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The Influence of Stress on Dopamine Levels

Biology 202
1999 First Web Reports
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The Influence of Stress on Dopamine Levels
Jessica Brock
In the quest to survive, every living organism is equipped with the armor to withstand the impacts of stress. The African savanna leaves the zebra in an anxiety-ridden position of vulnerability to predators. Stress may can be as basic as the lack of food, habitat, or reproductive success. Humans are especially aware of the impacts of stress due to the nature of todayâs contemporary lifestyle. Too many daily demands can give a person anything from insomnia to indigestion to depression. Every person is equipped to naturally deal with large amounts of stress, but when these amounts exceed what the body can handle, discomfort is considerable.
Besides the qualitative approach to coping with stress, what bodily mechanisms are responsible for dealing with anxiety? The nervous system is almost solely credited with this task. The complex interaction system between billions of individual neurons facilitates large number of behaviors that result due to inputs originating inside and outside the organism. Spaces between neighboring neurons are called synapses, and one way in which they communicate is by sending chemical signals called neurotransmitters across the presynaptic membrane to the postsynaptic membrane. Years of nervous system research have determined that stress activates the neurotransmitter, dopamine.
The functions of dopamine are numerous, but in general it inhibits transmission of nerve impulses. This transmitter is found throughout the body, though mainly housed in the brainâs interior basil ganglia, in the frontal lobe of the information-processing center of the brain, or in the limbic system (1).
Many chronic diseases result from the overproduction or underproduction of dopamine. The dopamineâs inability to move into the frontal lobe of the brain results in the inability to control fine motor movement and is familiarly called Parkinson Disease(1) . If the flow of dopamine throughout the nervous system is not allowed to circulate as usual, then schizophrenia follows (1).
Now that the extreme abnormalities of dopamine have been discussed, letâs look at how dopamine affects the average person who is subjected to a stressful environment.
One study maintains that the chewing behavior of mice is a response to stress, and therefore it serves as a coping device. The body responds to stress by the activation of the cerebral dopaminergic (DA) system. The study shows that when given the option of chewing, the activation of mouse DA system is drawn out (2) In other words, when allowed to chew, a mouseâs body will have prolonged the presence of stress-managers; this coping mechanism reduces the impact of the stress.
Another study also confirms the conclusion of the aforementioned study. In this study, the levels of dopamine were reduced in Drosophila melanogaster larvae, and they all stopped exploratory behavior and died (3). Under normal conditions, drosophila exposed to a condition of stress such as exposure to cold for a significant period of time will exhibit an increase in dopamine levels (3). This study suggests that if an organism is exposed to external stress, dopamine levels will rise to help cope with this additional stress, and thus an organismâs survival and reproductive success is ensured due to its ability to withstand stress. This study does not mention how increased levels of dopamine contributed to certain behaviors, but other studies have shown effects of dopamine on behavior.
Thrill seeks, people who have a naturally high levels of dopamine, have the propensity to become addicted to certain drugs. High levels of dopamine unregulated by the brain protein called dopamine transporter cause the behavior of the "high" (4). This brain protein normally cleans up dopamine that has already excited brain cells. Because dopamine controls movement, comprehension, and some social behaviors, these three behaviors manifest hyperactivity (4). The conclusion is that addictive, novelty-seeking behaviors are the result of high levels of dopamine.
As summarized by the above studies, dopamine levels are sometimes induced by stress factors. Certain dopamine levels will facilitate certain corresponding behavior. The inability of dopamine to circulate throughout the nervous system causes schizophrenia and Parkinson disease. High levels of dopamine cause drug "highs" and hyperactivity. It is obvious that dopamine levels normally should be balanced, adjusting according to the presence of stress factors to help an individual cope with life experiences.
