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PMDD: Fact or Fiction

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Biology 103
2002 First Paper
On Serendip

PMDD: Fact or Fiction

Margaret Hoyt

"PMS, PMDD, or whatever label you put on it, is, has been, and probably always will be one big excuse for being grumpy and nasty," posts Marianne E (1). A faceless Internet user posting her thoughts on a web forum, Marianne shares an opinion with many other Americans. Many people, mostly men, feel that female sexual disorders exist purely as a defense for a bad mood. A handful of women and a few members of the medical community might agree with Marianne. However, a significant amount of research and medical opinion contradicts Marianne's assertation. As many women can attest, PMDD, or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, can be a fact of life.

It is estimated that 70-90% of women will experience some form of premenstrual grief at some point during their fertile years. Of those women, between 30-40% of women can be diagnosed as having Premenstrual Syndrome. Narrowing the field even more, 3-7% of those women have Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (2).

In general terms, PMDD can be considered a severe form of Premenstrual Syndrome, or PMS. Because the two disorders share many of the same symptoms, a problem results in distinguishing between the two. A simple answer exists in terms of severity: a woman with PMDD experiences the same ailments as a woman with PMS, only the woman with PMDD suffers to a far greater degree. The medical community has attempted to provide clinical descriptions to help specify these disorders. A PMDD website maintained by the drug company Lilly describes PMDD as a combination of psychological and physical effects occurring from one to two weeks before a woman begins her period (3). Furthermore, all of the symptoms associated with the onset of a woman's period can be separated into three categories: PMD, or Premenstrual Discomfort; PMS, or Premenstrual Syndrome; and PMDD, or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. The most common symptoms associated with Premenstrual Discomfort consist of physical changes: bloating, weight gain, acne, dizziness, headaches, breast tenderness, cramping, backaches, food craving, and fatigue. Those symptoms associated with Premenstrual Syndrome tend to be more psychological changes: sudden mood swings, unexplained crying, irritability, forgetfulness, decreased concentration, and emotional over-responsiveness. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder consists of symptoms more commonly associated with chronic depression: sad, anxious, or empty moods; feelings of pessimism or hopelessness; emotions such as guilt or worthlessness; insomnia; oversleeping; change in appetite, resulting in weight gain or loss; suicidal thoughts/attempts; uncontrollable rage or anger; lack of self control; denial; anxiety; and frequent tearfulness (4).

PMDD is often confused not only with PMS, but also with depression. As previously mentioned the PMDD symptoms must exist in such severity as to inhibit the woman's day to day living, to separate the disorder from PMS. PMDD affects a woman's work environment, personal relationships and family life. What separates PMDD from depression is a sudden disappearance of most symptoms shortly after a woman's period begins. To further complicate matters, if PMDD is left untreated for several years, the symptoms may override the menstrual cycle, occurring during ovulation or at any time during the cycle (5).

Because PMDD shares symptoms similar to many other disorders, debate exists over where to classify PMDD. The fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) lists PMDD in its index, calling it a depressive disorder (6). However, lack of information and understanding of exactly how PMDD works prevents it from being classified in an official mental illness category. Basic research links the onset of PMDD to neurological and hormonal differences in some women's bodies. A study completed by the National Institute of Mental Health linked PMS with abnormal levels of estrogen and progesterone (7). In the article introducing the study as it was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, Dr. Joseph Mortola wrote, "premenstrual syndrome is probably the result of complex interaction between ovarian steroids and central neurotransmitters," (7). A Psychiatric News bulletin describes how PMDD specifically works, "in a press release on the advisory committee's recommendation, Lilly said that although the etiology of PMDD is not clearly established, it "could be caused by an abnormal biochemical response to normal hormonal changes." Routine changes in estrogen and progesterone associated with menses may, in vulnerable women, induce a serotonin deficiency that could trigger the symptoms of PMDD." (8).

Some women's bodies cannot effectively handle the hormonal shifts that occur every week in a menstrual cycle. Lilley suggest that these women lack the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter, needed to make smooth hormonal and emotional transitions from week to week. Several antidepressants have had the most successful results in terms of strong effects on serotonin levels -- the medical community has dubbed these drugs as SSRIs, or Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (9). The FDA has only approved two SSRIs in the treatment of PMDD: Sarafem and Prozac. These two drugs contain Fluoxetine, which is thought to correct the serotonin imbalance in women who experience PMDD.

