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Eastern and Western Shingles Treatment

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Biology 103
2000 Second Web Report
On Serendip

Eastern and Western Shingles Treatment

Allison Hayes-Conroy

Shingles, or Herpes Zoster, is an infectious disease that effects nearly twenty percent of the US population at some point in their lives. Resulting from a reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus (the same virus that causes Chicken Pox) shingles plagues the skin and nervous tissues. Often, the disease is very painful and although the skin blisters that result generally heal in a mere one to three weeks, severe nerve pain can last months to years (1). The treatment of this nerve pain, as well as of the shingles blisters, is the focus of this paper. For the sufferers of such a disease with no known cure, the discovery of treatments from both eastern and western medical traditions which can help alleviate the symptoms is paramount.

In order to discuss possible treatments, we first must look at the disease and its symptoms more closely. Shingles is most common in adults. Children who get Shingles will typically have a very mild case. Often, the disease is a sign of an immune system weakened by another condition. Shingles occurs when the varicella-zoster virus reactivates and travels through the nerves. Thus, the first symptoms are often burning or tingling sensation along the affected nerves. Forty eight to seventy two hours later, when the virus reaches the skin, red bumps or blisters develop along the skin above the affected nerve (1). This usually happens on one side of the torso, face, arm, or leg, and can be accompanied by flu-like symptoms, chills, or headache (5). Depending on where the disease manifests, there can be serious complications. Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus occurs when Shingles involves the eye and is very dangerous as it can affect vision and even cause blindness. Otic Zoster occurs when shingles affects the ears. Like Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus, it is dangerous as it can result in the loss of hearing. Bell's Palsy is yet another possible complication of Shingles. Bell's Palsy causes the facial nerve to be paralyzed. All three of these complications, being quite obviously serious, necessitate immediate professional attention and intensive treatment often including potent anti-viral drugs (1).

However, the most common complication of Shingles is perhaps the hardest to treat. Even worse, it often does not manifest until the virus has had time to "entrench" itself in the body, making anti-viral drugs somewhat less effective. This is Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN), the severe pain that can remain with shingles sufferers months and occasionally even years after the blisters have healed. Of those shingles sufferers over sixty, as many as half will develop Post-Herpetic Neuralgia. Many liken the excruciating pain to the feeling of skin being ripped off or burned. Others say that the pain is worse than that of childbirth, a heart attack, or a war injury. Often the pain of PHN does not respond to medication and thus leaves patients depressed undernourished, dehydrated, and even suicidal (5).

Treatment for Post-Herpetic Neuralgia as well as Shingles blisters can come from a variety of different medicines from narcotics to epilepsy drugs to St. John's Wort to Chinese herbs. Dr. Fred Hui M.D., a Toronto physician, has developed a unique method of treatment for Shingles which combines elements of both eastern and western medicine. The basic principals behind his method, those of bringing together a wide array of treatments in a short time span, could be useful for anyone, patient or doctor, in helping to relieve Shingles symptoms (3).

Typical western medicine, of course, is still a part of this combined east/west Shingles treatment. Antiviral drugs, most effective within the first few days of the disease, are often given to patients. Such drugs include acyclovir and valacyclovir, and are used to help shorten the outbreak of the virus, thus diminishing the possibility of developing Post-Herpetic Neuralgia (5). The anti-viral drug Valtrex, a brand of valacylovir, has recently been developed, tested, and approved by the FDA for the treatment of Shingles (7). Vitamin C and bioflavonoids are also helpful as they are thought to have anti-viral activity (6).

If the patient does develop PHN, narcotics such as codeine, anti-depressants such as amitriptylie, and epilepsy drugs such as garbapertin are sometimes used. All three are thought to help blunt the nerve's perception of pain (5). Dr. Hui mentions "German Neurotherapy" in his list of methods for treating Shingles (3). This is a therapy which involves nerve blocks, a tactic in which a local anesthetic is injected directly into the affected nerve. However, the relief from nerve blocks is only temporary, lasting approximately a week and a half. And, unfortunately, all of the above mentioned methods only work about half of the time (5).