WWW Sources
1) Criminal Justice Homepage Lincoln Land Community College
2) Neuroscience Training Program and the Center for Neuroscience
4) Howard Hughes Medical Institute News
Additional comments made prior to 2007
I'm concerned about several of the factual statements in your paper. The assertion that thrill seekers have high levels of dopamine is of particular interest. As you know, there is no established normal level of dopamine. If you have any research that suggests that there is now a known normal level of dopamine, please let me know as I'm in contact with several doctors from the National Institute of Mental Health. Likewise your assertion that thrill seekers have higher dopamine levels is facinating after talking via email and telephone to international experts with peer revued, published research on dopamine and brain chemistry in general. Could you please cite your research? I'm up for a good laugh! By the way how many neurotransmitters are there in your world? ... Mary Ellen Gottlieb, 29 January 2006
My 9-year-old daughter has been dealing with various tics for about two and a half to three years. I have done some of my own research and truly believe that she has "transient tic syndrome". Could these uncontrollable tics be associated with a lack of dopamine being properly transmitted through one of the 4 pathways? I really would like to understand more about dopamine and how it might be related to these ongoing tics. If you have any insight that would be helpful, I would greatly appreciate it ... Karen Roark, 30 April 2006
Low levels of dopamine cause addiction NOT high levels
Dr Kenneth Blum is the foremost expert on addiction. It is low levels of dopamine that cause addiction traits
Please tell me normal level of dopamine in blood.
dopamine levels and FSM
My daughter has low dopamine levels and started having problems at 10 years old. I have started doing frequency specific microcurrent treatments on her. I found a protocol for increasing dopamine levels. It seems to help her.
" The dopamineâs inability to move into the frontal lobe of the brain results in the inability to control fine motor movement and is familiarly called Parkinson Disease(1) . If the flow of dopamine throughout the nervous system is not allowed to circulate as usual, then schizophrenia follows " what a m---n wrote this? whats have frontal lobe to movement? agree parkinson affect also frontal lobe but this have nothing to do with movements. Parkinson's primarily affects neurons in the an area of the brain called the substantia nigra. Some of these dying neurons produce dopamine, a chemical that sends messages to the part of the brain that controls movement and coordination. As PD progresses, the amount of dopamine produced in the brain decreases, leaving a person unable to control movement normally.
Excessive dopamine activity in some parts of the brain have only been implicated in Schizoprhenia's etiology and certainly not proven as fact. There are many other hypothesis with some supporting evidence.
Secondly, in response to a responder, psychedelic drugs normally work on serotonin pathways (transporter or more often agonism of certain serotonic receptors), rather than dopamine pathways which are the realm of more addictive drugs such as cocaine.
how to deal with stress
How to deal with stress has long been a problem bothers me.I can't sleep well, can't work well and feel tired all day.
bad health
stay of all drugs, pharma aswell.increase the amount of organic food intake,natual juices made by yourself from your juicer, lots of none tap water. eliminate refine foods. you might want to check these sights, . Do not allow your self to be a left brain.
Is it usually true that low
Is it usually true that low dopamine levels are associated with the inability to love? I have just discovered that I have low dopamine levels, and I am a very loving person. Thanx for the clarification. Maybe my understanding is too simplified.
connection to Lyme Disease?
I was interested to read on a different webpage that "It is a monoamine, a compound containing nitrogen formed from ammonia by replacement of one or more of the hydrogen atoms by hydrocarbon radicals". The Lyme bacteria is said to leave a trail of ammonia in one's body.
So might it be possible that person's with Lyme Disease would suffer the effects of overhigh levels of dopamine, if left untreated long enough? Certainly there are accounts of Lyme Disease victims suffering effects of mental illness, even schizophrenia in the later stages.
It's also interesting to read that fybromyalgia is being connected to dopamine levels as this and other modern diseases are also being researched for possible links to bacterial involvement.
God bless,
Hoe to step up dopamine levels naturally?
I understand low dopamine levels create problems in transmission of neuro messages affecting physical activity. I also understand stress and bad moods bring down dopamine levels. Can voluntarily and consciously adopting mood elevation techniques like reading humor, seeing mood enhancing films, attending spiritual discourses, etc enhance the level of dopamine, rather than opting for L-Dopa, etc medicines?