Three options exist for treatment of PMDD (9). Doctors may choose to take a medicinal approach, administering antidepressants, antianxiety drugs or hormones. Health care providers may also try focusing on the psychobehavioral aspects of the disorder. This includes stress management, psychotherapy, and relaxation. The third option is a nutritional modification, including dietary restrictions, extra vitamins, rigorous exercise, and herbal remedies. Women are encouraged to speak to her gynecologist to find the most appropriate method of treating her PMDD.

Many factors contribute to the reason why PMDD is regarded as a controversial topic. Little is known about the disorder: the American Psychiatric Association has not formally accepted PMDD as a mental illness; PMDD is listed merely as a disorder. Many doctors have found homeopathic remedies are most effective, thereby decreasing the validity of Fluoxetine drugs. Furthermore, since such a small percentage of women suffer from PMDD, it is entirely possible never to hear a personal experience. After hearing just one woman's story, it becomes that much more difficult to doubt the legitimacy behind her experience. With continued research, the medical field may be able to separate the divide between those who see PMDD as fact and those who see PMDD as fiction.



1) It Sure Feels Real; Forum response to article, , "Women Behaving Badly?" by Neil Osterweil.

2)USA Today Health Section, "PMS and PMDD Cause Serious Suffering," by A.J.S. Rayl.

3)PMDD informational site, maintained by drug company Lilly

4)Essay: PMS and PMDD - an Expose", by Anthea.

5)informational site, maintained by drug company Lilly

6), "The PMDD Debate: A Real Condition, or Just PMS by another name?"

7)Medicine and Biology article,"Estrogen, Progesterone Implicated in Provoking PMS," by Kenneth J. Bender, Pharm.D., M.A.
8)Psychiatric News, FDA Panel Recommends Fluoxetine for PMDD.

9)PMDD Facts for Health informational website



Comments made prior to 2007

I would like to know if the people who do not believe in PMDD have ever had severe symptoms. For the last eight months I have either abused my meds to the point of overdose just trying to sleep and cope with life. I also have attempted serioous suicide attempts all within 2 days of my period ... Kim, 5 May 2007


heidi's picture

@ rc bronc

I recently just lost my partner the father of my children because he could not take anymore abuse. It is only now that I realise that i flared up and attacked him verbally and physically every month, right before my period. Even when he had done nothing wrong, I would dig up an old hurt and make him pay. I would be screaming my lungs out, cursing and swearing, crying, bawling and it would end with me wanting to suicide to finish the misery that my life felt at that particular time.

My period would then magically appear and I would return to normal as if the nasty switch got turned off.

I have recently discussed this with my doctor and she is starting me on Prozac.

I hope the Prozac works :(

Serendip Visitor's picture

Your perspective on PMDD is

Your perspective on PMDD is really helpful to women who have it. It's helpful to hear how you feel especially stating that you are a private person because my husband is also a very private person. I have it and every month, it seems to get worse. My poor husband always has to take the brunt of my over-reactions and emotional instability. He expressed to me exactly what you just expressed in your comment. He wants to make me happy and help me but at those times, there is nothing anyone can do for me. I don't want him to feel like a failure because he tries SO hard. I've tried to explain it but it's impossible to know what this feels like unless you have it. Every month, it gets to the point where I feel like dying and it's not because I don't want to live. It's because I don't want to feel so horrible. So thank you for your feelings on the subject. Often, we don't see the emotional impact that our behavior has on our "other half".

Unfortunately, there is nothing that you can do to help her behavior. There was also nothing you could have done to "fix it". She needs to become self-aware enough to realize the pattern that she is in. If she is in denial, attempting to help by suggesting things will only make her more angry, as you appear to know. In order to help her, she needs to be receptive and open to it. She is the only person who can help herself. If you suspect that she has become abusive to your children, there are things that you can legally do to stop it. I assume that you don't have full custody of your children? If that is the case, perhaps you can think about trying to legally gain full custody.

Let her know your concerns about your children without accusing her of anything. You could try to explain how you know things didn't work out between you and she largely because of her behavior (if that is the case) and you're not accusing her of anything or underestimating her. Let her know that you are there for her if she ever feels overwhelmed for any reason and you will help her take care of the children. Not that she can't handle taking care of the children, but IF she needs a break, let her know that you will be there for her. I think that is the only thing you can do at this point to try to help her.