One typically eastern method of treatment which has been widely accepted by western doctors is a Capsaicin cream or ointment. Capsaicin is the chemical in red pepper responsible for heat (2). Ointments made with Capsaicin and rubbed into the affected area (usually after the blisters heal) are frequently used and have proven effective in relieving the lingering Shingles pain of some patients (6). Zostrix, an over the counter medication made with the red pepper extract, has been developed for this purpose (2).

Cayenne or red pepper is not the only "herbal" remedy which appears to be somewhat effective. The homeopathic remedies developed for Shingles are numerous. For example, Arsenicum album can be taken if the pain of the blisters seems to be relieved by heat and if the pain is worse at night. Iris versicolor is often helpful with shingles infection that is accompanied by gastro-intestinal problems and bumps which appear on the abdomen. If the patient is restless and the rash is itchy rather than burns, Rhus Toxicodendron can be taken in a low potency. All three of these remedies, though many claim to have found them helpful, have never been clinically tested. These remedies are probably best used in conjunction with other types of treatment (4).

Dr. Hui also mentions Chinese herbs as one of the methods in his "breakthrough" Shingles therapy. Though he does not specifically state which herbs he uses, there are a few which have been used in the past by other Chinese herbalists. Genitian ( Gentiana macrophylla ) and Oriental Wormwood have been used in treating Shingles blisters. In addition, a tea called San Sheng Yin, made of ginseng, ginger, acomite, costus root, and Tian Nin Xing (Arisalana erubescens), has been used for its pain killing effect (11). Saint Johns Wort, an herb that has been recognized more and more in western medicine, is also thought to be effective for milder cases of neuralgia. A tea or hot compress can be made from Saint Johns Wort and Lavender, both of which are thought to be good restoratives for the nervous system (10). The reason that Saint Johns Wort is thought to help is that it contains compounds that act as manomire-oxidase enzyme inhibitors. A warm lotion made from the flowers and leaves may also relieve the burning of the Shingles blisters (9).

In addition to herbs from Chinese and other cultures, Dr. Hui employs a number of hands-on methods in the treatment of Shingles. These include, spinal manipulation, energy techniques such as Reiki, Meditations, and acupuncture (2). Ms. Linda B. Hayes, a Shingles sufferer, uses acupuncture as part of a combined east/west Shingles therapy for the disease. She comments that acupuncture in points along the affected nerve area is helpful in relieving the pain; however, the relief is only temporary, lasting five to six hours. Also, the acupuncture must be done on both the back and front of the torso, or the method will be ineffectual. Interestingly, the acupuncture, in conjunction with Darvaset (a narcotic pain reliever) and a red pepper extract cream, relieves Shingles pain best during times of high barometric pressure. Pain is worst, Hayes claims, on days when the barometric pressure is low (8).

Ms. Hayes, like many other shingles sufferers has not come across a treatment that provides 100 percent alleviation of her symptoms. Unfortunately, as shown by the seeming affect of barometric pressure in Ms. Hayes, Shingles pain varies greatly from patient to patient. Perhaps this is the reason that methods which combine a variety of elements from the eastern and western medical traditions come closer to a "cure." Though such methods cannot be guaranteed, they show signs of offering some important relief. Perhaps more research conducted on this more rounded and wholistic style of treatment will yield even better theories for new Shingle pain therapy.

WWW Sources

1)"Discovery Health: Shingles", updated August 09, 2000

2)"Herbal Remedies Cayenne: The Hottest Healer", updated July, 2000

3)"Herpes Zoster, Shingles - A Dramatic Breakthrough", Herpes Zoster Treatment

4)"Homeopathic Remedies for Herpes Zoster", Herbal remedies

5)"Hope for Pain After Shingles", updated February 4, 1999

6)"Shingles", Marks, Thomas

7)"New Shingles Therapy Approved by FDA", October 12, 1995

Other Sources

8) Hayes, Linda. Personal Interview. November 7, 2000.

