate. We are increasing in population more rapidly than ever before. The growing population causes displacement of natural environments, not only because we need more living space, but also because the demand for agriculture and industry becomes higher as a result.
It is painfully clear that in many ways humans have had a significantly negative affect on biodiversity and Earth's natural environment as a whole. It is essential to realize that as rational beings, humans have the ability to not only understand the problems we have created and what needs to be done to amend them, but also the capability of accomplishing these tasks. There are two basic venues of thought as to why we should protect biodiversity and our natural environment, one being intrinsic reasoning, and the other being anthropocentric.
Many believe that there are intrinsic reasons to protect biodiversity, separate from all human needs and desires. These arguments are based on the idea that humans are part of nature, not separate from it. Evolution, for example, is what allowed us to come into being originally, and humans are now destroying the same biodiversity that allowed evolution to happen. A similar, but slightly different principle behind the intrinsic theory, is that people did not create nature, and therefore should not have the right to destroy it. Every species has a right to not be eliminated by humans. Furthermore, because humans destroy natural habitats consciously, we should be responsible for fixing any unnecessary damage that we have done.
A somewhat contradictory view is the anthropocentric theory. This is based on the idea that biodiversity has value for us as humans. The first, most direct example of this lies in goods obtained from nature. The most important, and often overlooked, is food. It is natural and necessary for us to consume a variety of living things, from vegetables to animals, in order to remain healthy. Cloth is another such example; we need the diversity of life in order to make clothes for ourselves, whether they be cotton, as many are now, or animal skin, as used in the past. Other goods include pharmaceuticals and medicines that are derived from naturally existing sources. These have proven to be incredibly valuable to us, and millions of plants have never been chemically tested, which leaves many open opportunities for discovery of new organic remedies.
The natural environment provides other services which benefit the economy as well. For instance, biodiversity helps keep water clean and naturally manages waterflow and watershed. Trees and plants keep air clean through the constant transfer of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and overall biodiversity helps regulate climate. It is estimated that it would cost over three trillion dollars to replace these natural services with man-made ones.
The recreational and aesthetic benefits of nature are also considered anthropocentric. A growing number of people are participating in activities such as hiking, camping, and birding. In addition, ecotourism is becoming increasingly popular, which has not only raised awareness about biodiversity, but helps the natural environment economically as well.
Biodiversity is clearly a fundamental component of life on Earth. It creates complex ecosystems that could never be reproduced by humans. The value of that biodiversity, both intrinsically and to humans, is immeasurable, and thus must be protected. In the end, we both want and need biodiversity. Although we continue to harm the natural environment, often without realizing the impact that we have, an increasing number of people are becoming aware of the need to protect biodiversity. Hopefully humans will continue to pursue the issue so we can eventually live entirely with nature, not harm the very system that allows us to exist.
WWW Sources
1)CONSEQUENCES, The consequences of ignoring biodiversity2)Biomes, List of Biomes
3)Changes, The Importance of Biodiversity to Canada
3)The Importance of Biodiversity and Gene Erosion,
3)Importance of Biodiversity, Intrinsic and Anthropocentric Views
3)The Importance of Biodiversity,
Interesting article
I really like the article. The requirable informations about the significance of biodiversity is properly described in a proper manner. Really! The most important significance of biodiversity is to maintain and balance the ecological system! I do agree this statement and like the article!!! It is very fine!
Very interesting summary
Very interesting summary about Biodivesity! Thnx
Quick & Easy
very good quick and easy summary of biodiversity i give it two thumbs up!
This is a very good article
This is a very good article we should save the environment(:
Your article was wonderful
Your article was wonderful about why we should protects the natural environmet. It shows and tells people to care and love it and protect it. They can keep really good feelings about this article and even do it themselves which can show so much care all over the world.
prb (please reply back)
Corrections for your grammar...
Your message should be:
Your article is wonderful about why we should protect the natural environment. It shows and tells people to care, love and protect it. They can keep really good feelings about this article and even do it themselves which can show so much care all over the world.
Corrections for YOUR grammar.
You, in your unnecessarily self-inflated attempt to correct someone's grammar, have failed to include a most elementary rule of coordinating conjunctions.
When you corrected the series "care and love and protect it", you recommended writing it as "care, love and protect it".
This is wrong. It should read "care, love, and protect it", using a serial comma (or Oxford comma) to resolve associative ambiguity.
Next time, think before you attempt to correct someone's grammar.
*Oooh. Burn.*
very cool very complete and
very cool
very complete and quick overview of biodiversity
Although I've read, watched, listened and written lots on biodiversity this page has given a good quick summary.
good article. A reference is
good article.
A reference is needed for:
"It is estimated that it would cost over three trillion dollars to replace these natural services with man-made ones."
being this a very controversial affirmation
ecological economics student