If she is receptive to it, you may want to discuss your findings with her. You could start by telling her that what you've seen every month for the past 12 years seem very similar to PMDD symptoms. Let her know that it is a medical condition and it's not who she really is as a person. It just means that her body reacts atypically to her hormones. For example, if a person has cancer, it doesn't mean that they ARE cancer. They suffer from it and it impacts their lives to a great degree. PMDD causes women to suffer and it impacts their lives to a great degree as well. The only thing is that the impact lasts approximately 2 weeks every month. That is still enough time to potentially gain weight, get fired from your job, lose relationships with friends, alienate yourself from those around you, hurt and create tension with family members.

I hope this helps but please use your judgment as well. I don't know your situation or personality, nor do I know hers. If you choose to take this advice, please do so at your discretion.

Elaine's picture

ablation for PMDD

I am considering getting the ablation for my severe PMDD. Has this worked for anyone?? Help!!!

Anonymous's picture

People like Marianne greatly

People like Marianne greatly contribute to the frustration and social stigma people who have legitimate menstrual disorders face on a daily basis. Not everything is a figment of someone's imagination. I'd love to have Marianne switch bodies with me and try living with this as many years as I have, i.e. severe abnormal blood loss, dibilitating cramps, a hormone imbalance, and intense and rapidly fluctuating depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideations. PMDD has been an absolute nightmare for me, not to mention the flippant attitude people who don't know anything about it can harbor. A little compassion goes a long way, I hope people get the facts before they make this kind of judgment. I would expect a female to be more aware of problems affecting their gender.

Anonymous's picture

Scared to ask for help

I think I have had PMDD since I was 14. Physically, my periods were intolerable...... I would faint, vomit, shake uncontrollably. My teachers and classmates thought I was faking to get out of school. I am now on high dose birth control and have been for 4 years but the emotional symptoms are still here and getting worse.
I get the regular cravings and irritability but I also get paranoid and anxious. Any news or direction that puts me off my "plan" for the day causes a small break in my emotional state. I either start to laugh or cry.
Sometimes I stay up late at night and pace around my apartment worried, about absolutely nothing! My mind is blank but it feels as though something horrible is going to happen, or that people hate me, or that the night simply won't end.

These feelings used to only come a week before my period. Now it can happen either before of after and I am feeling cramping pains two weeks into my cycle.
I am on anti-inflammatories for the pain but its the emotions that are killing me.
I feel trapped in my head/body and feel desperately like I need help or I won't survive the night. The, and this is the worst part, it goes away and I feel perfectly happy. When I am happy I tell myself what I felt was nothing and I forget what it was like. This happens every two or three weeks.

I am afraid though that my doctor won't help me. That I'll be told I'm whining and that its normal and there's nothing anyone can do.
It's really scary and I don't know how much longer I can live like this.

That is, until, I get a happy stretch and forget all that I typed!

Anonymous's picture

PMDD Its Real

PMDD its real, I didn't even know I had it, I didn't even know what I was suffering from on a monthly basis, getting so irritated, crazy-angry to the point of insanity. I started experiencing PMDD about 1 year after having my second child. I also suffered from post partum after the birth of my 2nd child, but it went untreated. I thought I just had a crappy marriage and was just unhappy about life and angry about life all at once. I had no desire for sex, out of control anger towards my children and no one to tell me that I was experiencing something medically wrong. It would come and go, but as my everyday stressors built up so did my emotions (this PMDD thing really effected me.) I suffered from weight gain, uncontrollable emotions, depression, temporary memory loss, or memory fatigue. I had disturbed thoughts of hurting my self and I really didn't know why and it was totally temporary. I would suffer with these out of control feelings for about 1-2 weeks and then my period would start and I was back to my normal, sweet, under control self. I have been suffering from this for about 4 years now. Im 34 and a nursing student and non of this has been covered in my studies. I found some clinical trials about it, but they are closed out now. And my mind can't help but wonder if PMDD is in some way connected to post partum syndrome and pregnancy induced psychosis. These other mental issues have something to do with that leutin phase of the menstral cycle and the ups and downs of progesteron, prolactin and estrogen hormones and seritonin levels. So if anyone has any information in regards to these issues please comment, There is something going on with women and we need to figure out what's missing or why this is happening and better ways of controlling it, maybe even curing it. Im begining to think that there might be a link between PMDD and abortions. I think its definantly worth looking into.

AddiedT2E3's picture

PMDD: As Real As It Gets

I've often thought the very same thing. My PMDD began within a month following an abortion (13 weeks). I think very much that my mother may have had PMDD when I was growing up. It's something she seems shameful of and not willing to talk about. She is older now and seems to control it better, but not living with her daily, who knows. I went on birth control after the abortion (NuvaRing). The symptoms (rages, crying spells, no reasoning behind any of it, fatigue, memory loss, diet changes, bowel changes, acne, etc) was unreal. I thought it was the birth control so I went off of it. But nothing improved. That was over two years ago. It operates like clockwork- I get about ten days of happiness each month and 14-19 of misery... as does everyone around me.