9) Lipp, Frank J. Herbalism. Duncan Baird Publishers, London. 1996.

10) Ody, Penelope. Home Herbal. Darling Kindserley, London. 1995.

11) Tang, Stephen, & Richard Craze. Chinese Herbal Medicine. Berkley Books, New York. 1995.

Comments made prior to 2007
i have had pain after shingles for almost a year now. looking into a number of treatments i have found GREAT CORYDALIS TEAPILLS, A HERBAL SUPPLEMENT, it has helped a lot in controling pain. if a back up is needed on a bad day i take an asprin. you take 8 tiny pills 3 times a day. inexpensive too.... worth a try. if you have any other help please let me know what you are doing....thank you all... god bless ... Elaine, 12 March 2006



my grandmother was taught a tea that I personally saw cure a man that had a belt of blisters and could not get out of bed he followed the directions and 2 days later he was up and shopping in town anyone interested ... Rob, 5 March 2007



Re "Eastern and Western Shingles Treatment" -- what exactly is "manomire-oxidase"? I'm guessing your author is thinking of "monoamine" oxidase ... Daniel Reeders, 26 May 2007


Anonymous's picture

Tea Recipe

Please send me tea recipe

Anonymous's picture

Shingles - Herpes

I have tried many remidies over the last few years to try to help with the pain from shingles and herpes. This article was one of the best I have read and I am very interested in getting the receip for the tea.

I have been on Gabapentin as well as Valtrex for the last few yeras and would love to be able to manage the outbreaks and pain herbally. My body's defense is very depleated, it is like fighting off an aggressive virus 24/7. After while your body wears out. I find that I am so exhausted fomr the continual pain, I would love to find an herbal treatment that would help rebuild my immune system.

What I wanted to shard with the rest of the readers is a salve I have discoverd that helps while you have blisters. It is made by Thursday Plantation, and it is called Tee Tree Oil Anteseptic.

Thursday Plantation puts out several products that you might find helpful.

anonymous's picture

shingles treatment/immune system

My husband is suffering from shingles , and he has started on a regimen of supplements at my suggestion. I suffer from meniere's disease, (extreme vertigo) which is caused by the same virus. I take L-lysine is along with citrus bioflavonoids. I buy super lysine plus, by quantum . It is just from a local health food store. The citrus bioflavonoids plus hesperidin are by natural factors , and help build up your immune system. My husband is also taking evening primrose oil for healing. There is also an l-lysine lip balm that stops cold sores in its track, and I'm sure it would do the same thing for the blisters from shingles. My husband started on these supplements two days ago and the numbness on his face is subsiding. Hope this works for you. There is also an injection you can receive for shingles prevention after the age of 60, is $150.00, and you have to be shingles-free when you get it. Hope this is helpful.

Anonymous's picture

Shingles Tea Recipe

My father is suffering with shingles terribly and I would love to have the tea recipe. I think he would do just about anything at this point!! Thanks!!

terri's picture

yea recipe for tea

I am four weeks into shingle pain. Doctors dope me up for it So I can not work Help please. I need the recipe for the tea

Rebecca Stegeman's picture

tea recipe

Please send me the tea recipe that everyone is talking about. I am going through my second case of shingles and this case is worse than the first time. A few years ago I had shingles and cured it in three days with an herbal tea that smelled and tasted awful as well as making a compress from the tea. That recipe is in my storage unit states away and for the life of me I can not remember what all was in it. I really need your help.

Sarah (DOLOROSA) 's picture

The Darned Tea!

Did you ever go back to your storage unit for the tea recipe? I need it so very badly now. Please reply.

Max's picture

Shingles Tea recipe

Please send me the Tea recipe for relieving Shingles.