Serendip Visitor's picture


I felt as if I were writing the first half of your response. I also noticed a difference about a year or so after the birth of my second child. I have the same feelings about two weeks before my period. They range from severe rage to crazy sadness...crying all the time, feeling despair. I feel sleepy tired all the time. I hate this. I've just stumbled upon PMDD and have just started researching it. I just wanted to reply and let you know I feel your pain. As a side note, I have not suffered Post partum depression nor have I had an abortion. I just am learning that women's hormones can do crazy terrible things.

Cheryl's picture

PMDD reality

I have PMDD, for 25 years now. The cycles of PMDD I have been coping with for what seems like an eternity now and for anyone that suspects that this PMS thing is just and excuse for women to behave poorly, walk a mile in my shoes and then be thankful for whatever good health you have enjoyed. I was told it was all in my head and that I just have to ignore my symptoms, easy to say if your not the one experiencing this period of time when your body seems to turn against you causing numerous physical and cognitive problems. Just 7 years ago a search on the internet would turn up just a handful of hits, at least now there are numerous sites and studies being done on this illness that harms the quality of life of these women and their relationships with their children, family,and loved ones.

Anonymous's picture


It wasn't until I had an ablation for severe menstrual bleeding while in peri-menopause that I realized that I had PMDD all these years since adolescene. After the ablation, my severe mood swings & what I called "nesting instincts" before my periods disappeared. I celebrated the fact that I have a life again! It's amazing. I had 4 children and with every one I went off anti-depressants and felt the best I had ever felt in my life -- that is another indication that it was PMDD and not another type of mental disorder.

There are some really good books written by women about PMDD and they document real symptoms that will help others distinguish what it is they are dealing with. Medical science needs to catch up -- this may not affect vast numbers of women, but for the ones it does it can be life-threatening and devastating to careers and families.

Anonymous's picture


To all of you reluctant to try sarafem/prozac (yes, its the same thing) - get over your prejudices. Its prescribed for other things than depression (OCD and bulimia for example). It has literally saved my life - in 1995 I decided to give myself 6 months more (after 5 years doing the rounds of doctors and treatments) to try to sort it out before suicide as my life was so awful. I was prescribed prozac, and it works. I take 2x20mg daily - at first for whole cycle, now just last 2 weeks of cycle. It completely takes away all the symptoms - physical and mental, and I feel just normal and fine on it. I hate taking a drug for this long, but when I stop it, the PMDD is back, just as bad as before. I tried 20mg daily at first, which reduced the symptoms, but the40mg is the jackpot.

So, like I said, get rid of your prejudices and try it. It could really help you to live a normal, happy, healthy life.

Anonymous's picture

I'm 19, and...

...from the research I've done, I'm positive I'm suffering from PMDD. I went to my gynecologist three months ago to get help, and she prescribed birth control pills. They help with the horrible cramps and heavy periods, but the mood swings stayed exactly the same.
Less than a month ago, I went back, and she wrote a prescription for Sarafem. I told her I was reluctant to take an anti-depressant, but she assured me it was different, and that I only needed to take it 14 days a month, before my period. When I went to the pharmacy to get it, the pharmacist informed me that Sarafem is ONLY Prozac in a prettier box. I was shocked! I felt lied to, and taken advantage of. It's sick what the drug companies are doing to patients, misrepresenting a medication simply to give us a false sense of security. Needless to say, that prescription didn't get filled.

I don't know what to do next. It's about a week before my period, and right on schedule, I feel like dirt.
I can literally feel like, a hormone shift, like someone's throwing a switch in my body. A few weeks every month I feel awesome, then it's back to this; crying everywhere, feeling overwhelmed, hating men (yes, men in particular), feeling hopeless, guilty, and dark. When I'm my normal self, these are all the complete opposite.
I actually had a health professor tell me that I should look into Bipolar Disorder. It scared me terribly, but now I'm positive this is PMDD.
If I have any advice for other people dealing with this, it's to do your own research before doing ANYthing. It's your body; know what's going on.