Thank you

Anonymous's picture

please send tea receipe for

please send tea receipe for shingles, thanks

Anonymous's picture


I have had PHN (from Shingles) for 7 months now and seemingly with no end in sight. I have taken just about every medication mentioned above and would consult a witch-doctor if I thought it would do any good.

I have been through all the different phases of the disease and am currently "justing living with it." I read that only 4% of the people who experienced it have long term disorder but most of my acquaintances who had it longer than 6 months seemed to have it for "years." I empathize with everyone who ever had this disorder - and I hope those who have not had it get the Merck Vaccine.

The Merck Vaccine costs about $200 in St. Louis, MO from the Visiting Nurses Association but let me tell you that IF your over the age of 60 and you don't get this shot you will KICK YOURSELF FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE - I know this for a fact. I have spent several thousand dollars AFTER getting the disease and suspect I have many thousands more to go. I am on Lyrica now and it costs me $100 a MONTH with my insurance. Without insurance - try $270 (at Walgreens). And one more point about the "medications" - generally they don't work as advertised and more often leave you EXHAUSTED to the point you feel your life is just passing you by.

Shingles is not a trivial disease. I had previously lost a kidney, had neck surgery, and noting compares to this disease. Don't kid yourself if you have not experienced it - this is a LIFE ALTERING EXPERIENCE. The pain, and/or discomfort level is almost constant. If I had not been retired I would have been unemployed. I spent three months in bed sick to my stomach (where a large patch of the shingles originated across my back.)

What has worked:

Ice packs provide some temporary relief
AVOID at all costs any Hot baths
Lyrica ONLY in the early most painful periods of the disease (not worth it as the pain declines)
EQUATE Pain Reliever PM (At Walmart) plus Gabapentin (Dr. RX) one each at bedtime (provide some sleep at night)
Capacian (red pepper) ointments (generic brands the least expensive at Walgreens) (seems to help my friends who have it on their face - don't EVER Take a HOT bath with this stuff on or you will SCREAM at top of your lungs and your skin will turn crimson.)
Aspirin during the day with the Gabapentin when it is especially bad. (note: the pain goes up and down with no advanced warning.)
I take a full complement of vitamins but I have do idea as to there effect (Wife says say take them:)

As to what doesn't work - that would include everything else :)

Finally, if you or your family members are just beginning treatment - be patient with one another and hope your disease is not part of the 4% who experience long term pain.

Good luck to all.

darlene cunningham's picture


I sympathize with you. My father has been dealing with PHN for 8 months now with no end in site with this severe pain. I let him read your experience with PHN and it was as though he would have written the same things. He has tried so many narcotics, steriod injections, selective nerve root injection, qutenza patch, creams, acupuncture, etc. Nothing seems to take the pain away. Do you still have the PHN and if so, have you found anything else that has helped the pain?

Ray O.'s picture


Hello, I am writing to you to see if your email is still good. I have been suffering from PHN for a year. If this gets to you please write back as I would like to ask you about how you are doing and if I can expect any relief.
Thank you,

cindy's picture


I have had the pain of shingles for 2 weeks now I know what you mean my skin feels like I can tear it off I can't stand any thing that touches it I'm trying every thing I'm on Lidocain Patches ,Darvocet,and gabapentin it all works for a few hours plus I get massages.I sure hope I get better and you also....Cindy

Anonymous's picture

Tea for Shingles

Would you please send me the recipe for the Tea. A friend of mine is suffering
terribly from the Shingles.

Serendip Visitor's picture

Tea for Shingles

Is there really tea for shingles, my husband has it and i feel so bad for him, I want to help him, but there is not much I can do but watch him suffer.

pauline meagher's picture

tea for shingle pain

Could you please send me the recipe for tea for shingle pain. Thank you.

Bama girl's picture


my dad has shingles, I am interested in the tea recipe. thanks!