AddiedT2E3's picture

Fill the prescription! You

Fill the prescription! You weren't lied to. Sarafem is named Sarafem. The dr didn't lie to you just because she didn't tell you it's fluoxetine (active ingredient in prozac). It is called Sarafem bc of it's small dosage 910-20mg). It is strictly for PMDD. There's nothing wrong with it. Aside from Yaz, this small dose of Prozac is the only thing approved to treat PMDD. Many women have had success. If you aren't willing to try it- I'mm willing to bet you will at some point bc the PMDD is not going to go away on it's own. I tried the Sarafem and it did nothing but make me sleepy. My mood swings were exactly the same. But maybe it will work for you. I'd be willing to try anything at this point.

Cheryl's picture


I have a suggestion for you: YAZ I've had pmdd for 25 years and I have been on it for about a year now (soon as it was released) and it has been helpful, not a cure but 25% better is still better. When I started I was 21 years old. Take heart, every year they seem to learn just a little bit more. As you wrote, keep searching the internet for more info and support. When a time is particularly bad I remind myself, tomorrow will be better, don't do anything drastic because it will pass those horribly bad feelings that are so dark. After 25 years experience I think have earned the right to say Never give up, Cheryl

Anonymous's picture


My daughter lost her job and YAZ is to expensive now----any suggestions to an alternative?
YAZ really DID work but there are NO generic for it.

Anonymous's picture

This is so real......sadly real

I have been sufferring from PMDD for about 10 years...however each year it's getting worst. I have begged doctors to help me, cried in their office and begged them to help me. I have heavy periods with back pain and cramps that required pain killers. I cry at my desk at work, I feel peranoid, I yell at my family, I get upset if there are dishes in the sink...I eat, I feel so much pain, back pain, hips, headaches. Twice I was sent to the hospital because the walk in clinics I was at thought I had a stroke, results showed no stroke. My husband has almost left me twice, but i think he stays because of the children. I have refused prozac for years, because I am afraid of what it might do to me...but I am beatten down, I can't live my life this way any longer, I feel hopeless and there's no one to help me. So I am going to try prozac. Two weeks of the month I am a normal happy person, and then two weeks I am a crazy lady with lots of pain. I hate this, I hate it so much, I hate it.

JACE's picture

Try YAZ! People seem to rave

Try YAZ! People seem to rave about it, I am about to start it! :-)

Anonymous's picture

Prozac, Lexapro, Whatever

I have had PMDD all of my adult life. I am 47 now. PMDD is real-period. This woman is exactly right. I am two different women 2 weeks sane and 2 weeks anxious, tense, emotional, teary, unhappy and generally whacked. This is 1/2 my life we are talking about here people.

I've tried everything. Calculus, B6, magnesium, vitex (chasteberry) antidepressants, Natural progeterone cream up to 200 mg a dose... blah, blah, blah.

I still have PMDD and every two weeks my life is hijacked. If the best the medical model and pharmaceutical giant can do is prozac, sarafem, lexapro... give me a break it doesn't work - I'll admit its better than nothing, but it doesn't cure PMDD it only helps us avoid suicide.

I have finally came to the conclusion that menopause is the only out I'll ever get from this insidious condition. I can hardly wait, please Goddess of the Womb send it Soon. Dry me up like the desert and let me have my whole month back its been over thirty years ......

Serendip Visitor's picture

So with you there

Hi I am 40.
Been cycling through the crazies from ovulation day to bleed since I was 14.
One pregnancy where it all stopped after the first trimester of exhausted sleeping
For me I have a couple of days pre ovulation of total rage and OCD cleaning and family hatred. I blame everyone for being messy, uncaring, demanding. I tend towards wallowing feeling hard done by, put upon, exhausted, crappy, anti social and totally intolerant.
Then I am Ok for another week until a week before period once more the inner demon emerges to de rail my lovely life. I am a first class witch, neurotic, sensory upsets with loud noises, light, disruption, any sort of disorder in my plans or environment sends me code black.

This gently subsides into bleak sobbing, self hate, grey mood, anhedonia, no joy although many beautiful things are present.

Then it lifts like a miracle and two to seven hours later I bleed.....enter the only 12 days of pure joy, normal, happy, loving me.

This is something I can set my watch too. It isn't invented or imagined it is the truth of my hormones hammering my serotonin.

No doctor has yet found an answer. I had Prozac and lost my orgasm completely. The Progesterone pill makes me PMDD all month and suicidal.

I take B50 complex, Magnesium and Vit C at 1000mg a day to no avail.

I eat healthy and I walk every day with my dog.

I'm waiting for menopause and how I manage is reminding myself all the time that it's the hormones not me and avoiding situations that will spin me out. I do a lot of internal dialogue and at times I sound like my own fricking pep coach.