Anonymous's picture

Please send me the recipe

Please send me the recipe and any help you can offer... I am going itchy crazy!

Anonymous's picture

Tea for shingles

I would also like to know what the tea recipe is for shingles. My husband has been suffering from shingles and it's pain for 3 1/2 years. I am at my wits end, he is a very active person and this just puts him down. Thanks for any help you can offer.

Carmen's picture

Tea Recipe or Other Suggestions

I've read thru all of the suggestions, and will try them. Also found on another posting for nail polish remover and cruched asprin.
If anyone received the tea recipe, could you please forward/ reply to me. I haven't seen any postings related to whether anyone received it.. or if it worked for any of you. Thanks in advance for any and all help.

Irma's picture

Tea for shingles

My 87 year old mother-in-law is dealing with a fractured foot and shingles all at the same time. She has many allergies...please send me the tea recipe...I am hoping it is something she can take to help with her pain.

Anonymous's picture


So how close is shingles to the genital herpes virus? Is it the same disease just with slightly different symptoms or is it completely different and just has kind of the same symptoms.

Brain drain's picture

shingles cure

I heard somewhere that acupuncture has been used effectively to treat or minimize shingles.

Maggie's picture


I have a classic case of shingles. I have had 7 treatments of acupuncture on both sides, front and back. So far I have not noticed any relief. I think my response is slowed because I am on 40 mg prednisone for crohns disease. Any ideas?

Jane's picture


I did not include this in my last comment, but I have gotten some information from a personal friend. His son had a very painful experience with shingles and he used a "medication" recommended by his chiroprator. The medication is
known as Benfo-150MB/120. It is not approved here and he has ordered it online and finds that it is a remarkable pain/symptom reliever. I have done some research but have not ordered it. Has anyone any information about Benfo.
It was invented in 1960 and used for diabetes. My health food store does not carry it nor have they heard of it and they are pretty up on this sort of thing.

Chuck Kendall's picture

Benfo-150 MB/120 - I am assuming this is Benfotiamine

Benfotiamine is a fat soluble form of Vitamin B1 (thiamin),useful in diabetic neuropathy.It is an improvement over natural water soluble thiamin because it is better absorbed by the intestinal cells and penetrates the waxy cholesterol/fatty acids membranes of all cells in a higher concentration. It may have an effect on transketolase.Check out

Life Extension Foundation at .You may find info there.

FROM Wikipedia:
In mammals, transketolase connects the pentose phosphate pathway to glycolysis, feeding excess sugar phosphates into the main carbohydrate metabolic pathways. Its presence is necessary for the production of NADPH, especially in tissues actively engaged in biosyntheses, such as fatty acid synthesis by the liver and mammary glands, and for steroid synthesis by the liver and adrenal glands. Thiamine diphosphate is an essential cofactor, along with calcium.

Jane's picture


Comments:Are there early onset symptoms that would never be diagnosed as shingles? Is there a blood test that can determine, over and above, the onset of shingles (blister presentation) that one has more than a dormant chicken pox in their system (shingles)? I ask because, late winter I had leg cramps and back cramps that wakened me during the night and eventually brought me to the doctor and a dopler was done and came out normal. In early June I began to have a very sharp and very excruiatingly painful pain in my left temple; so quick that I questioned that it ever happened; in early July I had a very sharp pain behind my left eye and it would often awaken me; I do not do doctors well and when the pain was not happening, I was not concerned; the last week of July I came in from the garden with a complaint that I had either been stung or had a thorn in my forehead; there was the tiniest, pin head size, red dot over my left eye; it became day and night annoying but the leg/back pain disappeared;the red dot never changed size UNTIL, the end of the week when I was on a train heading to my daughters home; I suddenly had a welt and thought whatever bit and left a stinger has finally surfaced, by the next day there were many welts by Monday I was at the doctors and he stated quite simply, "My name is and you have shingles"; he started me on Famvir and by the second day my eye was completely shut, I was in a lot of pain and the doctor invited me back to his office and immediately sent me to an opthamologist who refused to dilate my eye because he discovered with a minimal examination that I had something called closed angles and needed fairly immediate surgery which I have since had; the leg pain/back pain have returned and now I wonder if this is shingles dormant; the face welts are much less obvious and the remaining discomfort is more that of crawling that occurs in very specific locations of 1/4 of my face usually at night and more often than not when I am lying in a specific way. I cannot help but wonder if shingles can be diagnosed and treated prior to the rash onset and, I guess that is what I am trying to find out. Presenting this to a doctor would get me several visits to several specialists who basically would not listen to this question. ANY COMMENTS?

Karen Tina Sheskin's picture

shingles tea

my friend is suffering from shingles. If someone has the tea recipe, I would appreciate it. Thanks.

karmen's picture

tea recipe

my father is suffering from the pain, may i have the recipe for the tea.
thank you

Karen 's picture



My Mom has been suffereing from shingles for 7 weeks. Did you ever get that tea recipe. If so, can you send it to me? Any other helpful remedies?
Thank you.

Anonymous's picture

please some one tell me

please some one tell me about remedies that help relieve pain my husband is in great great pain

John Briganti's picture


My mother is in great pain from shingles. Did you find anything that helped your husband?



sabrina's picture

shingles pain

My 84 year old mother developed shingles for the second time in March 07. She has had PHN since then and is in great pain. Has anyone found the recipe for the tea from Rob? Does anyone have some pain relief suggestions for us?

Lee Ashley's picture


I have had the shingles for over a month now and I'm still in pain and taking drug to help the pain does anyone know how to stop the pain and how long the pain last??
Also would it help to get the Shingle shot to help pervent shingle from coming back???
And last if my wife has never had the Chicken Pot should she get the Shingle shot also???
We are both over 65 year old.
I would appreciate any and all the information I can get.
Thank You

erica's picture

Hi could i have the recipe

Hi could i have the recipe for the tea my 82 year young grandmother has shingles for a second time in ten years.

Chuck Gorman's picture

Herbal Treatment for Shingles

I use a Gaia Herb brand combination of St. John's Wort and Skullcap orally and topically for shingles and it helps greatly. I also use anti viral acyclovir. Applying an ice pack or being in a cold environment also helps relieve the nerve pain for me.

Milo's picture


Thanks for the great article. I would be interested in learning more about the above mentioned tea.

Anonymous's picture



Patrice's picture

Tea Recipe or name?

I really thought the article was wonderful and full of information. I would like to find out what this famous tea is called that Rob's grandmother used. Any ideas how to make it or a name to purchse it?

Thanks Patrice

Susan's picture

Tea for shingle pain relief

Did you receive the tea recipe for shingles relief? My husband is in great pain following 5 weeks of shingles. Thanks very much.

OME's picture

Thank you, this tea is

Thank you, this tea is something that I'm trying to find for many years...

Anonymous's picture


do you have the recipe for the tea. If so please can you give it to me. My mom has shingles and does nother but cry. Please let me know the recipe.

Seeking a Shingles Cure's picture


This is one of the best articles that I have found for shingles. Thanks for helping me learn more about it!

Anonymous's picture


I'd like to know more about the tea that Rob's grandmother taught him. I'm suspecting I have a mild case of shingles.

Anonymous's picture

Tea Recipe

Please send me the tea recipe. My husband just found out he has shingles and has been in pain for several weeks. We are trying to find more natural cures than just taking drugs.


Anonymous's picture

Tea recipe

My son, age 22, has just been diagnosised with shingles but he was too late for medicine. I thought that the tea may help him, if someone could send me the recipe.


Anonymous's picture

please advise the name of

please advise the name of the tea you purchased to help with relief of the shingles

Ann Mulcahy's picture

Shingles tea

I'm looking for the tea recipe for shingles. Thank you.