My heart goes out to every woman who has to suffer this on top of ordinary life. You are amazing just to be here asking the questions.

To those here by merit of wanting to have a hate trip on us, I can only ask why are you here if you are OK? My advice to the haters and doubters trolling this site is start a diary and check your mood swings. Your hate and loathing on this site could be because you need to be here as much as we do.

Seriously bless you all, this is no way to live it's a daily battle to survive. xxxx You are not alone xxx

Anonymous's picture

I HATE LIFE during PMDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I feel exactly the way you do with my PMDD......I am exhausted by not being able to make my doctor know how bad I feel! I have been suicidal at times and when I expressed that to my doctor I got nothing! He said I know how you feel! I said........NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, there is now way you can know what it's like to experience PMDD!

t's picture

OH it is real

I have been depressed or what I thought for the past 5 years (that I noticed). I have tried to antidepressants, glucopage (due to high testoserone), meditiation, therapy and I am still evil as h*ll, irritable, confused, fatigued, depressed, sad 2 weeks before my period. As soon as it is over I am back to the person that I know. I am not able to funciton at work and therefore feel that each job is not right for me. I have worked 6 different jobs in the last five years and more than that before I got my degree. I told my doctor that I felt it was PMDD about 1 year ago. I don't think she knew enough about it and put my on wellbutrin. That worked for a little while and then they found out my testorone level was too high. They put me on meds for that and guess what the symptoms are still there. I thought it was because I was eating to much sugar and so I cut that out. The problem still came to a head this month right before my period. I have did a little research to find a herbal remedy and found out about 5HPT. That is my next try and so we will see. This is very real and alot of women don't even realize this is what it is. I wish that the doctors would look into it. Guess that will never happen as long as they are in kahots with the insurance companies and pharacutical companies. Hope you women out there feel better. There is hope.

Sonya's picture

Hi I have had the PMDD evil

Hi I have had the PMDD evil lady living in me every since since I gave birth to my second son in 2000. Doctors just brushed me off for years saying that I just had an social anxiety dsorder. In 2009 a Cuban doctor in florida figured out that my anxiety disorder was related to PMDD and he prescribed me Zoloft. I filled the prescription and I only took it when my agression was Hell! I have since did some research on 5htp. I take three 100mg a day along with 1200mg of calcium and magnesium, B-6,vit E,1/2 of a prenatal vit and sip chalomile tea every chance that I get. I still have a bad day or two a week prior to my cycle but I can now easily talk myself into correcting PMDD behavior more easier. I am a better mother and wife because of these vitamins. Please research any herbs before you take them.

Zoe's picture

I'm not exactly sure why the

I'm not exactly sure why the medical profession is so mystified, but PMS and PMDD and PCOS and many infertility problems, perimenopause and menopause troubles all have one thing in common...hormonal imbalance.

But people act like they can't figure out what causes PMS or PMDD. Well, hmmm, if it's hormone related (which obviously it is) could it be hormonal imbalance? It's my belief, as someone who has a hormonal imbalane, that putting anti-depressants into your body isn't going to help anything. Hormones require a delicate balance, most of us don't have it living in the industrial age. Adding more heavy chemicals like in pharmaceuticals isn't helping matters.

For relief, try natural progesterone cream. If it doesn't seem to work, it could be the dose. This is a natural bioidentical hormone. Get your hormones tested, the saliva test is the most sensitive and find out if your progesterone is low.

Unfortunately even most doctors who DEAL with hormones all day long can't seem to grasp the progesterone link.

Hoping others find relief,


AddiedT2E3's picture

PMDD is not a hormonal

PMDD is not a hormonal imbalance at all. The hormones are generally completely normal (in my personal experience, mine always are at normal levels). The flare ups that occur with PMDD are caused by the "body's reaction to the fluctuation in hormones", not the actual amount of (whether small, normal or large) hormones. Some women's bodys are seemingly very sensitive to the normal changes in hormones every woman experiences during her monthly cycles. These women have PMDD

Marsha's picture


After having tried many avenues to combat my symptoms of PMDD, I have just been prescribed Prozac. It was a last resort. I will continue other lifestyle changes as well and look for some relief over the next three cycles. I say this to say for anyone wondering (male or female) if PMDD is fiction, I dare you to come see me right now (as I head toward menses in 9 days). I promise you will have no need to further question this "disorder". You will not NEED a double-blind or any other kind of research set-up. Trust me. And then come back on Day 1 or 2 of my cycle and see a completely different person.